ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

I happen to know Joel Friant personally. If you want to talk about someone who truly cares about others and a person of the highest integrity, you are talking about Joel.

Integrity? Well that integrity got PM members losses of 60%+, where advertised losses were to be under 10%. With someone with so much supposed experience in trading, he's done a really bad job for his clients. Keep Joel as your friend, but not as your financier.

Now, the experts at Global Forex Management close on trading clients accounts for a whole 2 weeks to check out the issue which should be apparent to such experienced people, should it not?
I don't quite follow. Do you mean he called you up or e-mailed or something?

I'm not sure what relevance his post has you see, as he doesn't actually say who his is and what part he has has to play in all this.

She, actually.

And, she has no more to play in this than I do. Actually, even less. It was my girlfriend. She saw the post and went on a rampage. Which is why I then had to come on and set the record straight.

Can you blame a girl for being emotional? 🙂
If you are an Australian resident caught up in this and are concerned about your investment, there are logical steps you need to follow.

1. Make a complaint to ASIC regarding Sennen Pousa and IIC. He has potentially provided an unlicensed financial service by inducing clients to deposit funds with IB Cap, and allowing Global Forex Management control of your account.

If found to have broken Australian Corporations Law, he may be liable for both direct and indirect loses you have suffered. The authorities will also see that he halts providing further unlicensed financial services.

2. Make a complaint to IB Capital. You want to ask a lot of questions about Global Forex Management and demand to see their license / registration details. If this isn't a 100% fully licensed operation you should demand your entire initial deposit be returned, including loses incurred by GFM trading activites.

3. If IB Capital baulk or stuff you around, lodge a complaint with their complaint scheme Financial Dispute Resolution.

Keep copies of all marketing material you were provided with, they will be vital in making your case, especially in Australia against Sennen and IIC.

Doing anything else is just a waste of time. You need to take control of your situation. Mike & Sennen are only interested in saving their own hides, nothing they will do for you from this point on will have your interests as #1.
....As for all of this Prophet Max scam stuff. I can assure you, it is not a scam. However, I do not know the inner workings of the company, nor do I have any involvement with it.

How can you make such an assurance, and then admit you aren't involved and don't know the inner workings? You know nothing!

The FACTS are this; Naive people were sold a steaming pile of "dream" by marketing experts (NOT financial experts or experienced traders), and lost over 60% of their funds in one day.
I also emailed my withdrawal/account closure form and spoke to the receptionist at IB in new zealand to confirm receipt. All very polite but noone was available for me to talk to (just a serviced office perhaps?). In the meantime I'm completing ASIC, ombudsman and Dept Fair Trading Scam reports for Australian jurisdiction and have a call into New Zealand Fair Trading to see what they can do in relation to IB Capital. Hopefully UK, US and other members are doing likewise in their countries.

Great work dan68trader. You also need to lodge a complaint with IB Capital about how your account was traded. Ask them to explain their relationship with Global Forex Management, and confirm their regulatory / licensing arrangements. You need to get it in writing too, not just a telephone conversation.
I'm thinking there are some real idiots posting things on the EVG FB page

.....and the posts grow more moronic by the minute
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There are people on the EVG Facebook page that still are supporting Senen and believe they will get all the money back in investment returns. With a 60% loss, it may literally take years to recover their money by investing with what's left.

This is rather like having a supposed skilled and experienced surgeon that attaches your severed hand to your leg instead of to your arm as promised, and you thinking that he'll get it right the next time. In the meantime your hand withers and falls off, and you're left without what was supposed to be done and you have no hope of getting back your working hand.
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There are people on the EVG Facebook page that still are supporting Senen and believe they will get all the money back in investment returns. With a 60% loss, it may literally take years to recover their money by investing with what's left.

that's how people like Senen get away with it; the world is full of fools and morons ripe for the savvy picking crew.
There are people on the EVG Facebook page that still are supporting Senen and believe they will get all the money back in investment returns. With a 60% loss, it may literally take years to recover their money by investing with what's left.

This is rather like having a supposed skilled and experienced surgeon that attaches your severed hand to your leg instead of to your arm, and you thinking that he'll get it right the next time. In the meantime your hand withers and falls off, and you're left without what was supposed to be done and you have no hope of getting back your working hand.

I just saw a post on there from someone who is actually debating if she should fund her account? OMG what the heck is wrong with these clownish people! :jester:
Dear Deron

Thankyou for confirming that Joel Friant is indeed the same man that was / is running the "The Real Trading Truth" website and that he is now working with Senen Pousa as the Client Manager for the Prophet Max Managed FX disaster area.


