ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

It's just as disappointing as their investment returns. A letter about nothing. Certainly ain't going to get anyone's money back.

That letter clearly states they represent the Elevation group. Looks like what they are doing is trying to protect Mike and the EG. But what did we expect?
I'm sick to my stomach watching this thing play out.

I remain absolutely astonished that there are so many stupid people who actually believe EVG has any intention to "protect them" as part of this.

They are actively deleting any comment or post seen as derogatory or questioning ethics or integrity on Dillard's part. He promised a "BIG" update on Friday, was 4 days late, and posted a poorly written letter (including typos) from his lawyer that says absolutely nothing.

The ONLY reason to post it is to give him an excuse NOT to reveal any more details, claiming it will somehow hurt their legal strategy. Talk about BULL****.

When he posted about what he's personally doing, he says "I don't know if this is a scam or not", and then goes onto say he's leaving his money in anyway.

How f*cking stupid do you need to be into something that there's a chance it's a scam .. but you leave your money in anyway?

I once thought Mike had integrity and really was interested in the members. It's now clear that he is nothing more than an internet marketer who saw a rich opportunity peddling investment advice.

What he didn't realize is that going into the financial space is not like going into any other niche like health, marketing or meditation or anything else. There are things called regulators, fiduciary obligations, unlicensed securities legislation and a host of other items that make the investment world completely unique and different. He tried to treat it as though he's teaching people to lose weight or go to #1 on Google searches.

Perhaps the funniest part of this whole scam is how he claims in his marketing of EVG that he can "barely balance a check book" (his words), yet managed to do the entire due diligence on this investment himself in Australia. How does a guy who can't manage his own finances do due diligence on an international, complex investing scheme involving several entities, unknown strategies and countless questions that cannot be answered?

And has anyone ever asked Robert Hirsch to actually list off the companies he claims he's taken from $5 to $50 million? And did he own ANY part of any of them? He positions himself as a genius in growing companies, but if the behavior of EVG since he came on board is any demonstration of this expertise, we know what his experience and knowledge are worth.

If you have money in this ProphetMax investment you are an IDIOT if you don't start jumping up and down about this, filing complaints and SCREAMING at EVG on their website and Facebook pages. And if they keep deleting your comments, KEEP POSTING THEM. People DO see them, even for short periods of time, and that shows them that they are deleting them.

Also go post comments on the guy who started another FB page, Prophetmax Review.

If you guys do NOT rally and bring a lot of attention to this you are going to get F*CKED completely.

How much more proof do you need that these guys do NOT care about you, and it's all about protecting their own asses?
From the EVG FB Wall:

Dale Griffin
"I really wish we could get some specific advice about closing the IBC account, expecially since they force us to give up rights before doing so. I am torn between wanting to ensure I get any remaining money out and not wanting to jeopardize any rights for the future."

Can someone help this poor guy out? Mike has banned me from posting to the wall.

Good post, this should be read on EVG FB and ProphetMax Review FB wall. Even though it'll get deleted within minutes of going on to EVG, maybe a few will see it.
What he didn't realize is that going into the financial space is not like going into any other niche like health, marketing or meditation or anything else. There are things called regulators, fiduciary obligations, unlicensed securities legislation and a host of other items that make the investment world completely unique and different. He tried to treat it as though he's teaching people to lose weight or go to #1 on Google searches.

The whole core of The Elevation Group is centered on Financial Opportunities run by Mike Dillard, who is a multi-level marketing salesman. He's been part of Wealth Masters with Kip Herrige who ran a similar financial dud membership thing.

Mike Dillard knows what he is doing.

He knows people don't know anything about finances themselves and are easily separated from their hard earned money. It's just that the members of The Elevation Group didn't realize that they'd be paying someone for the opportunity to lose their money.
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EVG's litigation counsel has provided the following letter setting forth the current status its activities:


Please do not send messages, call or contact litigation counsel directly.

The best way to share the details about your experience with Senen Pousa and ProphetMax is by emailing [email protected].
Please do not send messages, call or contact litigation counsel directly.

I suggest that is precisely what people should do. Dillard is preparing to screw you, and the least you can do is let his lawyers know that you intend to fight.

Its all about keeping control of the communication, 1st trick in the book
EVG's litigation counsel has provided the following letter setting forth the current status its activities:


Please do not send messages, call or contact litigation counsel directly.

Please don't contact the lawyers directly because really we're representing Mike Dillard and Robert Hirsch. We'll take their calls, but not yours.

Oh and because our lawyers haven't taken the time to read this thread, that gives out all the necessary details on Senen Pousa, could you be kind enough to read it for us and give us the pertinent details. Send it to We'[email protected].

The first 100 people to email us information can pay $2000 (wire transfer only) and be entered into a chance to win $1000 dollars.
I'm sick to my stomach watching this thing play out.

I remain absolutely astonished that there are so many stupid people who actually believe EVG has any intention to "protect them" as part of this.

They are actively deleting any comment or post seen as derogatory or questioning ethics or integrity on Dillard's part. He promised a "BIG" update on Friday, was 4 days late, and posted a poorly written letter (including typos) from his lawyer that says absolutely nothing.

The ONLY reason to post it is to give him an excuse NOT to reveal any more details, claiming it will somehow hurt their legal strategy. Talk about BULL****.

When he posted about what he's personally doing, he says "I don't know if this is a scam or not", and then goes onto say he's leaving his money in anyway.

