ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

Anyone heard of David Icke? He is a well known lunatic who used to be a sports presenter before being sacked for claiming to be the 'son of the godhead'.

He now makes videos for his crank followers on subjects such as 'The Lizards and the Jews', wikipedia describes his theories as follows,

'At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.[3]'

So all in all a first class lunatic, guess who advertises on his site? Check the attached screenshot.


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Anyone heard of David Icke? He is a well known lunatic who used to be a sports presenter before being sacked for claiming to be the 'son of the godhead'.

He now makes videos for his crank followers on subjects such as 'The Lizards and the Jews', wikipedia describes his theories as follows,

'At the heart of his theories lies the idea that a secret group of reptilian humanoids called the Babylonian Brotherhood controls humanity, and that many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.[3]'

So all in all a first class lunatic, guess who advertises on his site? Check the attached screenshot.

Not everything on Ickes site is lunatic. He just presents, it's up to yourself to take it onboard or not.
Reptilians are just a small section amongst a host of other useful and not so useful info.
His style is very difficult to tune into, definitely not the best presenter in the world, yet he does not pretend to be anything other than himself.
Reptilians are just a small section amongst a host of other useful and not so useful info.
His style is very difficult to tune into, definitely not the best presenter in the world, yet he does not pretend to be anything other than himself.

I've posted this before on another thread but I think it's worth repeating:

"In March 1991, a former U.K. soccer star, spokesperson for the Green party, and broadcaster named David Icke called a press conference in London to announce a number of upcoming world-shaking events revealed to him personally, he said, by Socrates, “the Godhead,” Jesus Christ, and various other spirits. They had chosen him, he said, to be the “channel for the Christ spirit.” The press paid close attention and published lengthy interviews with Mr. Icke.
Mr. Icke declared that “disruptive thought vibrations” originating with the Sicilian Mafia and the Tiananmen Square massacre in China had combined to set in motion a cataclysm that would first be evidenced when Mount Rainier in the United States would explode. No date was given. This would be followed, he said, by the complete disappearance of New Zealand, the collapse of the Channel Tunnel, the fall of Naples Cathedral, and an unspecified failure of the Texas oil fields.
These events would be brought about by the “archangel Ak-Taurus,” who, he said, had previously managed to thwart an attempt by the citizens of Atlantis to avoid the submersion of that civilization. The Atlanteans, said Mr. Icke, had been urged to tune in to the “power point” at Stonehenge, but they did not heed the warning and were thus destroyed. He also revealed that both King Arthur and Merlin, along with the archangels, have now turned off the power at Stonehenge so that Ak-Taurus cannot use it against mankind. What a relief!
By Christmas 1991, Mr. Icke predicted, Cuba, Greece, the Isle of Arran, the cliffs of Kent, and Teeside would be hit by a great earthquake (8.0 on the Richter scale) that would submerge them."

It is pretty obvious to any objective observer that Ickey is suffering from some form of severe mental illness and cannot be held responsible for the numerous and bizarre delusions that afflict him.

What is far more worrying however is the frighteningly large numbers of otherwise sane people who are prepared to abandon all reason and actually take some of this stuff seriously. What is the matter with them all?
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What is far more worrying however is frighteningly large numbers of otherwise sane people who are prepared to abandon all reason and actually take some of this stuff seriously. What is the matter with them all?

A bit like the large numbers of otherwise sane people who are prepared to abandon all reason and believe that some guy they found on the Internet is going to make them 100% a year, despite all the glaring truth that such a thing is about as likely as the Queen being a lizard.
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Another screenshot of a Facebook post by Mike Dillard's Elevation Group during their ProphetMax promotion back in February where they state they have done all of their due-diligence and feel 100% confident in Senen's talents, integrity, and intentions:


So Senen was a 'partner' in the 'Aymen of Artitrage Conspiracy' scheme and this information was available in February. I have to say this is just ridiculous, some clown wearing sunglasses and a hat in the house saying he makes six figures a day. Why was that not enough to put you off?

Aymen Arbitrage Conspiracy Unleashed

Aymen of Arbitrage Conspiracy - YouTube
Because Mike Dillard pledged he had done an incredible amount of research on ProphetMax and Senen Pousa, all of his due-diligence, trusted the man with his life, and felt 100% confident in his talents, integrity, and intentions. :clap:

Well he's hardly going to say anything else when he's promoting it.
in light of the broker history they were using, how long been up and running in its new zealand guise at february time. it is very clear that no meaningful due diligence was ever carried out by dillard. or indeed any of you lemmings that jumped off the cliff with him. as pb says its just promo stuff from an internet salesman. for some of you, if not most, a very expensive lesson indeed.
If he's been touting crap without a financial license, that's part of the problem, but why all this comedy with a legal action now?

As for the broker, I would ask Mike Dillard about it, since he's the one who's done all of his due-diligence and an incredible amount of research to be 100% confident and trust the man with his life.

i doubt there's any real legal action on the part of evg, all a front i'd imagine.

there's 2 sides to who's at fault, on one hand dillard removed posts to facebook re concerns, on tother eveyone jumped in without looking. we had this thread started back in february, there was no big rush of evg or pm members here till after it went pop. those that supported pm back then are very quiet now :whistling
The notion that this was anything other than a total stitch up is ridiculous. These guys planned this from day one. If anyone was doing any due diligence the first thing they'd look for is a financial services licence that is required by law. The second thing would be to look at the broker, again another massive fail. Thirdly what are they claiming to be able to do, 100% a year, no they won't and anyone with common sense would know that.

I've seen dozens of these schemes on T2W and every single one of them ends up with people getting ripped off, absolutely without exception.
attempt to come 100% clean after being 100% confident.

i'm guessing that's the only defence they have left. they'll try fronting it out for as long as possible. they'll have still plenty of interested lemmings hooked, they'll no doubt have other sales pitches in play for them.
I'm 100% confident the regulators would have acted much faster if there was a sufficient media coverage of this con. Was there any?

Had the victims all reported it to the authorities there may have been some action. However as most of them are still trying to pretend everything will be OK theres not much chance of that. This thread reads like a text book example of one of these get rich quick schemes. How many people actually get it that these guys set you up from day one? It's just like people who buy shares from cold callers, they would rather throw good money after bad rather than admit they fell for some ridiculous scam.
Look what happened when I suggested that it should be reported to ASIC. Like I said only a couple of people get it, the others are just dying to give these people more money for the next get rich quick nonsense.