ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

Your post brought up a memory. I think Senen said that the other side of the trade was "the big banks". Something to that effect. And it was either said on the EVG webinar, or very shortly in one of the gatherings after signup. Does anyone else remember?
If I am right, how does this fit into the scenario if at all? And I'm not defending Senen here, just trying to understand how the forex trading works.
Your post brought up a memory. I think Senen said that the other side of the trade was "the big banks". Something to that effect. And it was either said on the EVG webinar, or very shortly in one of the gatherings after signup. Does anyone else remember?
If I am right, how does this fit into the scenario if at all? And I'm not defending Senen here, just trying to understand how the forex trading works.

Yes this is one of the major misleading statements made by Senen. If you have a read through the IB Capital disclosure docs and account agreement, IB Capital clearly state they are a market maker, and will be counter party to client trades (or more precisely, their liquidity provider will be). IB Capital are just the front performing marketing, customer support, and treasury functions.

Nothing esoteric about this one, just a plain ol' retail bucket shop.....

If you are serious about making a few dollars out of FX you trade with an ECN or the E-Micros on CME. My wife has a saying, "you can't polish a turd". I will often quip back with, "yes, but you can roll one in sprinkles". That's exactly what Senen did here for you guys. He cobbled together 3 or 4 pieces of dog $hit he found while our walking one morning, covered them in hundreds and thousands, and served them up to you guys as Willie Wonka's latest confectionery.
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I think is your best bet. Laura's Dad is sure to use his powerful lawyers to shut this thread down if you upset him. Thus ending this ongoing online investigation.
I suggest making a concise email with the most pertinent tips and including Tom Curley/President of Associated Press as the lead in. Don't make him work too hard to understand or get facts on this. Stick to facts and leave the emotion out of it.

Oh, and do this fast before this is shut down.
I think is your best bet. Laura's Dad is sure to use his powerful lawyers to shut this thread down if you upset him. Thus ending this ongoing online investigation.

good call, well they were egged on to do it, if they've actually gone and done it then the damage may already be done. i'd advise sticking to the scammers only, leave out the wider family members.
I wonder if Tom Curley as a public figure is aware of his daughter's practices and approves of them?

well maybe, maybe not, we don't know. a father will side with and protect his daughter no matter what. and it doesn't seem right to drag into discussions wider family members that highly likely have nothing to do with happened. the thread really shouldn't be going down this road imo, just saying 🙂
Maybe Laura Curley should have considered that before she was part of a scheme to make people lose millions of dollars and ruin people's lives. Her family name and her father being mentioned in the story is fair in reporting on this.
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I wonder if Tom Curley as a public figure is aware of his daughter's practices and approves of them?

I do hope "our" Laura Curley is not a namesake of Tom Curley's daughter... did you see evidence in her Facebook account that "Laura Curley" is related to ProphetMax in any way ?


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Maybe Laura Curley should have considered that before she was part of a scheme to make people lose millions of dollars and ruin people's lives. Her family name and her father being mentioned in the story is fair in reporting on this.

I havnt followed it closely enough, what exactly did she do?

It would be very easy to contact AP through twitter but if all she did was mention it on Facebook then its probably a waste of time.
I might sound old-fashioned but I don't use Twitter. If you have a Twitter account and know how to spread info there, give it a try.

But what was her part in it all? What facts back up your view? I ask because I simply havnt followed this as closely as you have lately.
She is Senen Pousa's closest aide in the ProphetMax scheme running webinars with him.

You have proof that you can show me, like a recording, does she mention on FB that she is working with him? Any further information?
OK I see it on FB, anything apart from that?


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Laura is responsible for Level 1 webinars at IIC. She teaches members technical analysis and forex and stock market trading.