The positions are closed, the losses have been crystalised - that's a loss bigolboy. I don't know where you learned to trade or invest but here's another cold hard fact for you: to RECOVER your LOSS with only the 35% left in your account will require Kevin and co to make 300% profit just to get you back to break even. How long were you planning to keep your funds in this account again ...? :whistling
Do you really think I don't comprehend where I stand. Laugh at me call me names, come on let me hear what an idiot I am, The fact is my balance is 35% of what it was and I have to double up twice to get back even. I get it. And for reasons you don't want to understand I am fine with where I am. This was money I would not touch for a minimum of two years now it might be four years. and that is okay. It could happen that I lose every penny of it, that would suck, but I would be okay. It is my money and I invested it, if the trade would have went the other way and I had 500k in there now I still would not touch it for two years. It is called a plan. Granted I wanted it to skyrocket from the start but it didn't. now we have some ground to make up, it is ok. that is what investing is.