ProphetMax, Senen Pousa - any info?

well i'm of the conclusion we're not going to see any meaningful testimonials for a while yet. let's be honest, they've only really just started ramping this one in earnest.

In hindsight, I should have been more attune to the 'back tested results' being advertised, IIC being in business since 2003. Those statements are misleading. It appears from the information gathered in this thread that the ProphetMax ManagedFX fund has only been in operation since mid-March.
As one of the neophyte members that joined after the EVG webinar back in FEB, my ManagedFX account is UP 5.2% in six weeks of trading. Not exactly the 'back tested' performance Senen was teasing. But I'm not complaining :clap:

You need to learn the difference between Return ON Capital versus Return OF Capital. 😱

The 5.2% is bogus and is only there to keep you in long enough for them to get the money out. 😆

You have already been scammed and you don't even know it. Whatever you have put into this scam ManagedFX account is gone. You will NEVER see any of it again. 👎

If you don't believe me, then ask them to pay out your balance. (You can always put it back in again the next week). Can't wait to hear all the excuses.
If any of these conditions are met, I'll report back to you with the withdraw process.


1. Testimonial from a dissatisfied customer.
2. Documented evidence of Corporate Malfeasance. (NO COMPLAINTS FILED IN AU or NZ)
3. (Former) Employee comes public as a whistle blower.
4. Testimonial from a satisfied long term member. (I DOUBT ANY LTMs EXIST)
You have already been scammed and you don't even know it. Whatever you have put into this scam ManagedFX account is gone. You will NEVER see any of it again. 👎

If you don't believe me, then ask them to pay out your balance. (You can always put it back in again the next week). Can't wait to hear all the excuses.

THIS WHOLE THING IS A SCAM. And ProphetMaxMember is merely a shill for Senen Pousa, Investment Intelligence Corporation and ProphetMax,

Anyone who send ANY money to these guys (Senen Pousa, Investment Intelligence Corporation, ProphetMax, Kip Herriage, Karl Bessey, Mike Dillard, The Elevation Group ) DESERVES TO LOSE EVERY CENT.

The funny part of all this is that Senen Pousa (and his Investment Intelligence Corporation Pty Ltd) is getting his reputation trashed which will stay on the internet for years.
But the majority of the money (which is going to the un-named managed fund) is going to an UNdisclosed company run by UNdisclosed owners (most probably Mike Dillard and company).

So Senen Pousa is being ripped off by his own partners in this scam. 😆 What a schmuck he is, innit?
The answers are in BOLD

1. Testimonial from a dissatisfied customer. Any customers are prevented to discuss anything because of the very strict Non Disclosure document

2. Documented evidence of Corporate Malfeasance. (NO COMPLAINTS FILED IN AU or NZ) There have been many breaches of the Australian Securities rules outlined in this thread. For example, neither Senen Pousa or ProphetMax or Investment Intelligence Corporation have the proper authorities from the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC)

3. (Former) Employee comes public as a whistle blower. Any employees are prevented to discuss anything because of the very strict Non Disclosure document

4. Testimonial from a satisfied long term member. (I DOUBT ANY LTMs EXIST)
There are NONE😆[/QUOTE]
Lightning McQueen . . .

You have provided some leads that has given me some insight that I would like to outline here:

1. IIC is located in Australia
2. Members funds are deposited into an account in EU, under the account name located in NZ
3. ProphetMax and their affiliated trading brokers websites are reg. in the US
4. IIC\ProphetMax\Trading Broker date of registry dates back just a few weeks before their webinar with EVG back in Feb 2012

In the EVG 02/22/12 webinar, Senen clearly states that, and I'm paraphrasing, 'his model when back tested four years, would result in an investment of $10,000 would be worth $265,000 today.' That could be interpreted as a misleading statement, seeing how he had no financial product to offer prior to the webinar.

This is the one point within this long thread that concerns me to this point.
Hi all
Just wanted to say that when Senen was talking about back testing the system for 4 years i think he talked about Quant Algorithm for trading and not for Managed FX program. As i understand Managed FX is trading live from 2007 and during this time they made the returns seen on this trade report //

In hindsight, I should have been more attune to the 'back tested results' being advertised, IIC being in business since 2003. Those statements are misleading. It appears from the information gathered in this thread that the ProphetMax ManagedFX fund has only been in operation since mid-March.