63% of client funds in the Managed FX option have disappeared. Jee, What a Surprise.

There is no Track Record of Returns for Prophet Max. Anybody can make up anything they like.

IB Capital FX (NZ) LLP was registered in Dec 2011 and has no history.

Any Jow Blow can set up a broker in New Zealand. You dont have to be there.

Being registered as a financial services provider and being part of a Dispute Resolution Scheme does NOT mean a thing. Regulators go to great lengths to tell you that being licensed or registered is NOT a recommendation by the Regulator that the licensee is legitimate or competent.

Trading Crowd In the USA

No Address on the Website.
No Contact apart from Joel Friant who is so unorganised he reportedly uses a G.mail email account to manage client queries.

What love and thoughfulness he has put in ensuring sytems, processes and people are put in place to service clients.

Maybe they could spend some of the millions that have been made over the last few months from peoples membership fees to actually resource the alleged business.

How about publishing the financials for the membership base ?

Simple task.

MorningStar has never Rated Prophet Max as Senen Pousa Deceptively Indicates on the Investment Intelligence Website.

Profit Max Agreements

WELL AFTER Grabbing clients money through a deceptive marketing exercise ( Half Truths), all the conflicting "so called legal agreements" surfaced for you to sign. If you don't sign them, you can no longer access the Prophet Max Website account that you have already paid for.

IBX Capital Agreement.
You have no recourse what so ever in relation to your funds.
They are owned by IB Capital FX once they are wired.
If IB Capital FX gets into trouble, all creditors ( except you) have claim to any residual funds.
In other words, you just gave away your funds with no recourse what so ever under the IB Capital FX Agreement.

Money or the promise of Money has a funny way of compromising people such that they will avoid their better judgement.

The fact is that Joel is associated with Prophet Max, IB Capital FX and the trading crew in the USA for which he is the customer service person.

I believe they just lost 65% of peoples capital when the prophet max "sell" that there a 1, 2 or 3% downside risk management process in place. I am sure Joel, with his experience as a trader and any other experienced trader would know that this alleged downside risk management sell is rubbish.

I dont think there is a team of lawyers anywhere, I think Joel has compromised his integrity
I also emailed my withdrawal/account closure form and spoke to the receptionist at IB in new zealand to confirm receipt. All very polite but noone was available for me to talk to (just a serviced office perhaps?). In the meantime I'm completing ASIC, ombudsman and Dept Fair Trading Scam reports for Australian jurisdiction and have a call into New Zealand Fair Trading to see what they can do in relation to IB Capital. Hopefully UK, US and other members are doing likewise in their countries.

Hey Dan68 try joining Prophetmax Review FB page (Prophetmaxx) there aren't quite as many morons on that one.

....let me clarify when compared to the EVG FB page
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I have NEVER seen someone treat their members with so much respect and care as I have Joel. In fact, I have seen him work 22 hours per day for weeks on end just to make sure he was answering all of his member emails in a timely manner.


Could you give me the name of his dealer?

Could you give me the name of his dealer?

I have to agree with the previous opinion of Joel. He would always answer my queries more than promptly and I just felt in speaking with him, his integrity, warmth and compassion. Lets' hope that by working for Senen it may offer that there is some substance to Senen's preaching and for a financial investment CEO mor underneath than Green Smoothies and meditation etc. I'm a long time practioner of prayer and meditation but I think his use if the webinars to proselythize his teahings on Zen Buddhism and life forces was innapropriate in a financial forum.
Martin Parsons - after the fact, unfortunately
I have to agree with the previous opinion of Joel. He would always answer my queries more than promptly and I just felt in speaking with him, his integrity, warmth and compassion. Lets' hope that by working for Senen it may offer that there is some substance to Senen's preaching and for a financial investment CEO mor underneath than Green Smoothies and meditation etc. I'm a long time practioner of prayer and meditation but I think his use if the webinars to proselythize his teahings on Zen Buddhism and life forces was innapropriate in a financial forum.
Martin Parsons - after the fact, unfortunately

It's nice to know that Joel will kindly and warmly direct you to a bad investment. Kind of softens the blow when you've lost 35k or so.
I have to agree with the previous opinion of Joel. He would always answer my queries more than promptly and I just felt in speaking with him, his integrity, warmth and compassion. Lets' hope that by working for Senen it may offer that there is some substance to Senen's preaching and for a financial investment CEO mor underneath than Green Smoothies and meditation etc. I'm a long time practioner of prayer and meditation but I think his use if the webinars to proselythize his teahings on Zen Buddhism and life forces was innapropriate in a financial forum.
Martin Parsons - after the fact, unfortunately

You do realize that working 22 hours a day is physically impossible, right?

