Pursuit Of Women

Running clubs - You can go along free for a few times to try it out - then you would need to join, but it costs about the same for a year as it does for a month in the gym. Yes once or twice a week everyone will go a for a run together - normally split into groups depending upon pace. You may or may not have lots of fit women at your particular club - but the chances are pretty good imo.

Thats the thing with this indirect "activity" approach - you dont know until you try it who's there!
& if there's no decent sheila's there, you can be sure i'd soon kick the habit!
Remember the movie "Notting Hill " ?

Didn't Rhys Ifans wear a T-shirt with "Fancy a f**k ? " written across the back ?

That sort of thing might help JT, together with the pick-up lines I have already mentioned.
But if there are some decent women there then you will get three benefits. The women,increased fitness, savings on gym membership. Sounds like good risk/reward to me.
Christ, why would you want a decent woman ?

Indecent is much more advisable for quick results.
I found climbing to be full of hot chicks. Snag is that it's full of very fit, muscley guys.
But if there are some decent women there then you will get three benefits. The women,increased fitness, savings on gym membership. Sounds like good risk/reward to me.


thinking about it, outside of germany at least, a gym is a fairly poor place to meet people.

Its crowded, a confined space, people feel self conscious, are busy posing, don't want to lok like a twa* etc. Fit birds or not, its not the easiest of places to meet & strike up conversation. A lot easier if its in one of the classes, but i'd personally feel a bit of a twa* going to eg. a dance aerobics class just cos it had some fit sheilas in it! (& it would seem fairly obvious why i was there!)
.. but speed dating is not a bad idea. But thing i dislike about it though is it is organised by age category.
EG men age 30-38, women age 28-36.
tbh I dont want to meet a 30+ sheila. I prefer them a bit younger to that.

EDIT - having said that this one has fairly broad age ranges like 23-35, 25-35 & 20's & 30's - events.
UK Speed Dating Events. List of UK speeddating events.
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For women to be attracted to you, it's better to be with one already. Then they know you've been sussed out. Works the other way round for the girls too.
So get a lady friend to accompany wherever you decide to go, you just as a friend, and you'll up your chances, and hers.

When you're hot you're hot, and when you're not, you're not.

Also remember the good old tips :-
- If you get 3 glances from the same lady, you're in.
- Watch the body language when she looks at you, especially if she moves her hair about.
- Which way are her feet pointing ? (Tells you where she wants to go next).
- Women hate to be ignored, and if they are hot they get curious about why you aren't showing interest - and then they get interested in you.

If you're worried about being 30, don't. I didn't settle down until I was 40.
As my Dad used to say, when you meet the right one, you'll know.

Also remember the good old tips :-
- If you get 3 glances from the same lady, you're in.
- Watch the body language when she looks at you, especially if she moves her hair about.
- Which way are her feet pointing ? (Tells you where she wants to go next).
- Women hate to be ignored, and if they are hot they get curious about why you aren't showing interest - and then they get interested in you.


YouTube - Could Well Be In - The Streets
Re: Speed-dating

"It's like sex with an interview", KillPhil08

(credit him with the joke)
speed dating. it's got to be the way to do it, purely from a statistical point of view.
Jt, I suggest going to a bookstore early friday evening 5-7 p.m.
Not a grocery store, not a library, but a bookstore.

Look for the women who are over/under dressed for the occasion and start up a conversation, then ask them out that night.

Stay away from the 'empowering' places e.g. Pilates, yoga, reiki. I usually find these types of people having way to much to prove at the expence of others and do to there own insecurites. There's nothing they'd like more than to show you up, show you who is in charge.
They don't care if they're 35 single and no children, they have something to prove to men. That they will not be dominated.
You want to stay away from bitter people, expecially people that are bitter towards you, that have never meet you.

JT, if your a nice, attractive, well mannered person and say hello to someone in close quarters and they can't say hello back do to there own Bitterness,

,,they have problems and you might as well tell them to Fck off. You shouldn't have to suffer do to someone's un-acceptance of nature.
Jt, I suggest going to a bookstore early friday evening 5-7 p.m.
Not a grocery store, not a library, but a bookstore.

Look for the women who are over/under dressed for the occasion and start up a conversation, then ask them out that night.

Stay away from the 'empowering' places e.g. Pilates, yoga, reiki. I usually find these types of people having way to much to prove at the expence of others and do to there own insecurites. There's nothing they'd like more than to show you up, show you who is in charge.
They don't care if they're 35 single and no children, they have something to prove to men. That they will not be dominated.
You want to stay away from bitter people, expecially people that are bitter towards you, that have never meet you.

JT, if your a nice, attractive, well mannered person and say hello to someone in close quarters and they can't say hello back do to there own Bitterness,

,,they have problems and you might as well tell them to Fck off. You shouldn't have to suffer do to someone's un-acceptance of nature.


Seriously? All the women in "empowering" places are friendly to talk to. Bear in mind my other "business" is in that industry so I know a hell of a lot of massage therapists, aromatherapists, reiki healers, yoga practitioners... yes, I'm surprised I am not getting "it" every night. 😛

Of course, if you mix with such people and tell them you're a trader and like to break the economy, you can only expect the worst from them.

As for bookstores, tell me more. I take it hanging out in the alternative medicine section is not on, then...
what with all those tantric women throwing themselves at yourself Shadow, what on earth do you use for contraception? Your personality?
