Bodybuilding/Losing Fat/Get fit/ look too damn sexy thread

Gym jiu jitsu and (recently) muay thai like clockwork every week. I had a bit of stubborn belly fat and was 19/20%BF but am down to about 15 now from changing diet and the aforementioned workouts with a target of 13%.

Here is some stuff if you want to attck it head on. My cousin is a competition bodybuilder with a PhD in sports science so he just gives me all the info I need 🙂

FYI when you've built up your fitness a bit, have a look for an MMA workout. They are the dogs. They're all like sprint 100m then jog back to starting point, 10 press ups, sit up, star jumps, sprawls, then 1 min rest and then go again. Brutal.

Also look at BJJ animal walking exercises and mountain climbers. You can do those at home 🙂


If you're looking at that tabata/HIIT, just remember that if anyone has asthma as I do it can be quite dangerous and it will almost certainly provoke an attack. Ciao.
Gym jiu jitsu and (recently) muay thai like clockwork every week. I had a bit of stubborn belly fat and was 19/20%BF but am down to about 15 now from changing diet and the aforementioned workouts with a target of 13%.

Here is some stuff if you want to attck it head on. My cousin is a competition bodybuilder with a PhD in sports science so he just gives me all the info I need 🙂

FYI when you've built up your fitness a bit, have a look for an MMA workout. They are the dogs. They're all like sprint 100m then jog back to starting point, 10 press ups, sit up, star jumps, sprawls, then 1 min rest and then go again. Brutal.

Also look at BJJ animal walking exercises and mountain climbers. You can do those at home 🙂
Ive just started to do some BBJ, (Not classes, spar and learn from a BJJ obsessed friend). Even when you look at it from just an exercise point of view its a crazy workout! With the added bonus of knowing how to put someone to sleep, if ever the need should arise. 😛
Ive just started to do some BBJ, (Not classes, spar and learn from a BJJ obsessed friend). Even when you look at it from just an exercise point of view its a crazy workout! With the added bonus of knowing how to put someone to sleep, if ever the need should arise. 😛

I do japanese jiu jitsu myself. Brazilians spend too much time humping for my liking.

Nah they don't do BJJ near mine but it's good stuff. S'all the same innit.
It wasn't intended to be harsh, and apols if it comes across that way. The statement "its diet that gets the fat off" is excluding 2 other v important ways of getting fat off, and thus its misleading. Also dieting rarely works for the majority of people in isolation.

It is a common misconception to only concentrate on cardio and diet when trying to lose weight, but a more holistic approach is much better balance ie also building up a little muscle mass.

I did not take that in the wrong way ,mate, no problem. It does seem to me that I take a simplistic way of doing gym, compared to what I am reading here!

Nevertheless, take into consideration my age. I do not want a lot of muscle, I need to make sure that joints work and the heart gets exercise. Losing weight, I found, was best achieved by watching what I eat. Reduced calorie intake makes sense, rather than sweating it off. When I think that a Weetabix consists of 80 odd calories and I have to work for several minutes to get that off, I'd rather do it the easy way!
I did not take that in the wrong way ,mate, no problem. It does seem to me that I take a simplistic way of doing gym, compared to what I am reading here!

Nevertheless, take into consideration my age. I do not want a lot of muscle, I need to make sure that joints work and the heart gets exercise. Losing weight, I found, was best achieved by watching what I eat. Reduced calorie intake makes sense, rather than sweating it off. When I think that a Weetabix consists of 80 odd calories and I have to work for several minutes to get that off, I'd rather do it the easy way!

Ha agree. Didn't know cereal had so much sugar/salt in til few years ago. I used to put sugar on my frosties when younger, but that was when always burning more than I ate no matter how much.

RE - interesting post about tabata, not heard of that before, will take a look.
I do japanese jiu jitsu myself. Brazilians spend too much time humping for my liking.

Nah they don't do BJJ near mine but it's good stuff. S'all the same innit.

I assume that by japanese JJ you mean under WJJF ?

i used to do WJJF under Sensei Tony Seong when I lived in London, four or five times a week (a couple of times p.w. as a student once I reached black, and a couple of times p.w. assisting Tony in the coaching, which was brilliant fun)

Travelled up to WJJF HQ at Fazakerly every month
Nah I do it with an independent doing traditional ju and weapons stuff. I'm looking at a professional fight school now though for a no gi class as my monster cousin named above knows the guy who owns it. I think no gi will definitely separate the wheat from the chaff in terms of what is battle tested and applicable and what is still taught in the conceptual and historical context. I'd rather concentrate on application now which is why I started muay thai to have a look at their strikes in comparison to the standard geri type power/push stuff and technical pressure point strikes you get in the japanese. It's a real change of pace especially in terms of footwork. I'd advise it a go anyway. Far less technical but very efficient and powerful. It's like the flip side of the coin.
yep they have 4 MT rings right next to where i play squash, literally just inches away.
when i get fit enough again I plan to start
I'm not in the ring yet, me. Padwork mate. Gotta toughen the shins up first which takes years I'm told. I caught a shin/shin moment a few weeks ago and it was an ab-sol-ute nightmare. Plus you have to act as though it doesn't hurt of you look like a fanny in front the rest of them lol.
Hey guys,

anyone of you going regularly to the gym ?

