ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

My suggestion is not respond or acknowledge bigolboy's posts. He is either a schill or an unreachable fool. Sad either way. Don't waste any more time or energy on his repeat posts. Best you can do is say a prayer for him.
I am a big boy I can handle what ever losses I incur, and I am a big boy I can take you guys ganging up on me, and bullying people like me that are after the facts and not conjecture. So go ahead pile on, attack away, all you are doing is proving my point.

So, what are you doing to uncover the facts? I'm sure you'll find that many of us would be happy to help in your endeavor.
that is the problem you idiots "just assuming" use the half of your brain that you have and search for my ip address and see that I am in Oklahoma. I am not blaming anyone for the balance on my account, I am sick of you guys attacking people under false pretenses. And all the attacks on me are exactly my point. You do not know anything but you continue to spout lies as though they are the absolute truth. I am a big boy I can handle what ever losses I incur, and I am a big boy I can take you guys ganging up on me, and bullying people like me that are after the facts and not conjecture. So go ahead pile on, attack away, all you are doing is proving my point.

Are you an Okie from Muskogee?
it is the licenced account that is the elephant in the room, along with kevin choosing it as his broker of choice. you do realise the fine lineage of this broker? you checked the facts before diving in head first?

no, then ask yourself why kevin chose a broker that only last year was merely a financial advisor, then changed its name and went dorment with no assets or money in the bank. then at the end of last year pops up in new zealand to become kevins broker of choice. a top broker of the rich my @rse. no wonder they wanted it kept quiet with an nda.

You missed the point, the original poster was saying this was a scam, just like the nigerian scam. I was offering points that are in stark contrast with that claim. I did not dive in head first, I have made deposits and withdrawls since the program was introduced and they have performed exactly as they were expected. The track record know what I give up you people do not have the capacity to comprehend that sometimes traders lose, and that just because that happens does not mean that they are part of a scam. I never intended to defend the actions of the people that are behind this, I just got sick of the nonsense that was being put out there that had absolutely nothing to do with anything that actually happened. But obviously, you people are the reason that people do not stand up to help others, you are nothing more than an ignorant mob and you can't reason with an angry mob. So enjoy, tear everyone down, spout your lies, wreck the world, good luck.
You missed the point, the original poster was saying this was a scam, just like the nigerian scam. I was offering points that are in stark contrast with that claim. I did not dive in head first, I have made deposits and withdrawls since the program was introduced and they have performed exactly as they were expected. The track record know what I give up you people do not have the capacity to comprehend that sometimes traders lose, and that just because that happens does not mean that they are part of a scam. I never intended to defend the actions of the people that are behind this, I just got sick of the nonsense that was being put out there that had absolutely nothing to do with anything that actually happened. But obviously, you people are the reason that people do not stand up to help others, you are nothing more than an ignorant mob and you can't reason with an angry mob. So enjoy, tear everyone down, spout your lies, wreck the world, good luck.

For some strange reason you seem to be more angry than the people who have realised they have been scammed.

By the way on the 'lies' about this scheme not being regulated as required, I'm sure we'd all be willing to apologise once you show us the details of where the managed fx fund is registered.
You missed the point, the original poster was saying this was a scam, just like the nigerian scam. I was offering points that are in stark contrast with that claim. I did not dive in head first, I have made deposits and withdrawls since the program was introduced and they have performed exactly as they were expected. The track record know what I give up you people do not have the capacity to comprehend that sometimes traders lose, and that just because that happens does not mean that they are part of a scam. I never intended to defend the actions of the people that are behind this, I just got sick of the nonsense that was being put out there that had absolutely nothing to do with anything that actually happened. But obviously, you people are the reason that people do not stand up to help others, you are nothing more than an ignorant mob and you can't reason with an angry mob. So enjoy, tear everyone down, spout your lies, wreck the world, good luck.

thank you for the good luck, i doubt we'll need much to expose this scheme for what it is.

and good luck to you, i believe you will need it :)
My suggestion is not respond or acknowledge bigolboy's posts. He is either a schill or an unreachable fool. Sad either way. Don't waste any more time or energy on his repeat posts. Best you can do is say a prayer for him.

Sound advice that was lost at the end of a page. Perhaps he should wait to see what the outcome of the SEC investigation is before he condemns the inquiring minds....and those of us who have only half a brain, lol
you people do not have the capacity to comprehend that sometimes traders lose, and that just because that happens does not mean that they are part of a scam....

funnily enough, I lose money most days.