I read all threat on this subject and i didnt find any information that MANAGED FX program started trading live in March 2012, can you give me a page number and who claimed this statement? Thank you
Hi all
Just wanted to say that when Senen was talking about back testing the system for 4 years i think he talked about Quant Algorithm for trading and not for Managed FX program. As i understand Managed FX is trading live from 2007 and during this time they made the returns seen on this trade report //

So Senen Pousa and Investment Intelligence Corporation are operating a financial service with Quant or not? They are not licensed for financial services, correct? From an earlier post here it sounded like a ProphetMax enrollee stated Senen was transferring the trading to the person and just selling the software. His webinars are not covering specific trading suggestions or recommendations? Any ProphetMax person care to clarify this?
So Senen Pousa and Investment Intelligence Corporation are operating a financial service with Quant or not? They are not licensed for financial services, correct? From an earlier post here it sounded like a ProphetMax enrollee stated Senen was transferring the trading to the person and just selling the software. His webinars are not covering specific trading suggestions or recommendations? Any ProphetMax person care to clarify this?

Hi thepixelpusher

I am not a lawyer not either a financal advisor or any kind of financal expert.
But for answering your question i need to know what is a definition of a financial service ?

Quant is programed algorithm programed and developed by Senen and his company. And if you are a Prophet MAX member you have ability to rent this algorithm for trading your OWN trading account on Meta Trader platform. So you basically rent a program to trade, but i dont know if this can be called a financial service.

And ProphetMaxMember is merely a shill for Senen Pousa, Investment Intelligence Corporation and ProphetMax,

Anyone who send ANY money to these guys (Senen Pousa, Investment Intelligence Corporation, ProphetMax, Kip Herriage, Karl Bessey, Mike Dillard, The Elevation Group ) DESERVES TO LOSE EVERY CENT.

Agree. 👍
Agree. 👍

Hi all

I am new to this threat but i did go trough every page of this forum.

One thing I dont understand here are people who are 100% sure that Senen and
his company is a scam and they are STILL very active in this forum and are concentrating their attention ,time,effort and energy for posting on a subject which should be totally unimportant for them based on their believes. Why do you do that ???

If I am sure that something is impossible or a scam i dont put 1% of my energy and time in to it, neither i dont attack people which their believe is different.

Regards to all Klemen
Hi all

I am new to this threat but i did go trough every page of this forum.

One thing I dont understand here are people who are 100% sure that Senen and
his company is a scam and they are STILL very active in this forum and are concentrating their attention ,time,effort and energy for posting on a subject which should be totally unimportant for them based on their believes. Why do you do that ??? . . .
There is a term for that type of behavior on internet forums . . . trolls.

They don't operate from a fact base set of rules. They instinctually think their opinion is right and everyone else is wrong.

The best type of repellent is to not feed them. 👎
There is a term for that type of behavior on internet forums . . . trolls.

They don't operate from a fact base set of rules. They instinctually think their opinion is right and everyone else is wrong.

The best type of repellent is to not feed them. 👎

No, people posting here are not necessarily trolls. I think the person that started this thread was truly interested in Senen's program. But, before putting thousands of hard earned dollars into it they wanted independent proof. Can you understand this thinking? Everyone should do their own due diligence. Even Mike Dillard would approve of this thread.
thepixelpusher . . . I do appreciate your participation in this discussion. You have been very helpful in your analysis.

Statements like:

Originally Posted by shewolf on March 1,
It looks like their bank account (with St George bank in Queensland) has been frozen pending an investigation into fraud.

Without any verifiable evidence to support it is reprehensible.
Statements like:

Originally Posted by shewolf on March 1,

Without any verifiable evidence to support it is reprehensible.

evidence is sure hard to come by, though if you dig enough you can find stuff.

here's the very same info as shewolf provided.

