ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

Surely nobody takes this guy seriously, I know Mike Dillard was flogging slimming tablets or some crap but this takes the biscuit. So now these guys are going to make you rich and slim and, to make the most of all this, prolong your sexual experience.
Biscuit. Prolong sexual experience.

I'm sorry. That's all I saw.

Now, where are those chocolate hobnobs....
Surely nobody takes this guy seriously, I know Mike Dillard was flogging slimming tablets or some crap but this takes the biscuit. So now these guys are going to make you rich and slim and, to make the most of all this, prolong your sexual experience.

they certainly have enjoyed farking us for a while now it seems
Holy crap, that is a serious amount of losses.

And that is just the small amount of people that wandered over to the survey and took it. Supposedly the numbers were 3000 or so that joined at $2,000 USD at least plus whatever they invested. So, there would be more that lost than the small number who took the survey.
And that is just the small amount of people that wandered over to the survey and took it. Supposedly the numbers were 3000 or so that joined at $2,000 USD at least plus whatever they invested. So, there would be more that lost than the small number who took the survey.

It had crossed my mind that they were inflating the number of people
that were signing up to make it look all the more attractive. If there
were that many people that jumped in, then I would have thought that
we would see a lot more of them posting on the EVG Facebook page.
I feel that there are no more than about 30 or 40 people that are
actually engaged in the conversation over there.....and less over here,
because most are still not aware of this thread.
while i think everyone does feel desperately sorry and feels great empathy for those that lost large amounts of money at the hands of these marketers. the mind completely boggles at their willingness to be sucked in by the likes of dillard and pousa.

hardly anyone seems to have researched properly before diving in. this thread would have been easily found via google, to freely ask questions. understandably there are more of you here now, noticeably so after the events that unfolded.

pousa is exposed and now surely knows the game is up. if he actually shows at the webinar please don't fall for any plea to put more money in. that's the only reason he'll show is he knows you fell for the marketing once, so he'll try one last squeeze to see if the pips squeak. do not cave in. do not give them any more of your cash! same with dillard, and any marketing ploys he rolls out in the wake of the prophetmax debacle.

good luck 👍
And that is just the small amount of people that wandered over to the survey and took it. Supposedly the numbers were 3000 or so that joined at $2,000 USD at least plus whatever they invested. So, there would be more that lost than the small number who took the survey.

I doubt there are 3000 victims, still even one is too many.
while i think everyone does feel desperately sorry and feels great empathy for those that lost large amounts of money at the hands of these marketers. the mind completely boggles at their willingness to be sucked in by the likes of dillard and pousa.

hardly anyone seems to have researched properly before diving in. this thread would have been easily found via google, to freely ask questions. understandably there are more of you here now, noticeably so after the events that unfolded.

pousa is exposed and now surely knows the game is up. if he actually shows at the webinar please don't fall for any plea to put more money in. that's the only reason he'll show is he knows you fell for the marketing once, so he'll try one last squeeze to see if the pips squeak. do not cave in. do not give them any more of your cash! same with dillard, and any marketing ploys he rolls out in the wake of the prophetmax debacle.

good luck 👍

They will definitely try to hit them for more money, then there will a fake company promising to get their money back, then a fake regulator. All completely predictable, just like it has been up to now.
oh do please wake up people and walk away.

look at this from dillards evg facebook page 😱

I did but as usual most people ignored me, I think it did cause a few to hold back on handing over even more money so still worth the effort.

i have received a thank you message for and on behalf of those that have contributed to this thread. if we know one person so far avoided losing money, that got to be good and so yes, it has helped 👍

there are still blind people fawning over dillard at evg, so i guess the casualty list will be a lot higher in the future. and the message still to get through.
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I have started a chat room for tonight's conference call. (as there will be no chat room available only a window to submit questions)

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2e71p - Tinychat
I have started a chat room for tonight's conference call. (as there will be no chat room available only a window to submit questions)

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2e71p - Tinychat

I am over there but I don't know how to activate it so that I can
type in a message. Help please.
I did but as usual most people ignored me, I think it did cause a few to hold back on handing over even more money so still worth the effort.

I listened to you. I found this thread back in April searching for info on ProphetMax/EVG. I didn't join EVG or go near Prophetmax because of you and the early posters on this thread. So thank you now, your posts activated my b.s. detectors.
Anyone have links to the EVG facebook thread and/or the link for webinar information when this will all be discussed? thx