If I where to sum up my worst annual drawdowns for the past 10 years, the sum total would still be less than what these guys lost you in a single trade :LOL:

I've managed money in the past, and one thing is definately for sure, if I'd have lost over 60% on a single trade I'd either be at the bottom of the sea, burried in concrete in a bridge, fed to pigs, or in prison.

lets give these bozo's the benefit of the doubt. Despite all of the evidence to the contary, lets assume that it wasnt a scam, they where just unlucky, or incompetant.

would you really want someone so unlucky managing your investments ?

would you really want someone so incompetant managing your investments ?

The answer to both those questions for most rational people should be NO
See, the question for Bigbol, and not just him but everybody else who decided to go "all in," or almost "all in," (referring to all of those whom Mike judged as f***** idiots, and I understand why Mike called them that, really to make a point about not throwing all your eggs into the proverbial basket) IS-

Bigbol (and the others to whom this applies)-


I'll tell you why-


Bigbol (and all the others who recklessly threw their retirement, children's education, etc.) into this was because of-


Yes Mike, we know that investing has a whole host of risks, and yes Mike, we understand that you only put 3% of your discretionary, and disposable BBQ money (you know, the money you could light up in a BBQ and if it fries, your toes are still tapping) into this investment-

BUT MIKE, why do you THINK hundreds or thousands of sheeple that you "presented" this investment to went "ALL IN" which yes WAS reckless-

It is simply because EVERYBODY involved either thought, and certainly presented this investment, as something that would/could FINALLY "buck" the "system" as we would say- Finally create that ever-elusive investing "loophole" that Indiana Jones and everybody else throughout history have been on a Quest for since the beginning of time (or at least since our ancestors were kicked out of the Fertile Crescent Garden)-

In other words, they were-

1) taking a highly risky but highly potentially profitable investment vehicle that provides a ridiculously favorable amount of leverage (Forex)

2) with a trader who purportedly has a stellar track record (not for 3, 5 or 10 years, but supposedly a jaw-dropping record over a tenuous matter of months) and then

3) marry that with a virtually foolproof STRATEGY of making a low amount of judiciously analyzed and committed to trades over a month's period with

4) a guarantee that no more than 3% of the portfolio would be at risk at any given time

And with this almost foolproof approach (which would lead to covers of Time and Newsweek, and lauded, rewarded and worshiped on MSNBC and other pecuniary talking head outlets) we can virtually legitimately promise (at least put in the Headline) that we have figured out a way to make 100% on your investment in a year, etc. blah blah blah- It goes something like this-

“Discover the Lost Forgotten Secrets of a Jet-Setting International Currency Investor Who Has FINALLY Blown the Lid off the Effortless Wealth Generating Secrets They Hope and Pray the Middle-Class Never Finds Out About!”

So, were people pathetically reckless and decided to throw years or decades worth of wealth accumulation on Black? Yes-

Was there anybody (anybody?) who couldn't resist the Black-Belt Marketing that whipped the unwashed masses into a frothy XXX frenzy that was impossible to resist, and led to mind-numbing withdrawals, cash-advances, equity-draining, and most likely, begging, pleading, pitching, and cajoling of various family members in order to get a stake in the Greatest Investment Under the Big Top?!! (Sorry, couldn't resist the Barnum inclusion)

Hmmm- Not sure what to say next, except, sorry for your losses?
biglboy is now on the EVG FB page claiming he wants to stop all the "evil" people from ruining Mike's life!! I guess the fact that his (Mike) massive marketing campaign ruined the lives of thousands simply doesn't matter.
funnily enough, I lose money most days.

If I where to sum up my worst annual drawdowns for the past 10 years, the sum total would still be less than what these guys lost you in a single trade :LOL:

I've managed money in the past, and one thing is definately for sure, if I'd have lost over 60% on a single trade I'd either be at the bottom of the sea, burried in concrete in a bridge, fed to pigs, or in prison.

lets give these bozo's the benefit of the doubt. Despite all of the evidence to the contary, lets assume that it wasnt a scam, they where just unlucky, or incompetant.

would you really want someone so unlucky managing your investments ?

would you really want someone so incompetant managing your investments ?

