ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

Well, let's hope we get our remaining funds returned. Has anyone received theirs yet? Also, when I went to FDR to make a complaint, it requires a formal complaint (there is a generic form) filed with IB Capital first. I checked and IB Capital IS a member of FDR (at least, that's real). Has anyone already filed a formal complaint with IB capital? I'm going to wait for a few days to see if I get my funds returned and then make a stab at it. So, here's the process:
make formal complaint, go through IB capital's internal complaint process, if the parties deadlock, the complainant must ask for and obtain a "deadlock number" from IB. Then, a complaint can be made to FDR. The internal process can take up to 3 months and the FDR process several more months. So, saddle up--this is going to be a long ride. Lastly, has anyone already made complaints to other oversight organizations?
Question: I've received two messages from IB capital asking me to withdraw funds, but the withdrawal form has language at the bottom fully releasing them from all liability. What's the consensus on this forum? Are most folks signing the form and closing the accounts inspite of the release language?

IB Capital cannot contract you out of your legal rights, nor themselves out of their legal obligations. Having said that, they have no intention of being a good corporate citizen and will not be a registered FSP in NZ once this saga is done with.

This venture has paid handsomely, and they will re-emerge under different branding within 6 months. The individuals behind IB Capital have done this a number of times in the past; all this info is available earlier in this thread.

Really, what caliber of broker INSISTS you withdraw your funds? The only reason they are making you guys withdraw whats left is because of the impending regulatory action. Dozens of complaints made to ASIC, FDR, SEC.... All parties pointing fingers and running for the hills. I've seen scams before, but this one is right up there...
IB Capital cannot contract you out of your legal rights, nor themselves out of their legal obligations. Having said that, they have no intention of being a good corporate citizen and will not be a registered FSP in NZ once this saga is done with.

This venture has paid handsomely, and they will re-emerge under different branding within 6 months. The individuals behind IB Capital have done this a number of times in the past; all this info is available earlier in this thread.

Really, what caliber of broker INSISTS you withdraw your funds? The only reason they are making you guys withdraw whats left is because of the impending regulatory action. Dozens of complaints made to ASIC, FDR, SEC.... All parties pointing fingers and running for the hills. I've seen scams before, but this one is right up there...

Some great comments.

Anyone with money still in there, it's against the law for them to coerce you to sign away your rights to get your own money back. I cannot believe HOW many people are trying to ask Mike what he's doing, and what they should do.

Who CARES what Mike is doing! You've been screwed, so stop looking to the dude for guidance and help!

I am seriously flabbergasted at how many of these people are just acting like sheep, as though there is any reason to trust a word that Mike says.

The attorneys he hired are not interested in recovery, they're focused on defense. It couldn't be any more clear than that.

I just wanna know how much Dillard and EVG got paid in commissions from ProphetMax.

That's the piece that will end up collapsing EVG completely and sending him to jail, because the moment he took fees for promoting it, he stepped over about 15 different regulatory lines.

And the government's looking for easy, big, dumb fish like him to make an example of since he did this so blatantly and foolishly.
IB Capital is responding to Formal Complaints within days, I think they want to move things along as quickly as possible. With members funds still in the accounts they cant close the ING account and move on.
IB Capital is responding to Formal Complaints within days, I think they want to move things along as quickly as possible. With members funds still in the accounts they cant close the ING account and move on.

I've recuperated my funds in 3 days.
But left 20 euros and did not close the account... 😎
Got the two letters, but won't move.
And I'll see what happens...
Has anyone seen the letter that prophetmax have sent out with regards to their relationship with IB capital?