I've just started going to the gym again (have gained a lot of pounds/kg over the last 2-3 years, and want to lose that belly fat and get ripped !!!!! )

Currenlty I'm going through a lifestyle change, including eating healthy, going to the gym regularly and sleeping more. Going 3 times a week, but want to turn it up to 4 times/week starting from August.

Any other gym goers ?

Yes, I have been going to the gym regularly since I was 16. In the early days it was more about looking good on the beach so I did more weightlifting/bodybuilding rather than aerobic exercise. Now it is all about keeping fit and staying in shape so I do a combination of weight training and aerobic exercises, usually the cross-trainer which is my favourite.

I have never really had a weight problem in my life, instead, I seem to have trouble keeping weight on than losing it. Most people put on weight as they get older whereas I was heavier when I was younger and seriously into body building although I never used steroids like most of my friends did. There is a gym in the building where I rent my flat which makes it convenient. I train on average 5 days/week.
I do japanese jiu jitsu myself. Brazilians spend too much time humping for my liking.

Nah they don't do BJJ near mine but it's good stuff. S'all the same innit.
Haha yeah i know what you mean. Was a bit "errrr" in the first few minutes but for some reason that takes a back seat when your struggling not to get your **** kicked. 😆
Like you say its all good, as far as i can see each MA has its strengths and weaknesses etc
Since last September I've started cycling into work again - 9m each way. First ride took 1hr 20m. Now average ride varies between 40-50min each way. The other day I got home in 36 minutes. I cycle 5 x a week and usually in the weekends too for leisure or chores. I'm working up to cycling to Brighton from London.

I still have a belly I can't shift. Cycling is too easy so I'm trying to push it with increase in speed and hopefully burn more fat.

Also used to get pain in the knees but not any more. Legs and upper body feels great. Muscle strength reduces pains in the joints.

Need to remember the rheumatoid arthritis attacks the body when it is at rest. That's why people feel very stiff in the mornings. Activity and physical work is the way if you want to lead a healthy long life.

Re: Food - I'm a non stop eating machine. As Paul McKenna advised; I eat what I want, when I want, as much as I want - as long as I stop when full.

I never liked gyms to be honest. Better off scrubbing the toilet and bath and doing physical house work - more useful. Prefer to be out doors walking or jogging at a brisk pace. ie Walk to the supermarket and carry the bags back.

I'd change my mind if my gym was like this but sadly it is not !

Eric Prydz - Call On Me - YouTube

Cycling is good exercise in most ways, but is known to produce pot bellies and bad backs.
btw, If a gym like that existed they'd be able to charge ten times as much for membership, and the prices are already a rip-off.🙂
I never liked gyms to be honest. Better off scrubbing the toilet and bath and doing physical house work - more useful. Prefer to be out doors walking or jogging at a brisk pace. ie Walk to the supermarket and carry the bags back.

I'd change my mind if my gym was like this but sadly it is not !

Eric Prydz - Call On Me - YouTube

I don't think that walking exercises everything. A gym has a machine for every kind of contortion you can dream up and there's a shave and shower afterwards. Mine works out at just over a euro per day, that's why I go at a fairly unpopular time, 0700, although lots office guys find it convenient, too.
Cycling is good exercise in most ways, but is known to produce pot bellies and bad backs.
btw, If a gym like that existed they'd be able to charge ten times as much for membership, and the prices are already a rip-off.🙂

Not sure I would agree that cycling produces pot bellies.

If you mean it is not best for toning that area compared with say swimming or running I would agree as it is not great for the upper body but as it burns calories like any excersise I would of thought it still helps reduce fat from all areas including the belly.
Not sure I would agree that cycling produces pot bellies.

If you mean it is not best for toning that area compared with say swimming or running I would agree as it is not great for the upper body but as it burns calories like any excersise I would of thought it still helps reduce fat from all areas including the belly.

I think it's more to do with the effects of being bent forwards for hours a day than fat burning. Just look at a few older ex-pro cyclists for evidence!