The answer to both those questions for most rational people should be NO

it was a series of trades, not 1 but 17 trades opened, left open for far longer than looks usual for their past trading style. all 17 trades were all then closed as losers resulting in the 63% 1 day hit.
biglboy is now on the EVG FB page claiming he wants to stop all the "evil" people from ruining Mike's life!! I guess the fact that his (Mike) massive marketing campaign ruined the lives of thousands simply doesn't matter.

Either he or Mike have removed all his over-zealous evangelical style preaching "should do this or that...I'm here to stop all that :devilish:' "posts on FB.

Must be rather embarrassing for Mike & co. Mike is a bigboy too, all the same, must be driving him potty!
Mike didn't just sell this "opportunity of a lifetime" to just EVG members only, it was opened up to his whole email list. Nice that Mike pushed it so hard in the webinar, but behind the closed doors of EVG cautioned some people.

He originally sold this worldwide without the cautions he nows says he took and only now when it collapses says it was so risky. "Vegas Money" was what he now says. Where was his advice of 3% of your wealth only, like he did? Nowhere. He never said it before it went bust.

Look at what member "Lightning McQueen" showed in their trading pattern. Look at the shell companies. The broken promises. The reaction by Senen. Even those like Big'olBoy have to wake at night in a sweat thinking that they may have just lost everything...that it's never coming back.

If the people scammed with this don't stop fighting among themselves and take action, then it's game over. Maybe now you have a chance to get some funds back before these people slink away.

Mike was complicit in this. Him, Senen, and Kevin Clarke. They should be your focus now, not other EVG members, and not us. Do yourself and your families a favor and stand up for yourselves.

[P.S. Go to any reputable financial professional and detail what you did and see their reaction. Then come back here and tell us the Pro's name and that they told this is all perfectly good financial investing. It won't happen.]
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Everyone here needs to now focus on doing everything possible to expose these guys, Dillard included.

I have filed a complaint with the SEC, I have also reached out to Teri Buhl. I didn't even lose any money!

What have each of you done?

I encourage you all to contact any financial media outlets you can think of (Does anyone here have any others they can post about that we could reach out to?)

I encourage you all to file any and all complaints you can (there is link earlier in this thread on how to report it to the SEC). Also contact the ASIC and anyone else you can think of. (Does anyone here have any other agencies they can think of)

Also, can someone create a facebook page where we can comment and discuss on these issues? That way WE can say what we've been saying and delete all of the comments we don't like the same way EVG is doing now.
Everyone here needs to now focus on doing everything possible to expose these guys, Dillard included.

I have filed a complaint with the SEC, I have also reached out to Teri Buhl. I didn't even lose any money!

What have each of you done?

I encourage you all to contact any financial media outlets you can think of (Does anyone here have any others they can post about that we could reach out to?)

I encourage you all to file any and all complaints you can (there is link earlier in this thread on how to report it to the SEC). Also contact the ASIC and anyone else you can think of. (Does anyone here have any other agencies they can think of)

Also, can someone create a facebook page where we can comment and discuss on these issues? That way WE can say what we've been saying and delete all of the comments we don't like the same way EVG is doing now.

There is a FB page already going
The article I posted a few pages ago mentioned the Secret Service, the IRS, CFTC, FBI and a whole host of other people that were involved in the take down of the scammers involved in that one.

I know a couple of FBI agents. I'll call on Monday to get their take on it.

here's a link to the CFTC website too
See, the question for Bigbol, and not just him but everybody else who decided to go "all in," or almost "all in," (referring to all of those whom Mike judged as f***** idiots, and I understand why Mike called them that, really to make a point about not throwing all your eggs into the proverbial basket) IS-

Bigbol (and the others to whom this applies)-


I'll tell you why-


Bigbol (and all the others who recklessly threw their retirement, children's education, etc.) into this was because of-


Yes Mike, we know that investing has a whole host of risks, and yes Mike, we understand that you only put 3% of your discretionary, and disposable BBQ money (you know, the money you could light up in a BBQ and if it fries, your toes are still tapping) into this investment-

BUT MIKE, why do you THINK hundreds or thousands of sheeple that you "presented" this investment to went "ALL IN" which yes WAS reckless-

It is simply because EVERYBODY involved either thought, and certainly presented this investment, as something that would/could FINALLY "buck" the "system" as we would say- Finally create that ever-elusive investing "loophole" that Indiana Jones and everybody else throughout history have been on a Quest for since the beginning of time (or at least since our ancestors were kicked out of the Fertile Crescent Garden)-

