ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

Notice on the information for Kevin Clarke that the listed phone number is for directory assistance?
She addresses him on the Elevation Group FB page (see the last screenshot I posted) on the issue of people's credit cards being double charged during the ProphetMax promotion.

I do not have any recordings of her webinars but other victims can confirm it here or even get some recordings for you.

I recall her telling us the story of how she met Senen, the great love of her life.
Why doesn't this "victim" refund the hefty 2K membership fees he charged for introducing people to a fraud?

Because he gave a lot of it to Robert Hirsch and Mike Dillard of elevation group who are using Senen's own scam money to sue him. how generous... I have forwarded this thread to the Salty Droid and I encourage everyone else here to do the same. This would be the straw that broke the camel's back for the elevation group as the droid now garners main stream attention and would have a field day with this.
I saw a person with the nickname "SaltyDroid" browsing this forum yesterday and watched his wonderful movie "Scamworld" exposing Robert Hirsch of the Elevation Group:

Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' mutates into an unstoppable monster - YouTube

What's this guy's plan? Can he really draw some mainstream media attention to this? If he makes another movie for his own website, it will largely go unnoticed.

The Salty Droid did not make that video, he was interviewed in it. He is already familiar with Dillard:
I just don't know if he is aware of this new chapter involving Robert Hirsch and Senen Pousa.
Mike Dillard deserves what he gets. He's played fast and lose with the truth for too many years, and now this is SERIOUS BUSINESS that he's gotten himself into. Note that the law team he has working on this deals with keeping the SEC from jailing their clients. Dillard knows that he's screwed not only his clients, but himself this time.
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It's a pathetic story of how one conman trusted another with his life and both got stuffed in the end.

I can see it now, "Today on Lifetime, The Senen Pousa Story". Also starring Kevin Clarke, Mike Dillard, Robert Hirsch and special guest appearance by Joel Friant.
With a sequel: "A Managed Comeback: Retaliation". Plot summary: a ghetto bubba invests his honcho's money with an online fraud on promises to double it but loses it all. While doing time, he finds himself in the same cell with the scheme's perpetrator...

From musictogolf {EVG member PM scammed member etc} On another topic - anybody know why Mike / ElevationGroup stopped people from posting comments July 2nd early am. Tried to submit and it looks like there's no access anymore. Long vacation or another conspiracy situation?
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From musictogolf {EVG member PM scammed member etc} On another topic - anybody know why Mike / ElevationGroup stopped people from posting comments July 2nd early am. Tried to submit and it looks like there's no access anymore. Long vacation or another conspiracy situation?

Interesting...I noticed no more new comments but hadn't tried to post myself. Makes you wonder. His lawyers may be behind it.
hi all ::

great job here ... I read every word.

here comes me ... you didn't think I was gonna miss this did you Mikey D-bag? I was just waiting until you dug yourself in way too deep.

I'd appreciate copies of the original sales webinar with Dillard, and the BS excuses/blame-the-victim follow up webinars.

[email protected]

I'm going to set up basecamp and dropbox to better organize all the victims brave enough to admit they've been totally played. So start introducing yourselves to me privately. And under no circumstances should anyone join Mike Dillard's suit ... or divulge any further info to him. Cancel you EVG memberships RIGHT NOW.

PS :: Prison rape is a serious social and civil rights problem in America. Jokes about bad guys getting theirs in that way trivialize the victims of the problem. Rape is not an appropriate punishment for a civil and moral society to inflict on anyone ... no matter the crime ... so give it a rest already.
IB Capital has just emailed me copies of my emails to IIC and their responses. IB Capital and IIC are not just two independent companies in two different countries. These companies accuse one another of wrongdoing and IIC is actively soliciting funds for a class action against IB Capital. I wonder how did IB Capital come in possession of my correspondence with IIC?

There are clowns and then there are CLOWNS.
hi all ::

great job here

PS :: Prison rape is a serious social and civil rights problem in America. Jokes about bad guys getting theirs in that way trivialize the victims of the problem. Rape is not an appropriate punishment for a civil and moral society to inflict on anyone ... no matter the crime ... so give it a rest already. QUOTE]

thank you it was getting old
The house was a rental for $400 per week - they did not own it...
My guess - Senen is in Atlanta where his lawyers are based
Strange he did not employ Australian lawyers.
either way SENEN - there is no place to hide
BTW - no notification re webinars this week....

very strange - what about all those acres he talked about in the seminar and raising horses, buying a new horse, etc on their grounds?