How f*cking stupid do you need to be into something that there's a chance it's a scam .. but you leave your money in anyway?

I once thought Mike had integrity and really was interested in the members. It's now clear that he is nothing more than an internet marketer who saw a rich opportunity peddling investment advice.

What he didn't realize is that going into the financial space is not like going into any other niche like health, marketing or meditation or anything else. There are things called regulators, fiduciary obligations, unlicensed securities legislation and a host of other items that make the investment world completely unique and different. He tried to treat it as though he's teaching people to lose weight or go to #1 on Google searches.

Perhaps the funniest part of this whole scam is how he claims in his marketing of EVG that he can "barely balance a check book" (his words), yet managed to do the entire due diligence on this investment himself in Australia. How does a guy who can't manage his own finances do due diligence on an international, complex investing scheme involving several entities, unknown strategies and countless questions that cannot be answered?

And has anyone ever asked Robert Hirsch to actually list off the companies he claims he's taken from $5 to $50 million? And did he own ANY part of any of them? He positions himself as a genius in growing companies, but if the behavior of EVG since he came on board is any demonstration of this expertise, we know what his experience and knowledge are worth.

If you have money in this ProphetMax investment you are an IDIOT if you don't start jumping up and down about this, filing complaints and SCREAMING at EVG on their website and Facebook pages. And if they keep deleting your comments, KEEP POSTING THEM. People DO see them, even for short periods of time, and that shows them that they are deleting them.

Also go post comments on the guy who started another FB page, Prophetmax Review.

If you guys do NOT rally and bring a lot of attention to this you are going to get F*CKED completely.

How much more proof do you need that these guys do NOT care about you, and it's all about protecting their own asses?

Thanks for calling me an idiot. That really helps.
Thanks for calling me an idiot. That really helps.

If you still think this was anything other than a complete stitch up from day one you are an idiot. These guys scammed you, plain and simple. Every single managed forex fund sold to the public is a scam, always.
If you still think this was anything other than a complete stitch up from day one you are an idiot. These guys scammed you, plain and simple. Every single managed forex fund sold to the public is a scam, always.

I agree it was a scam, but you still called everyone who invested in this an idiot. I guess you have never done financially stupid. To be honest, it will only take me one customer in my business to make up what I lost. The lost will offset all the gains I made in oil stocks earlier this year. We also only put in what we were willing to lose. We lost much more in our 401K more than twice. I am not trying to sound like Senen, but I am taking action without being emotionally consumed.

I guess it makes you feel pretty good to call us idiots. You must be very wealthy, since you know so much. I applaud your success. Ignorant I agree, idiots no. The only reason I have not withdrew our money is because I want a lawyer to look over the form. Our own lawyer!
I agree it was a scam, but you still called everyone who invested in this an idiot. I guess you have never done financially stupid. To be honest, it will only take me one customer in my business to make up what I lost. The lost will offset all the gains I made in oil stocks earlier this year. We also only put in what we were willing to lose. We lost much more in our 401K more than twice. I am not trying to sound like Senen, but I am taking action without being emotionally consumed.

I guess it makes you feel pretty good to call us idiots. You must be very wealthy, since you know so much. I applaud your success. Ignorant I agree, idiots no. The only reason I have not withdrew our money is because I want a lawyer to look over the form. Our own lawyer!

No, what I said is that if you do not aggressively respond to the tactics they're using, you are an idiot. I didn't call everyone an idiot invested in this thing. But with the facts that are out in the open, if you do not do something about it now, you are a complete fool.

Arguing that since you made money in so many other ways this isn't a big deal is also not very intelligent.

If it's not clear enough to you this is a fraud. Any legal agreements you sign under duress will not be enforceable. Your lawyer doesn't need to see the agreement in order to validate that!

You seem like a typical investor who wants to be right, so God bless you and let us know how that works out for you.
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You have left money with these clowns when you could have withdrawn it? Then you're an idiot, sorry. Now you've got legal fees as well, adding further to your loss.
I never said I was right. You are being down right ridiculous. I have no reason to let it consume me. I did not put in more whole life savings. Trust me, I am good at getting back. I like to plan. You sound more upset then the ones who lost money. I personally want to keep a clear head through out this process.

You are still assuming I can't get the little money I have left. And if it is big a deal as you say, isn't worth the legal fees? You come across just as condescending as Senen. It is sad, because I come to the forum to get good information.
Really? You come here for good information? Every single post you've made brags about how much money you've made.

It's blatantly obvious all you want is validation.

And yes, you are right - I am upset about people getting ripped off, but not for people like you who can't be helped.

And yes, you've now proven yourself to be an idiot. Nice work.

By the way, I have a hot currencies investment for you. Made specifically for smart non-emotional investors like you. Tell me where to send the materials. You'll make a killing, and at least triple it. I swear.
Validate me please, please, please! I posted one comment as to what that lost means to me wow. I put things in perspective jacknife. This idiot will find help elsewhere you are wasting my time.
Go back and read all the posts you've made - every one contains references to how much you're making in oil, your business, blah blah blah.

Step aside so deserving people can actually get help on here. No one here can help you with your attitude.
Validate me please, please, please! I posted one comment as to what that lost means to me wow. I put things in perspective jacknife. This idiot will find help elsewhere you are wasting my time.

OK so 20k is neither here nor there to you. Don't you still feel like a fool for falling for some crap pitched by a slimming tablet salesman?