Yes, thieves are banging away at each other like crazy! We've been advised not to waste our time working up a civil case - we should instead file a CRIMINAL complaint at the Federal or state level. Looking into that. IB Capital will soon be out of business so we need to move fast.
The Earnings Disclaimer changed at the Prophet Max website again. Does anyone have an archived copy of it?
Also, all the documentation for IB Capital has been removed, all videos relating to signing up have been removed.
😆 it now turning into a right charade. everyone ratting out on everyone else. the burning of the evidence. the back peddling alone is worthy of a comedy award.

if it weren't for the fact ordinary peoples lives have been affected by these pill sellers, this would be top lulz viewing watching these scamsters crumble into ruins.

are we looking forward to this weeks non announcement? luckily i still have plenty popcorn left over from last weeks worthless effort. mind you, it could get stale at the rate they going.

if anyone thinks this week will be any different needs to look in the mirror and realise finally why you in this position in the first place.
if anyone thinks this week will be any different needs to look in the mirror and realise finally why you in this position in the first place.

Ouch. And how true it is for anyone who really believes EVG has their interest in mind.

They are facing a tidal wave of litigation, government investigations, and quite possibly criminal investigation .. international jurisfictions, potential for fraud investigations .. the list is mind boggling.

And today they send out an email asking "should EVG be free?"

And then justify why they charge money.

Normally I would agree that a valuable service should be paid for - problem here is, what they're doing isn't serving their members at all.

And still no response to the "how much in commissions did you get paid?" He's dodged that one directly a couple more times in the last few days.

Everything they're doing is right out of the textbook of "How Not To Handle Bad PR And Upset Clients When You Screw Up Royally." My favorite chapter is entitled "Pretending That Your Legal Team Won't Let You Talk, So You Don't Have To Admit What You've Actually Done".

Bartender, another round of green smoothies!
Yes, thieves are banging away at each other like crazy! We've been advised not to waste our time working up a civil case - we should instead file a CRIMINAL complaint at the Federal or state level. Looking into that. IB Capital will soon be out of business so we need to move fast.

Is it worth contacting the police in New Zealand, as I see it this is pure and simple theft. I don't live in New Zealand can I still make a criminal complaint
I dont remember if this has been posted before, but I just found this answer from a Lawyer in

"There is an Investment Intelligence Corporation located in Queensland Australia and run by a Senon Pousa. This is confirmed within ASIC's registry. They have been registered siince 2002. I am pasting the listing below:

Company Summary

ACN: 101 616 371
ABN: 30 101 616 371
Registration date: 7/08/2002
Next review date: 7/08/2012

Status: Registered
Company Type: Australian Proprietary Company, Limited By Shares
Locality of registered office: Brisbane QLD 4000
Regulator: Australian Securities & Investments Commission

The registry indicates that the company is active. I find no information that his government is targeting him for any improprieties. Neither he nor his company are on any investor alert lists. I see nothing to indicate that our government is interested in his activities either. Howver, I would note that neither he nor his company are authorized to do business over here by our own Securities and Exchange Commission. If so, they would be in FINRA's registry as well as in their own and they are not. "

There was a link here that seems to have been removed by IIC. It had some outragous claim about being the best performing fund beating 135000 others etc, providing 200%+ return per annum

This sounds so good. Where do I sign up?

Benefit of hind sight and 20-20 vision is just ggrrrreeeaaaaaattt!

On a serious note, although not a member I am genuinely interested how this will play out and will follow it to it's conclusion.

I wouldn't be surprised if there are others contemplating just such a setup to siphon monies from get rich quick investors out there. This would make a pretty good template imo.

Almost be a shame if they don't get away with it. Not the sort of ending one may desire to read in a novel. I may play devils advocate and just root for the bad guys.

I'm thinking of writing a book called 'Wannabe City Boy" ???? 😉

I need £10K to keep me afloat whilst I leave my day trading job to write this novel. I'm prepared to share my sale proceeds. £10K donation gets you 1% share.

Are there any takers out there?
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copied over from evg facebook page


Dear Valued Member:
Thank you for your patience and tolerance, and, most importantly, your support of
Investment Intelligence Corporation Pty Ltd (“IIC”) and Mr. Senen Pousa. We understand that you have been eagerly awaiting an explanation to the matters concerning ProphetMax Managed FX. It is our expectation and hope that the contents of this letter will fully and completely satisfy those concerns and clarify why we have taken additional time to prepare this letter in a way that is both meaningful and comprehensive.
You are a valued member of IIC, and we appreciate your continued support. As you know, IIC provides education in the area of personal development with a specific focus that
relates to passive income. ProphetMax is the brand name of the products and services we offer.

