ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

And ask them to prove they invested 100k a piece with timing and documentation. From what I hear from my girls in Austin... they didn't invest **** until the **** hit the fan... Ask for documents

Them saying they were investing $100k each (which exceeded the commisions they were earning from Senen supposedly) was the primary reason I invested and did not do as much due diligence as I normally would.
It's possible, but "spirituality" doesn't apply to me; plus, I joined in November 2011. Must have received an e-mail from Dillard or an e-mail introducing Dillard - too long ago. Trouble with me is that I made the decision without discussing it with anyone. A very expensive mistake.

Actually the promotion/affiliate launch for EVG (there were a LOT of affiliates involved) might have started in late November as well.

Here’s another guy who promoted Mike Dillard and the Elevation Group- From Zero To Trusted Authority - How Mike Dillard Did It | SimpleWealth. Beforehand, Greg Habstritt was looked at as a very credible and authentic entrepreneur, and he even had the Dalai Lama and Sir Richard Branson speak at his event (link- Engage Today 2009 Highlights - YouTube)

However, what’s going to happen to his reputation after this whole scandal? I actually signed up for The Elevation Group via Greg. Interestingly enough, Greg made a video about ProphetMax back in March (some time after everybody signed up for it February) saying that he wasn’t going to invest in ProphetMax because it looked “fishy”. He only sent it those who signed up for EVG via him privately. I think that video was to save his a**…

But the question is: What’s going to happen to all of those affiliates of Mike Dillard (such as Greg of SimpleWealth and Darius of YouWealth Revolution) who promoted him and the EVG right before they introduced Senen? Those affiliates DID receive commissions for their referrals, probably 50%. Is it possible for them to get in trouble to?

I’m sick and tired of all of these so-called “credible” sources on the Internet getting greedy and promoting other people without doing their due diligence, just because they want to make a quick buck off the promotion.
What government agencies have you filed your complaints with? Whose names did you mention in those complaints?

The ones you listed but I didn't mention any affiliates because I don't legally know what they're liable for. I mentioned Senen, Mike, Joel, Robert, Kevin, Laura, and Liam Dunne from IB Capital.
We represent Prophet Max Prophetmax
They obviously also think PM is a service and not an area of a website as claimed by His Smoothieness
Actually the promotion/affiliate launch for EVG (there were a LOT of affiliates involved) might have started in late November as well.

Here’s another guy who promoted Mike Dillard and the Elevation Group- From Zero To Trusted Authority - How Mike Dillard Did It | SimpleWealth. Beforehand, Greg Habstritt was looked at as a very credible and authentic entrepreneur, and he even had the Dalai Lama and Sir Richard Branson speak at his event (link- Engage Today 2009 Highlights - YouTube)

However, what’s going to happen to his reputation after this whole scandal? I actually signed up for The Elevation Group via Greg. Interestingly enough, Greg made a video about ProphetMax back in March (some time after everybody signed up for it February) saying that he wasn’t going to invest in ProphetMax because it looked “fishy”. He only sent it those who signed up for EVG via him privately. I think that video was to save his a**…

But the question is: What’s going to happen to all of those affiliates of Mike Dillard (such as Greg of SimpleWealth and Darius of YouWealth Revolution) who promoted him and the EVG right before they introduced Senen? Those affiliates DID receive commissions for their referrals, probably 50%. Is it possible for them to get in trouble to?

I’m sick and tired of all of these so-called “credible” sources on the Internet getting greedy and promoting other people without doing their due diligence, just because they want to make a quick buck off the promotion.

I think Dillard's reputation with these other affiliates will be quite radioactive. You can bet that each of those affiliates also were referred to or found out about this thread and the actions being discussed both here and at the Facebook ProphetMax Review page and ProphetMax Review Blog. This thread has evolved into some specific and useful advice and that's why Mike Dillard lawyered up with someone that specializes in keeping their clients out of trouble with the SEC.

Mike Dillard may have gotten his affiliates in trouble too, since introducing broker fees seem to have been plentiful among the affiliates. If I were his affiliates I'd be talking to a lawyer.
Interestingly enough, Greg made a video about ProphetMax back in March (some time after everybody signed up for it February) saying that he wasn’t going to invest in ProphetMax because it looked “fishy”. He only sent it those who signed up for EVG via him privately. I think that video was to save his a**…

Can someone post Greg's cautionary video here or on YouTube (post link here)? I'm sure Greg wouldn't mind it since it will not make him look bad, but actually good (ass covering or not).
We represent Prophet Max Prophetmax
They obviously also think PM is a service and not an area of a website as claimed by His Smoothieness

an interesting link

the form is no more than a sniff around as to how much you are worth. add to the fact you've all been complete mugs, and everyone knows it. as such you'll get lots of these "offers" and for a fee.

i wonder who they really working for?

