ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

Spoke to a broking company who was heavily involved in a (failed) attempt at putting a managed FOREX deal together with, ironically, an Aus company. He said the hardest part was pinning down the responsibilities/liabilities if something went wrong.

Paying fees to Australia, investing via NZ broker and using another to manage the funds would make me want to know the set-up and who carries the can.

Also Senen mentioned how hard was to put all this system together. Especially to put everything by the law. I think no broker would not done any buissines with Inteligence Investment company if they would susspect that they are scamers. Most of ponzy schemes i know were collecting money on a pooled bank account in some exotic country so there is a big difference if you have your own trading accoutn managed my other traders which have a buissines agrement with Prophet MAX. And broker is highly regulated by the country where he is located in.

And sory for spelling mistakes English is not my first language.

Regards to all Klemen
Hi all

I am not shure if this document was already published here on this forum but in case if it was not i decided to put it on for everyone to see when was Investement Intelligence established. Base in this information i got an evidence that Investment Intelligence in licensed by the AFS.


Hi all,

First post from a ProphetMax member.

Firstly, let me say that I find unsubstantiated allegations of criminal activity against Senen and wishes to all investors to lose their money explicable only by a missed dose of Ritalin. Healthy teenagers do not write things like that and adults definitely do not write things like that.

Now, on the more constructive note, I have reservations about Senen's formal education. He lists The Gordon Institute on LinkedIn. Now, perhaps his complete CV lists Harvard as well, but The Gordon Institute is a regional TAFE college, providing, in my opinion, qualifications suitable for a 20-year old office manager in a small company or a family business, not someone dealing in investments worth tens of millions. Thoughts, anyone?
Hi all

I am not shure if this document was already published here on this forum but in case if it was not i decided to put it on for everyone to see when was Investement Intelligence established. Base in this information i got an evidence that Investment Intelligence in licensed by the AFS.

Who is the AFS and what license have they issued to IIC? All this extract shows is that a Pty Ltd company has been incorporated.
I think that was exactly the point being raised. AFSL's are issued by ASIC, and IIC don't have one.

Free search of the ASIC database shows if a company is registered and its ACN. It does not show AFS licence information.
Free search of the ASIC database shows if a company is registered and its ACN. It does not show AFS licence information.

Yes it does. A search of the professional registers on ASIC website however turns up nothing on ICC under AFSL and Authorised Representative registers.

ICC are operating unlicensed.
Yes it does. A search of the professional registers on ASIC website however turns up nothing on ICC under AFSL and Authorised Representative registers.

ICC are operating unlicensed.

I stand corrected. I could not find IIC or Pousa in the register either.
. . . but The Gordon Institute is a regional TAFE college, providing, in my opinion, qualifications suitable for a 20-year old office manager in a small company or a family business, . . .
I think he was 20 years old when he attended that school. Therefore, the credential is worth exactly what you suggest.
I think that was exactly the point being raised. AFSL's are issued by ASIC, and IIC don't have one.
I think you are missing a bigger point.

When a ProphetMax member wires funds to a bank in Europe, it is not going into an account of an Australian company. It is going into an account registered in New Zealand.
I think he was 20 years old when he attended that school.

Sure. But he is a bit over 20 now. Has he furthered his education with a bachelor's degree? At this level an MBA would certainly not be inappropriate. Perhaps, a PhD, no? I'm not saying that he doesn't have these degrees or that he must have them to be successful. I would however like to know of his formal qualifications or how his experience replaces the degrees.
I think you are missing a bigger point.

When a ProphetMax member wires funds to a bank in Europe, it is not going into an account of an Australian company. It is going into an account registered in New Zealand.

You are correct 👍
I have asked a question on the support if IIC/Prophet MAX have a AFS license.
The answer was: NO it does not have AFS license because IIC/Prophet MAX is only a membership site.

That gives me ansver that legaly IIC does not need AFS license due to ther buissines structure. The account is held by a NZL broker and that broker is regulated.
Sure. But he is a bit over 20 now. Has he furthered his education with a bachelor's degree? At this level an MBA would certainly not be inappropriate. Perhaps, a PhD, no? I'm not saying that he doesn't have these degrees or that he must have them to be successful. I would however like to know of his formal qualifications or how his experience replaces the degrees.

So you belive that if guy has a PhD that there is less chances that he is running a multi million dollar scam?

Bill Gates didnt have a PhD and he was the richest man in the world.
So you belive that if guy has a PhD that there is less chances that he is running a multi million dollar scam?
Yes, I do. Doctors are generally considered to be more trustworthy than used car salespeople because, having studied so hard for so long, they have much to lose by breaking the law and they have alternative to scamming ways of earning income.

Bill Gates didnt have a PhD and he was the richest man in the world.
Bill Gates was not terribly typical. He was ahead of his formal studies. But, if asked about his qualifications, he could have listed his achievements in starting and running a company.
Ok i respect your belive but i dont agrre with you. Greed is the factor that even already succesfull people run scams to earn more with less effort. You want examlple that my statement is correct ? Here you go : Bernard Madoff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, I see your point. Madoff is a criminal. Senen Pousa - if this is his real name - may also be a criminal. He may be a serial killer with body parts buried in his backyard. We just have not seen any information indicative of that. What worries me is that an honest man can fail inadvertently, perhaps due to lack of experience or qualifications.