In other words, they were-

1) taking a highly risky but highly potentially profitable investment vehicle that provides a ridiculously favorable amount of leverage (Forex)

2) with a trader who purportedly has a stellar track record (not for 3, 5 or 10 years, but supposedly a jaw-dropping record over a tenuous matter of months) and then

3) marry that with a virtually foolproof STRATEGY of making a low amount of judiciously analyzed and committed to trades over a month's period with

4) a guarantee that no more than 3% of the portfolio would be at risk at any given time

And with this almost foolproof approach (which would lead to covers of Time and Newsweek, and lauded, rewarded and worshiped on MSNBC and other pecuniary talking head outlets) we can virtually legitimately promise (at least put in the Headline) that we have figured out a way to make 100% on your investment in a year, etc. blah blah blah- It goes something like this-

“Discover the Lost Forgotten Secrets of a Jet-Setting International Currency Investor Who Has FINALLY Blown the Lid off the Effortless Wealth Generating Secrets They Hope and Pray the Middle-Class Never Finds Out About!”

So, were people pathetically reckless and decided to throw years or decades worth of wealth accumulation on Black? Yes-

Was there anybody (anybody?) who couldn't resist the Black-Belt Marketing that whipped the unwashed masses into a frothy XXX frenzy that was impossible to resist, and led c(Sorry, couldn't resist the Barnum inclusion)

Hmmm- Not sure what to say next, except, sorry for your losses?

uh-huh, yes, it was the marketing. Every button they knew how to push got pushed. They even opened it up to the non-paying EVG laity, so great was the opportunity. So much education they did, about the perils of fiat currency, the reality of the Fed. If you are with us, you'll not be led to the slaughter while the greatest of wealth transfers takes place. You're an Insider now, trust us, you're with us and we're for You! That's the EVG platform. There's truth to be found here, but it has been exploited in a reprehensible way.

Then ProphetMax. Won't say more, it's been better said by others here unravelling the events and players involved. Now Dillard applies a blame-the-victim psych on ProphetMaX. Now Dillard tells people 'if your threw all in, your not emotionally fit to invest, get thee to a financial advisor and (repent) do what they say". His true believers defend him. Others rationalize because not do so threatens what they've come to believe. Others get it.

Psychological manipulation on this order can trump good judgement in the best of us. Very cold, very sad.
I agree - it was the marekting...I am not and EVG member but was a subscriber to EVG newsletters. This was pushed heavily with sign up deadlines extended. The main reason I though it was OK to invest is that Mike had done due diligence and was putting his own money in. He mentioned on the video he did with Senen that he was being paid a small commision which covered pretty much putting on the video etc. What I find annoying are thes two comments in his letter - "On the other hand, I would love to see him make the big man move in some way. At bare minimum I would like to see him honor any refund requests that are made, but that’s his call." and then "Even assuming that this was an honest, yet tragic mistake on Kevin’s part that he may very well be able to recover from, Robert and I cannot continue to share ProphetMax to EVG Members moving forward."
So he is not recoomending anyone invests, asking Senen to make the big man move, but no where has he addressed the commissions he made and being a 'big man' himself and at least refunding those to individuals who request being EVG members or not as we sogned up our paperwork with EVG as our referrer.
Beat me to the punch on this point, couldn't agree more.

QUOTE=sofree;1865894]I agree - it was the marekting...I am not and EVG member but was a subscriber to EVG newsletters. This was pushed heavily with sign up deadlines extended. The main reason I though it was OK to invest is that Mike had done due diligence and was putting his own money in. He mentioned on the video he did with Senen that he was being paid a small commision which covered pretty much putting on the video etc. What I find annoying are thes two comments in his letter - "On the other hand, I would love to see him make the big man move in some way. At bare minimum I would like to see him honor any refund requests that are made, but that’s his call." and then "Even assuming that this was an honest, yet tragic mistake on Kevin’s part that he may very well be able to recover from, Robert and I cannot continue to share ProphetMax to EVG Members moving forward."
So he is not recoomending anyone invests, asking Senen to make the big man move, but no where has he addressed the commissions he made and being a 'big man' himself and at least refunding those to individuals who request being EVG members or not as we sogned up our paperwork with EVG as our referrer.[/QUOTE]
The FB page had a posting for anyone from down-under to message them. I think they are banding together to see if they can figure out the next move as a group. If HiDiver, or SoFree are interested.....or anyone else actually, friend the page and see if they can help.