One of the most important services we provide our business clients is to help them incorporate litigation avoidance strategies into their business planning. Regardless of an organization's size or prominence, legal problems affecting financial status and reputation require practical solutions. We view our clients' legal problems as our business problems, and work aggressively, creatively and quickly to solve them.

you'd likely be paying them to help their client, not much different to you lot paying fees to dillard and pousa to be sold investments and life insurances etc.

We represent Prophet Max Prophetmax
They obviously also think PM is a service and not an area of a website as claimed by His Smoothieness

Something's not right there. That link takes you to a page with a different domain from the law firms usual domain name Marchman, Kasraie & Fodor - About Us - 678-904-0085 - Atlanta Business Lawyers & Attorneys.

The law firm is in Atlanta, Georgia.

The domain name in this link is registered to Lyndon Wright of Cambridge, UK. It was registered on 31 January 2012. Wright is a Director of this company Internet Marketing Consultant Cambridgeshire

Wright is an internet marketing 'expert'. Starting to sound familiar?

Something's not right there. That link takes you to a page with a different domain from the law firms usual domain name Marchman, Kasraie & Fodor - About Us - 678-904-0085 - Atlanta Business Lawyers & Attorneys.

The law firm is in Atlanta, Georgia.

The domain name in this link is registered to Lyndon Wright of Cambridge, UK. It was registered on 31 January 2012. Wright is a Director of this company Internet Marketing Consultant Cambridgeshire

Wright is an internet marketing 'expert'. Starting to sound familiar?


The telephone number is also different between the UK registered website and the US one.
evg and pm members have proven easy targets for scam marketing previously. there's a large mass market of needy chumps ready for the taking in dillards and pousas contact list. i like their opportunistic style, and i guess you can't blame them for trying it on. easy money (y)
OK for the benefit of those unfamiliar with this type of thing here is what I think is going on, as yet unconfirmed but looks extremely suspicious.

1. They have picked a law firm that fits the correct profile, location etc. They have decided to use the name and branding of this firm.

2. They have bought a domain name which is very similar to that of the law firm mkflawllcmembers .com as opposed to mkflawllc .com, as you see they just added a word.

3. They have put up a one page website on the mkflawllcmembers domain but have created links back to the real website mkflawllc for all the other pages. For example go to mkflawllcmembers and click on news and it takes you to the mkflawllc website.

4. They have bought an Atlanta, Georgia Skype Online number which will be forwarded to a number in another location. They have published this on the web page rather than the genuine law firm number.

5. They are waiting for you to send them $450 each and then they'll have another good laugh at your expense.
OK for the benefit of those unfamiliar with this type of thing here is what I think is going on, as yet unconfirmed but looks extremely suspicious.

1. They have picked a law firm that fits the correct profile, location etc. They have decided to use the name and branding of this firm.

2. They have bought a domain name which is very similar to that of the law firm mkflawllcmembers .com as opposed to mkflawllc .com, as you see they just added a word.

3. They have put up a one page website on the mkflawllcmembers domain but have created links back to the real website mkflawllc for all the other pages. For example go to mkflawllcmembers and click on news and it takes you to the mkflawllc website.

4. They have bought an Atlanta, Georgia Skype Online number which will be forwarded to a number in another location. They have published this on the web page rather than the genuine law firm number.

5. They are waiting for you to send them $450 each and then they'll have another good laugh at your expense.

Great work PB,

Be interesting to forward that members link now to the real Attorney's and update them on the use of their good name to see what the response is.

This is indeed a fascinating thread. (y)
Great work PB,

Be interesting to forward that members link now to the real Attorney's and update them on the use of their good name to see what the response is.

This is indeed a fascinating thread. (y)

I've already e mailed them.
As posted on the EVG website by a member.
This is apparently a response from GFM

Mr. xxxx,

First of all, we are not digging any holes for ourself. Senen made up alot of very blatant lies and instructed people to complain directly to us rather than to him and it literally blew up our email and phone lines with people that are not even customers of ours and we are not obligated to even speak to them. This is the reason for any delays in getting back to you. We have been doing our best to reply as quickly as possible but he did this on purpose tocreate alot of extra work for us. You are not a customer of ours, you are a customer of Investment intelligence Corp, DBA Prophetmax as they are your introducing broker.