As part of the services offered, IIC has identified and researched high performing money
managers and traders and made the contact details of those third party service providers available for members to consider as part of their passive income vehicles or strategy.
Last year, we identified a new high-performing money manager, Global Forex, LLC, a
United States company known as Global Forex Management (“GFM”). The performance results provided by GFM reflected an excellent track record for achieving high returns. We decided that we wanted to make GFM known to our members.
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Before doing so, we discussed the process of referring members with GFM. In our
discussions, they were excited to be considered as a potential referral. However, GFM insisted that they only trade using a particular platform, and that they used IB Capital, a New Zealand broker dealer, to execute those trades. In the process of conducting our due diligence, we confirmed that IB Capital was indeed licensed in New Zealand. Further, because GFM traded using IB Capital’s platform, we requested that IB Capital confirm the performance track record of GFM. In response, in October 2011, IB Capital provided a letter, attached as Appendix A, stating the following: Global Forex Management has build up a sound track record and we can confirm that the numbers on the website of Global Forex Management are correct….IB Capital does not allow professional clients [like Global Forex Management] to post returns that cannot be verified and periodically checks their
websites to make sure that their websites are compliant.” (please note, the word
“build” was likely meant to be “built”)
Several months later, we requested that IB Capital again confirm the performance track
record of GFM. In response, IB Capital provided a letter dated February 20, 2012, attached as Appendix B, stating the following: “As per the track record of Global Forex Management, we confirm that they have indeed turned every $10,000 invested in October 2007 into $281,082 as of January 31, 2012.”

After completing our due diligence, we discussed the procedures necessary for our members to proceed with utilizing GFM if they so desired. GFM stated that to utilize their
service, our members who chose to do so would need to open an account with IB Capital. In our
discussions with IB Capital, they insisted that in order for our members to open an account with IB Capital, thereby having access to the trading skills of GFM, IIC must act as “Introducing Broker.” We made it absolutely clear that we are only willing to act as an Introducing Broker under the condition that IIC did not receive any commissions or income of any kind from IB
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Capital. Furthermore, we made it very clear to IB Capital that if IB Capital is required to make any payments to an Introducing Broker in connection with the transactions, all such payments would be earmarked strictly for charity. We have not received any compensation from IB Capital or from GFM.
Unfortunately, recently, we received several documents from IB Capital, along with a
demand that we sign those documents within 48 hours of receipt. After seeking legal advice, it was revealed to us that the documents were back-dated to December of last year and that signing those back-dated documents is unlawful. We immediately decided to terminate our relationship with IB Capital. We will no longer refer any members to IB Capital.

We are dismayed by IB Capital’s unreasonable demand of us in requesting that we break
the law, and we are equally dismayed by IB Capital’s blatant misrepresentations of the facts and circumstances of our relationship.