It leaves 2 hours for
- toilet
- eating
- drinking
- washing
- sleeping
- reloading the meth pipe

I am presuming there is no 'driving home' time either which is somewhat worrying when you consider the other fella actually watched him execute these 22 hour marathons.

When someone comes in and starts laying down the bu11sh1t from the start, it doesn't bode well in my opinion.
Can't even get the phone conversation! Have tried a number of times for their compliance department but can't get past the pleasant receptionist with British accent and the promise of someone calling me back. It turns out the +64 4 974 9415 number goes to a serviced line in the UK and that IB Capital, even though located in NZ (allegedly?), operates to UK hours...

The Kiwis are stonewalling me! I can't lodge an official Scam Report there without a residential address. So any NZ members who can stump up ?

Their address, "Level 5, 22 the Terrace, 6011 Wellington, New Zealand" is a serviced office. Persist attempting to contact them, but in the meantime lodge a complaint with Financial Dispute Resolution. If you are a legitimate client of IB Cap it should not matter that you reside in Australia.
How can you make such an assurance, and then admit you aren't involved and don't know the inner workings? You know nothing!

The FACTS are this; Naive people were sold a steaming pile of "dream" by marketing experts (NOT financial experts or experienced traders), and lost over 60% of their funds in one day.

In the case of the marketing on this particular investment opportunity, you are probably absolutely correct... as time and time again, the company I work with has been practically yelling from the rooftops that over-zealous exuberance about ONE investment vehicle, or ONE strong campaign of WHERE to put your money, is red flag.

There is NO one-size-fits-all approach to investing. Bottom line. Final word. And, that means, an investor’s personal funds should NEVER be employed in just ONE speculative trading or investing vehicle.

In short, knowing the markets, adapting to their whims, and playing the game correctly all take professional skill and experience...

We know, thank goodness, that most of the financial industry plays with a level-head and most investors desire a rational and common-sense approach to 'money-growing' methods.

However, who is more to blame: the snake oil salesman or the buyer?

The reason I said it was not a scam is for two reasons (now bear with me, ALL OF YOU, on this and use your logical, reasoning brain function, not an emotional, 'I want their blood' irrational perspective):

1. As far as I know, Prophet Max, the trader, and the brokerage firm were all requiring an LPOA. That means, they ONLY had rights to trade the money within the account and nothing more. Now, that doesn't sound like a scam to me.

If they were personally taking client funds and creating a pooled group account, such as a hedge fund or otherwise, then I might agree with the people crying scam.

2. I happen to know people who had accounts for years. I am pretty sure those people had their accounts traded with the same profitable results that were broadcasted in their marketing. That is factual information.

Now, I am absolutely NOT defending their marketing. I think that building expectations too high is the absolute WORST thing someone can do in this industry. The risks NEED to be mentioned and not forgotten.

While people need to definitely take responsibility for any money they invested, we know that the risks of possibly losing all of one's money were heavily downplayed by all parties involved in the promotion of these services.

Leveraged Trading is a HIGH-RISK opportunity. PERIOD. It does not matter what anyone says about it. Sure, it is a great way to generate exceptional profits through accurate trading. And, it is a great way to 'beat the market.'

But, in the end, it is all SPECULATION. And, mistakes can happen, errors in judgment can happen, and money can be lost.

The truth is that THIS IS TRADING.

Which means: any losses incurred in your investment account will not be returned. That is the fact of the matter. The funds were transferred, as is the case in almost all trading, from one account to the next - from one investor to another (likely across the world). It is NOT like a bank account where an clerical error caused a refundable drop in your account.

The only money that MAY be refundable are the membership fees. That means that any membership fees returned will also have to be claimed by the referring party - i.e. the marketer who brought these services to light.

For your information, the company I work for has published an article on this matter entirely, and the reality of risk. It may be a sort of wake-up call to some of the people out there. And, it definitely shares the truth of what can happen in these situations.

If you'd like to have access to that article, simply go to this link:
When investing and human behavior collide: Painful lessons learned from millions lost
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