while i think everyone does feel desperately sorry and feels great empathy for those that lost large amounts of money at the hands of these marketers. the mind completely boggles at their willingness to be sucked in by the likes of dillard and pousa.
hardly anyone seems to have researched properly before diving in. this thread would have been easily found via google, to freely ask questions. understandably there are more of you here now, noticeably so after the events that unfolded.
pousa is exposed and now surely knows the game is up. if he actually shows at the webinar please don't fall for any plea to put more money in. that's the only reason he'll show is he knows you fell for the marketing once, so he'll try one last squeeze to see if the pips squeak. do not cave in. do not give them any more of your cash! same with dillard, and any marketing ploys he rolls out in the wake of the prophetmax debacle.
good luck 👍