Pursuit Of Women

Let me explain.

In the light of the current economic conditions, I think it's good to learn how to become as self sufficient as possible. Therefore, cooking and gardening are particularly useful life skills in their own right.

Similarly, the other activities are good for de-stressing and relaxation in their own right.

It is of benefit for JT that women are interested in learning about these life skills and activities.

But we're not debating on the usefulness. You're suggesting he does things that he may not enjoy purely to pick up women. I don't like this approach. The woman he meets may think he enjoys those things and expect him to do more. Then what?
Internet dating girls: single, attractive, mentally stable... pick any two.
Excellent 🙂

JT - I'd advise just following your own interests without any Grand Plan and something or someone will happen eventually. Anything else is desperate and contrived. It helps if your interests aren't exclusively male of course.
Of course, you can circumvent all of this dating and marriage nonsense JT and simply find some woman that you don't like and buy her a house....thus cutting out all the nastiness in the middle 🙂

If you want "women" come stay with me for a week or two... there are plenty of pretty young money grabbing ladies here in Thailand... fill your boots, you may never be lonely again :clap:
Of course, you can circumvent all of this dating and marriage nonsense JT and simply find some woman that you don't like and buy her a house....thus cutting out all the nastiness in the middle 🙂

ahh, this reminds me of the quip a friend recently made when looking for partners, or rather, stopped looking.

Whenever you meet a woman, ask yourself "Is this the woman you want to give half your home to in 3 years time?".

JT: cant you just a buy Ms Perfect from russianbrides.com? :cheesy:
(see terms and conditions, and warranties and returns policy)

EDIT: just checked. the site actually exists!!
Jtrader, maybe you and Spanish could meet up on the weekend and go out cruising for birds together.

Just an idea :idea:

J, if you don't want to do it during the day in Starbucks / on the street etc, then do it at night in bars and clubs where everybody is A: open to the idea of someone coming up and talking to them, seeing, being seen and meeting new people is the only reason why bars and clubs exist after all, and, B: alcohol has nicely mellow-yellowed everyone, and, C: YES, go out alone, far better chances of meeting a girl than if you're with a group, unless you're all into the same thing, and don't have (t)wits with you that honestly believe that barely managing to get out, "Hey, you've got great tits", is a perfectly adequate, feasible and sufficient pick-up option.

Personally I think you should take a week off every now and again and go and travel somewhere interesting. Nothing like a new environment to meet new people.
Personally I think you should take a week off every now and again and go and travel somewhere interesting. Nothing like a new environment to meet new people.

True. But then if they're from timbuctoo & you're from tiperrary there might be a longer term logistics problem.
Oh and sod the gym. Take up running - join your local running club and also start doing races. Lots of fit women and it's easy to start talking to them.
J, if you don't want to do it during the day in Starbucks / on the street etc, then do it at night in bars and clubs where everybody is A: open to the idea of someone coming up and talking to them, seeing, being seen and meeting new people is the only reason why bars and clubs exist after all, and, B: alcohol has nicely mellow-yellowed everyone, and, C: YES, go out alone, far better chances of meeting a girl than if you're with a group, unless you're all into the same thing, and don't have (t)wits with you that honestly believe that barely managing to get out, "Hey, you've got great tits", is a perfectly adequate, feasible and sufficient pick-up option.


"Hi, you've got great tits..."
"I beg your pardon!?"
"I said, they're playing great hits!"
Oh and sod the gym. Take up running - join your local running club and also start doing races. Lots of fit women and it's easy to start talking to them.

German gyms sound better. Less inhibited 😉.

Didn't realise running clubs were where all the young lassies hung oot! how r they run? does anyone just turn up on the night and basically all the members go for a run?

Who's in charge?


tbh this sounds a bit indirect an approach for my liking. Maybe I'm a bit more desperate than to have the time/patience luxury to start running half marathons 😆
and like shadowninja says, if u do something u dont enjoy just to meet sheila, she may expect u to carry on with it & like it.
Gi me a ball to chase & i'm like a red-setter, (or used to be)....Running for the sake of running though - sounds like torture!
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Running clubs - You can go along free for a few times to try it out - then you would need to join, but it costs about the same for a year as it does for a month in the gym. Yes once or twice a week everyone will go a for a run together - normally split into groups depending upon pace. You may or may not have lots of fit women at your particular club - but the chances are pretty good imo.
Or maybe this one if you want to whisk her away quickly................

Hey, somebody farted. Let's get out of here.