ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

Send a detailed email to the Associated Press at [email protected] pointing to this thread (in particular, to that post of mine) and asking for a coverage of this story. With a title something like "AP President's Daughter Involved in Online Financial Fraud?"

The more such emails we send, the more likely is their reaction. Also, if you have some contacts in the press, point them to it as well. Or just send the same email to your favorite newspaper and/or TV channel.

Just to be clear - Its Marsha Stanley - the mother and Tom Curley - the father? Not Stanley Curley...
Did anyone notice that the half-**** class action document that Dillard posted didn't have a case number and doesn't identify the district court in which it was supposedly filed? The first thing a filing gets is a case number, without it the paperwork can't be associated. This hasn't been filed!!!

i think you may be right, though i could be searching in the wrong department 🙂


none of the details on their doc search well. there's no filing in any of the names on that doc, as written, and on that filing date. if you just search for a dillard you get results, as there are a few dillards, but soon as you try narrow it down to filing date they disapear 😕
the only real person found on that doc (so far) is Amalia Rodriguez-Mendoza the district clerk. she can be found here District Clerk

note the link to maybe worth someone signing up to that? there's a free option of one search a day, that might be a way to find the truth. or someone phone her.
Yes, it's there:

OK so we know the filing's legit but that's not going to indemnify EVG from their part in this debacle. The FMA in New Zealand, ASIC in Australia and the CFTC in the US are now requesting written permission from people who have filed relevant complaints in any of those jurisdictions, to share that information and documentation between the various authorities and jurisdictions. They're gunning for all parties involved on multiple breaches.

Just saw Senen's class action survey/invitation ... :whistling
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Let's do some math. There could be as many as a few thousand victims of this scam. Let's say only two thousand. The investment minimum was 10K, so let's say those two thousand people invested only 10K each (although I'm sure many invested more). 2 000 x 10 000 = 20 000 000. Yes, that's 20 million bucks! More than enough for the authorities to take prompt and harsh action..

Senen said losses were $60 - $70M - which means total initial investment was around $105M
How he would know what losses were is beyond me unless he had the inside running. I did not disclose my wire transfer $$'s to Senen or IIC. It was only known by IB Cap.
Every time he opens his mouth the lies get more unbelievable. And he cant even lie consistently...contradicts himself all the time.
A good question to ask him.

That's actually good - he will hopefully make lots of these contradictory statements at the court interrogations which will allow to sentence him to a long prison term.

I would actually travel to see him in a courtroom cell. I would look him in his sociopathic eye, make sure he catches my glare, and would then yell out loud "YEEHAW!" even if I'm to be held in contempt of court thereafter.

This stuff is priceless. Is someone keeping a timeline of these events, communications, direct quotes from webinars etc that can then be furnished to the authorities to help them piece this debacle together?
This stuff is priceless. Is someone keeping a timeline of these events, communications, direct quotes from webinars etc that can then be furnished to the authorities to help them piece this debacle together?

all info will no doubt help them, though surely they've seen and cracked down hard on this kind of scam dozens of times, the various authorities will know exactly what's occurring here. all the scammers who sold it can't hide behind their lawyers claiming they themselves were scammed. as if any sane person believes that 😆

i can imagine the other authorities are wondering if nz government was asleep here, it appears on the surface that no real checking was ever done, and they would appear to just rubber stamp any old financial service entity that pops up there. i guess they'll all brush that side of things under the carpet :whistling
I don't believe so. His middle initial is 'N', not Anthony.

he could have changed it? several years has passed since being busted. and we don't want a little thing like a name difference getting in the way of things getting good here :cheesy:

but yes, you right of course.
ok that was indeed the way to go then, well done 👍

so is that him in 2008/9 getting the state of texas in his back? if so what was that about?

Nothing serious, dismissed anyway:
Possession of a Controlled Substance, Penalty Group #1, less than 1 Gram.
Penalty group 1 is the lightest offence. Odds are that this is a small marijuana bust.
Sent you a PM

Hi Sofree - can you send that info to me also, as I've not had much traction with the NZ FDR. My complaint to IB Capital has them pushing back about the trading party being at the total discretion of Introducing Broker (Prophetmax).
that's the difficult one, the authorities will no doubt be on to this and checking the paper trail to their liquidity provider. we can only guess.

my guess would be ib were acting like a bucketshop and were counterparty to all the trades. the clue to this is the unprecedented run of very large wins, gfm could have stopped trading at that point, they didn't! unprecedented overtrading and large losses wiping out those wins and some followed. they wouldn't want you cashing in on your account now would they. gfm are in it up to their necks here.

ib has the bulk of the money. how the booty will be split depends on who in this racket really owns ib.

What everyone may not understand is that the bucketshops like IB Capital (& their liquidity provider) do not make money if the client wins. Why didn't they stop trading after "an unprecedented run of very large wins"? Because at this point both IB Capital and their liquidity provider are out of pocket. They have lost what the clients have made.

Here's a plausible scenario that answers everyone's questions. It may or may not be what happened...

IB Cap go to a liquidity provider and create a white label partnership. They strike a deal that consists of .8 pip per round lot, and 50% of the client loses or profits. While this may sound unusual, you have to realise that the vast majority of traders consistently lose trading FX. Clients who consistently win get moved to another book and go on manual execution, or have their accounts closed. These guys make the money the client lose, the commission or spreads ARE NOT how they make their money. That is chicken feed compared to taking the other side to client trades.

So IB Cap now go out and sign up their own Introducing Brokers. Perhaps Senen initially approached IB Cap himself? He has always spoken about his trading prowess right? The brochure has Prophet Max Managed FX all over it. Whatever the arrangement with GFM, Kevin Clark, Joel Frient, I suspect this was Senen's baby from the start, and he outsourced to the other clowns either as required, or as he realised he was in over his head and wanted to spread the risk. Whatever his reasoning or timing, you can be 100% sure he has JV agreements in place with all parties, including Dillard to promote it.

So Senen now has a relationship with IB Capital. He states he wasn't taking a clip along the way, but I find that impossible to believe. Who would go to all that trouble to set this venture up, and then not position themselves to profit from it? Someone was taking a clip somewhere. Maybe GFM, maybe another entity all together. But I'm sure there was a flow of funds from IB Cap to someone, and you can be certain that the majority of that came back to Senen.

So back to that run of profits. Up over 100%, why didn't they stop? Let's say they had $20m of client funds. They now have $40m, everyone should be happy right? The issue at this point is that IB Cap's liquidity provider is Pi$$ed majorily. IB Cap's clients are supposed to lose money like everyone else, but they have just taken $20m off the house. And in accordance with the agreement they have with IB Capital, they turn around and ask for 50% of the client's profits, which is $10m.

Now having your client group have the off profitable month every now and then is not a huge issue. The losing months will on average be much larger, but what if your client group has a large winning month straight up?

At this point the only people that have made money are the clients. The liquidity provider, IB Capital, Senen and all his JV partners are out of pocket $20m collectively. They didn't set this up to lose money, so what happens next? An unprecedented run of loses that puts the house back in the black by $10m in one night's trading...

And the excuses? Kevin hit the wrong button..... Kevin needs to create a pop-up message so this doesn't happen again.... Kevin had a melt down and chased his loses.... And then all trading is halted for a fortnight or a month or whatever it was for the investigation...

I'd love to talk to Kevin. Was he the one on the bid / ask all night? Did someone put pressure on him to get back the $20m? Or have I just had too long to think about this, and Kevin is just the $hittest "professional" trader ever?
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