ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?


i know, i'm in tears every time i see another document 😆

here's a rough list of pousa world class investment scheme participant entities whereabouts

off the top of my head, and in no particular order

new zealand
cayman islands

i would like to volunteer as this threads official list keeper, so any updates please let me know :cheesy:
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Elevation group has put off comment until monday. And I was so looking forward to hear what he has to say.

maybe those bluffers haven't quite got the lawyer speak quite right yet. remember, they will have to be convincing to quell the rising demand for a refund that they clearly trying desperately to avoid. looking at facebook their followers and disciples do look a little restless. and following the latest revelations on this, i'm not surprised.
It's a standard fraud warning. As for the specifics, there are 1001 ways to defraud people, but what difference does it make?

well dear sherlock, if we know what fxmarkets got up to that upset their regulator, then we may have a clue as to ib capital's modus operandi, seeing that there appears a connection between them 😉

other than that, well you're right, it makes no difference, the money is gone.
Elevation group has put off comment until monday. And I was so looking forward to hear what he has to say.

It's just another excuse to keep the gullible hanging on thinking it will work out OK. It reminds me of the Spiriton Media scam, they took 5 figure sums off people for shares in a crap shell company. They missed all their deadlines to submit accounts but they always said it would be done next week or next month. Two years later they're in liquidation and people have lost all their money.

This will be exactly the same, it will go on and on for months. A few of the dumbest will give them more money for their 'legal proceedings' and that will disappear too. It's all so predictable it's depressing.
It's just another excuse to keep the gullible hanging on thinking it will work out OK. It reminds me of the Spiriton Media scam, they took 5 figure sums off people for shares in a crap shell company. They missed all their deadlines to submit accounts but they always said it would be done next week or next month. Two years later they're in liquidation and people have lost all their money.

This will be exactly the same, it will go on and on for months. A few of the dumbest will give them more money for their 'legal proceedings' and that will disappear too. It's all so predictable it's depressing.

it looks very difficult to get through to these people, many warning posts disapear from the evg facebook page, much the same way as in the bahgdady turtle fiasco.

by the look it not likely that well meaning people can help much. once their money has disapeared then they rise up. but it's a bit late then :whistling
maybe prophetmax and evg members may like to read the entry in wikipedia on the subject of fx fraud.

foreign exchange fraud

it makes interesting but perhaps uncomfortable reading for pousa/dillard disciples. almost precisly their mode of operation and offerings are laid out in that article.
I just found this forum yesterday, only because someone posted a link on the EVG website. I looked everywhere on the internet before we invested. Nothing turned up. I would not have invested based on the earlier post. Fortunately we only did the minimum. We only invested what we could afford to lose (we didn't think it would only take 2 hours). As soon as I heard Kevin speak, I knew it was bad news. I could tell he was lying. They had staged callers asking if they could send more money and talk about green smoothies. They only comfort we have it that on membership money never went through. We still got access to everything. I even emailed customer service to let them know that our membership wire came back. They just said wait for the cart to open again. We rushed into the investment not really based on Mike, but I wanted to get into currencies. I thought we could take advantage of the volatility of the Euro. My husband said there will be an "Australian Greed: Scams" featuring Senen lol.
I just found this forum yesterday, only because someone posted a link on the EVG website. I looked everywhere on the internet before we invested. Nothing turned up. I would not have invested based on the earlier post. Fortunately we only did the minimum. We only invested what we could afford to lose (we didn't think it would only take 2 hours). As soon as I heard Kevin speak, I knew it was bad news. I could tell he was lying. They had staged callers asking if they could send more money and talk about green smoothies. They only comfort we have it that on membership money never went through. We still got access to everything. I even emailed customer service to let them know that our membership wire came back. They just said wait for the cart to open again. We rushed into the investment not really based on Mike, but I wanted to get into currencies. I thought we could take advantage of the volatility of the Euro. My husband said there will be an "Australian Greed: Scams" featuring Senen lol.

sorry to hear of your losses, a shame you didn't click the t2w link when searching. this thread ranks very highly in google for any of pousa's wrank schemes, no3 when simply searching the term "senen pousa" and has done so for months.

at least you have the consolation they didn't get their grubby mits on your membership fee. you will be now more wary of internet marketers in the future i'm guessing.
I am quite sure I kept searching Prophet Max. I did not think to search his name. My business had just taken off and to be honest, I got very busy. I think I was also on a high from all the money I made in oil stocks. I should have put that money in there. I would have almost tripled it (I know that is not the norm).
I am quite sure I kept searching Prophet Max. I did not think to search his name. My business had just taken off and to be honest, I got very busy. I think I was also on a high from all the money I made in oil stocks. I should have put that money in there. I would have almost tripled it (I know that is not the norm).

"Prophet Max" doesn't search well i agree. this is where their dirty trick marketing and search engine optimisation tactics come to the fore. people who use the incorrect search term end up seeing nothing other than their planted internet content.

the correct term and the correct name is "prophetmax" and this thread is currently no4 in google on that search and been on the first page for months.
"Prophet Max" doesn't search well i agree. this is where their dirty trick marketing and search engine optimisation tactics come to the fore. people who use the incorrect search term end up seeing nothing other than their planted internet content.

the correct term and the correct name is "prophetmax" and this thread is currently no4 in google on that search and been on the first page for months.

I see there is a paid for advert on google for this link if I search for Prophet Max.

Anybody who has time on their hands should simply just keep clicking on the ad and Google will charge them fees for the clicks. More clicks higher the fees.
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i wonder what other of his names we can find 😆

SEO Tools - Keyword Typo Generator

sneen pousa
senen puosa
eenen pousa
aenen pousa
denen pousa
wenen pousa
semen pousa
sehen pousa
seben pousa
senem pousa
seneh pousa
seneb pousa
senen oousa
senen lousa
senen piusa
senen plusa
senen ppusa
senen poisa
senen poysa
senen pojsa
senen pouea
senen pouaa
senen pouda
senen pouwa
senen pouss
senen pousz
senen pousq

not tried googling any of those yet. if anyone want to have a go at find the pousa, please feel free to play 😀
it's nearly monday.

it feels like the intermmission, waiting for the next comedy act to arrive on stage.

are we suitably stocked up on popcorn?

lets hear it for the legal team! {wild applause!!}

..can't wait :whistling