ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

Assuming Mike/EVG was stung 64% too and that EVG lead us to IIC - WHAT action will they take after tonight's call to recover losses?

SPousa better start by giving back the $2,000 after giving it the HEAVY HEAVY: "this is the best thing since slice bread" pitch
Assuming Mike/EVG was stung 64% too and that EVG lead us to IIC - WHAT action will they take after tonight's call to recover losses?

SPousa better start by giving back the $2,000 after giving it the HEAVY HEAVY: "this is the best thing since slice bread" pitch

Believe me Mike didn't lose a penny, as for getting your 2k back you've no hope. Have you reported this to ASIC? Probably not, but in due course you'll accuse the authorities of 'doing nothing'.
Some of the marketing I'm seeing from Pousa & Dillard is laughable. They are charging an upfront fee to "allow" you to gain access to the investment vehicles of the "ultra rich".

The IB Cap / GFM deal is at best a poorly organized, second rate show spread over multiple jurisdictions to avoid proper regulation. There is nothing special about it people. They certainly aren't trading the money of the ultra rich, just your hard earned cash you gave them on the back of Pousa & Dillard's deceptive marketing.
Believe me Mike didn't lose a penny, as for getting your 2k back you've no hope. Have you reported this to ASIC? Probably not, but in due course you'll accuse the authorities of 'doing nothing'.

that's a little unkind pboyles - the authorities have absolutely been contacted plus others besides, but some people aren't as confident about doing those things as others - doesn't mean they deserve to be conned 🙁
Hate to trample your daisies but that's just not going to happen. See Pousa's email today - blaming the "2 or 3 "extremists" [discussing the facts - my edit] who spoil it for the rest". It's all good in his world. :!:

Kevin was the one responsible for the upwards of 63% loss and is the epicenter of the issues. Blame the victim?! With that attitude I expect tonight will not be a good time for those that are awake to the real issues.
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that's a little unkind pboyles - the authorities have absolutely been contacted plus others besides, but some people aren't as confident about doing those things as others - doesn't mean they deserve to be conned 🙁

Nobody deserves to be conned but anyone who hasnt reported this to ASIC has let the side down.
Yes that's correct. I'm in contact with Thynne & Macartney's managing partner and have forwarded screenshots of the Trade2Win posts purporting to be them.

I hope you are on the webinar tonight to let others know of your calls and texting from Senen regarding his legal threats against you. Has Thynne & Macartney gotten back to you?
Either way, IB Capital is merely a shell company set up to take the money, it's not an operating broker. The NZ authorities will begin investigations today.

This might satisfy point #4 of the list that, our member, ProphetMax has been soliciting.

So we have #1 and #4 checked.


1. Testimonial from a dissatisfied customer.
2. Testimonial from a satisfied long term member.
3. (Former) Employee comes public as a whistle blower.
4. Documented evidence of Corporate Malfeasance.

And this email sent to the ProphetMaxx Review Facebook page from a longtime Senen investor may satisfy point #2 too.

It's posted there and it reads:

"I’ve been part of senen’s services before EVG and I have to say I think you are right. When I first joined he had a trader called mike ser who was giving weekly ETF trade ideas mike disappeared and senen said that he had other traders of a very high standard who could fill mikes shoes.

He came up with another trader called charlie but would not give out his real name I think senen in reality was doing the trades and came up with this fictitious name. We lost 16 trades in a row. At this point senen dropped Charlie and came up with the prophet max fx which you have all subscribed to like me I thought I would give him another chance as he comes across with such high standards and integrity.

The fx has been performing well up until now I’ve been in for 6 months and it seemed the real deal. What gets me is senen takes this no responsibility stance and puts the blame on us as investors. I understand where he is coming from but he gets really defensive when challenge about this.

From last nights call what gets me is that he’s was saying don’t worry I have something else up my sleeve, this smells like a rat. He has his own bank that he is starting. In the 2 years I’ve been with him he has switch from one idea to another constantly as the results or systems he comes up with don’t deliver.
The more I look back and look at the past events over the last two years I’m now only beginning to think that this guy is a con artist.

He uses his intellect and understanding of psychology and how the human mind works to cleverly manipulate.

His investments has probably cost me 25,000 pounds but still promotes on his website that he has the number one highest returning investment newsletter in the world period.

It’s taken we 2 years but senen is a manipulative individual and evg should seek to put this right."

So we have points #1, 2 and 4 satisfied?
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11. Why Senen denies any responsibility for Managed FX when the IIC logo is all over the IB Capital application forms and their third party LPOA authorisation specifies ProphetMax Managed FX as the trading agent?

Really?!?!?!?! Someone needs to include these documents with their complaint to ASIC. It's concrete PROOF that IIC are not just referring clients, rather they are integral to the whole operation.
Was Kevin Clarke of Global Forex Management on the webinar as promised? Did he explain the upwards of 63% trade losses he was responsible for?
Yes, Kevin was on the webinar. Something just didn't sound right about him. He was not convincing. He said that it was a human error. He had entered 200 trades instead of 20. When they turned out to be losses he made an executive decision and entered another 200 in to try to rectify it but it only made it worse. He admitted that it was his error but there was never any mention of what he was going to do to help the people out after losing so much of their money.
He said that he was suspending trading for 2 weeks and would put a little pop-up window in place in case he entered the wrong number again and the pop-up window would then alert him and ask him if that was what he really wanted to do.
Can you believe that would take 2 weeks.....more like 2 minutes I would think.
And these people are supposedly trading millions of dollars for some clients. Hardly!!!
Senen is very upset with whoever it is on this thread that is using his photo as their Avatar. He said he has contacted his lawyers about this.
Whoever it might want to change your Avatar back.
Senen talked about being with Kevin for the last 4 years. I thought that they had recently switched from one trading company to another. Not sure where I heard this.
They said that one way to recoup the losses would be to put more money into their account.
Senen said he was indulging people with their questions because so many were similar.