As far as the LPOA that you signed, the LPOA always gets made out to the Introducing broker and not the individual trader or traders that may be trading your account. For example, An IB may have 10 different people trading your account, the LPOA still gets made out to the IB. The IB is responsible to oversee anyone that may be trading your account. If there are ever any so called unauthorized trades placed, they are supposed to immediately report this to the clearing firm which is IB capital. No unauthorized trades were ever reported until well after the losing trading days at the end when we stopped trading on our own. Does that seem strange at all to you?

We have no control over any statements, guarantees, implied guarantees, etc. that Prophetmax may have told you. You need to discuss that with them directly as they were your introducing broker. We can not and are not going to discuss anything about your account since you are not our customer.

What I will tell you is that if you have not already done so, I suggest that you withdraw any remaining funds out of your account. From what I hear, Senen is telling people not to withdraw their funds and that is just more poor advice by him. If you do not like any specific wording at the bottom of the withdrawal form then just cross it out. I am pretty sure that will be ok with IB capital. They just need people to fill out the withdrawal form so that they have the correct banking info to wire the customer funds to as far as what I have been told by them.

Now also, From what I have heard, Senen is being investigated by the Australian Securities regulators (ASIC) for taking excessive upfront fees for giving investment advice and he was not licenced to do so. This again has nothing to do with us, but I would hate to see your funds frozen while Senen gets investigated by ASIC. I am not sure if this can happen, but I am also not sure that it can not happen. If I was you, I would get my money out of there as soon as possible.

The truth is, we were working with Senen amicably to try and figure out a legal solution to his problems with (ASIC) and out of nowhere, most likely due to some very poor advice from his attorney, he completely turned on us out of nowhere and tried to point the blame on us as well as everyone else he could think of EXCEPT him. We are not concerned with this because we know the truth and the truth will come out in time. Senen on the other hand has alot to worry about in my opinion, but I guess time will tell.

If I was you, I would also try and find a way to recover the membership fee that you have paid to Senen as well. Maybe a chargeback if you paid by credit card? Thats your call, but thats what I would do if it was me.

Senen is pointing the finger at everyone else in order to attempt to take the focus off of himself. In my opinion, he is a conman and a complete scumbag as far as our dealings with him. If Senen has you brainwashed like some of his members I have corresponded with, I really do feel bad for you and I sincerely hope that this email will help you to reconsider things.

I heard through the grapevine that Senen said that he lost alot of money in his trading account as well. Another blatant lie. Now, just to set the record straight, Senen never had a trading account himself or through any company that he owns, the only account he ever had was his account where he collected his percentage of the performance fees, and no there was never any agreement that his portion of the performance fees would go to charity, that was another blatant lie that he told everyone. Not just a lie, a very shameful lie at that. Don’t believe a word that he tells you otherwise.

Feel free to share this email if you are involved in any forums or any areas where people are discussing Senen, Investment Intelligence Corp and/or their registered trademark ” Prophetmax” about what happened. It seems as though there is alot of mis information floating around on the internet. There is alot of discussion on the website Trade2Win if you go to that website and do a search for Senen Pousa.

Now please don’t misunderstand me, we do feel very bad about any losses that you may have taken. We are currently looking for another clearing firm to work with and doing alot of testing. We want to make sure that we have systems in place where losses like this can not happen again and we will not begin trading again until we are comfortable with that. Once we find a suitable option, we will let everyone know. If people want us to trade their account then that is fine, if they don’t, that is fine as well. The purpose of this detailed reply was just to set the record straight with regards to Senen and the lies he is telling everyone in order to take the focus away from him.

Best Regards,


> Att: Kevin Clarke
without sofree's reply in yet, it would have to be assumed everyone who subscribed to pm got one? via email perhaps?

and you didn't get contacted for this? you are a member yes?

I did not receive this either, however I seem to recall a link in the PM members area that took one to this site for a $450 initial consultation about taxes or whatever other associated legal questions you might have.
I did not receive this either, however I seem to recall a link in the PM members area that took one to this site for a $450 initial consultation about taxes or whatever other associated legal questions you might have.

I just checked the PM site and cannot find this link, either it is gone, buried or it was posted in a 'gathering', don't recall exactly where but I have seen that page before.
I did not receive this either, however I seem to recall a link in the PM members area that took one to this site for a $450 initial consultation about taxes or whatever other associated legal questions you might have.

ok, that would be like it (y)

paypal payment going to a Marchman & Kasraie, LLC

the lawyers are named Marchman, Kasraie & Fodor, LLC

has anyone been stupid enough to part with further hard earned? to be nothing more than be scammed again? if you have then you've likely fallen for and been been done by bogus "automated marketing tools" that generate "hot prospects" or in other words, fools who are easily fleeced.