IIC only has access to confidential information you may have provided to IIC in
connection with your membership. At no time whatsoever did IIC ever share any information you provided to IIC with IB Capital, GFM, or any other person or entity. IIC values members’ right to privacy and their relationship with IIC.
However, with regard to those of you who opened a margin forex trading account with IB
Capital, we understand that you signed several agreements with IB Capital. For example, we understand that you signed at least the following IB Capital required documents:
1. An account opening document whereby IB Capital opened a margin forex trading
account for you;
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2. A Trading Agreement whereby you acknowledged reading and understanding all of
IB Capital’s trading policies and risk disclosures in connection with margin forex
trading (the “Trading Agreement”);
3. An Additional Risk Disclosure statement whereby you acknowledged fully
understanding the high level of risk involved in margin forex trading (the “Risk
Statement”); and
4. An IB Capital LP. Third party limited power of attorney whereby you appointed
“ProphetMax Managed FX” as your designated authorized trading agent (the “LPOA”).
IB Capital is a broker-dealer that is only legally allowed to execute trades made by the
account holder or an authorized power of attorney. To our knowledge, you did not personally direct the trades in your account, and you did not sign any power of attorney authorizing GFM to be your designated authorized trading agent who could direct the trades in your account.
Accordingly, it appears that IB Capital had no authorization to accept trading instructions from GFM concerning the money in your account. It appears that IB Capital gave GFM access to your confidential information and to the money in your trading account without your permission. To be clear, IIC and Mr. Pousa never directed the execution of any trades in your account with IB Capital and never placed any trades in such account. In fact, neither IIC nor Mr. Pousa had any access to the confidential agreements you signed with IB Capital. IIC and Mr. Pousa certainly never had any access to the money in your account with IB Capital. While we believe you signed a power of attorney appointing “ProphetMax Managed FX” as your designated authorized trading agent, the appointment was a drafting error. As a result, that power of attorney is of no legal force and does not actually authorize any person or entity to direct the trades in your account. ProphetMax Managed FX is the name of an area of the website where IIC places names and information about money managers and traders with high performing track records. ProphetMax Managed FX is not the name of a registered entity. Therefore, under the law, ProphetMax Managed FX is not a legal “person”, has no legal rights, mand has no authority whatsoever under the LPOA. The LPOA is and has always been invalid and is entirely useless.
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Further, the LPOA was never accepted by any person or entity, and it was never utilized
YOUR ACCOUNT WITH IB CAPITAL. GFM directed the trades in your account. IIC and Mr.
Pousa never had authority to grant IB Capital or GFM any rights to your account and never even attempted to do so. The LPOA was never assigned to either IB Capital or GFM, or any other person or entity. Accordingly, it does not appear that GFM had any authority to take action in your account.
IB Capital had the responsibility for ensuring that the party directing trades in your
account was lawfully authorized to do so. It appears that IB Capital failed to perform its job and accepted trades by an unauthorized trading agent, GFM. This apparent error on the part of IB Capital has nothing whatsoever to do with IIC or Mr. Pousa. IIC merely made an introduction to IB Capital and GFM, and nothing more.

We highly suggest you contact IB Capital and GFM directly to resolve any issues you
may have concerning your trading account opened with IB Capital and traded by GFM. We
suggest you direct your questions or concerns to the following:
IB Capital: Liam Dunne
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 64 4 974 9415
GFM: Kevin Clarke
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 1-302-604-7803
As you may know, IB Capital is a registered company in New Zealand. IB Capital is part
of a free and independent service for settling disputes between consumers and companies like IB Capital. To file a complaint, you can go to IB Capital’s website by clicking on the following:
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Financial Dispute Resolution. In addition, you may contact the Financial Markets Authority in New
Zealand and make a complaint or report misconduct. To do so, you may access the FMA
website as follows: Page Not Found | Financial Markets Authority

To the extent that you are bound by any non-disclosure agreements with IIC whereby you
agree not to contact IB Capital or GFM directly, we specifically waive such provision (of course, such waiver does not affect the remainder of any such agreements, which agreements shall continue in full force and effect).
As you know, our primary goal has always been to do our best to teach you strategies
about how to invest and to teach you an understanding of body, emotion, breath and mind and their relationship to personal life and financial results. We look forward to continuing to do so.
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i'm not sure if the paid up members are also getting removed and blocked, nobody seems willing to comment on the matter, which is worrying.

i suggested earlier that people complain to facebook about the issue.

Ah, back from a hard day of saving lives..or applying band aids. Yes, I am a paid -up member of EVG; but didn't get in n the PM "opportunity". My posts are deleted all the time bc I ask too many awkward questions 😎
Is it worth contacting the police in New Zealand, as I see it this is pure and simple theft. I don't live in New Zealand can I still make a criminal complaint

Thats for you to decide. How much is your time worth? If they stole $10 from you would it be worth your time?

You don't need to be a resident to file criminal complaints in which the criminal resides.