Reliability Report for Investment Intelligence Corporation - JustAnswer

the problem with this particular evidence is that it dates after shewolf posted. but as the expert in question is a lawyer that appears to specialise in such matters, hence being a "verified expert" for their site. one must assume he didn't just find shewolf's info here and use it on his site without finding out its truth. what we'd want to find is something similar predating shewolf's post.

also there's a hell of a lot of people asking dumb stuff on just answers about this very outfit. hmm!! :whistling
thepixelpusher . . . I do appreciate your participation in this discussion. You have been very helpful in your analysis.

Statements like:

Originally Posted by shewolf on March 1,

Without any verifiable evidence to support it is reprehensible.

Understandably the regular posters here had their fill of hucksters and snake oil salespeople on these forums, so expect a bit of "scam talk", whether rightly or wrongly deserved. Though, Shewolf did add to the thread with her link to show the status of IIC as a financially registered company along with her strong opinions. I agree that there have been hot exchanges back and forth, but great claims (by Senen) deserve great evidence to back it up. And we've yet to find that conclusive evidence.

I'm still not sure why Senen doesn't have a higher profile in the investment community if he's generating the success he's talking about. I mean JP Morgan just lost 2 billions dollars, but if they'd invested with IIC their losses would only be .01%, at worst, with the managed brokered account according to Senen's risk loss stats.

The real proof should be access to several longtime customers. Heck, Senen and Mike Dillard should be doing a video interview webinar with several satisfied customers to show how rewarding the system is. The fact Mike Dillard has been so cagey about discussing his research into Senen's business tells us something, does it not? And Senen's 3rd party unnamed banks and transfer sources hidden by non disclosures just adds to the suspicion.

Though it's not my thread, I hope this thread sheds more light than just creating disagreements. If for nothing else but to educate the newer investors. Eventually this thread will pull together more solid evidence for those that need it.
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ProphetMax Member and Digital-Man have you asked Senen to talk to several longtime customers?
Both Senen and his wife (they both run webinars) have mentioned that they have seen several longtime members in the webinars. These members don't offer testimonials, but if they did, some will just call them shills. If they were gushing about how much money they were making, again, some will find that to be confirmatory, whereas others will consider them to be shills.

Senen has mentioned the experiences of some older members and others have asked for help (live in the webinar) in renewing their membership due to the credit card shopping cart being unavailable. Again, you could call them happy members or shills. Is the glass half empty or half full?

If my membership were up for renewal today, I would renew, with or without access to investment vehicles. What is of most value to me is the development of emotional intelligence, as I believe that is a key part of success and what I feel Senen can help me with. Sure, I can find that elsewhere, but I like the way Senen presents it. Interacting live with a teacher is much different than reading books or listening to CDs. There was a time when I was happy with books and CDs, but at this time, I like the live presentations.

thepixelpusher said:
Eventually this thread will pull together more solid evidence for those that need it.
Some need more evidence to trust than others. There may not ever be enough evidence for some people. At this point, I like what Senen has to say and consider him a wealth/success coach and will stick with IIC as long as I feel there is value in being a member. Senen continues to say that money is only one aspect of success, that is why IIC offers what it does.

I am not 100% satisfied in the way things are rolling out, but I will give them a bit more time and see if they measure up. Along the way I have found several other resources that I can turn to should this not pan out, but for now, so far, so good.
i'm still absolutely convinced that this is all dung.

look, you pay a rather large membership fee to be introduced to stuff that's most, no, almost 100% likely out there and available to the public anyway. once introduced you pay them yet another fee to join in. you're already down a huge amount on the investment made to the managed fx, even before those clowns even started churning it.

ok i concede the evidence is thin on the ground, one way or the other. and as i've probably already said, this incarnation of pousa's get rich quick malarky looks recently pushed. as such it'll take time for any unhappy punters start blowing any whistles.

why is the managed fx crowd a secret?

why doesn't anybody name the mt4 expert advisor?

is that right the ea is rented? how much do they charge a month for a tuppence ha'penny ea? oops lol don't forget your joining fee there too, and then add the annual membership, anybody actually came out on top yet after the fees?
once introduced you pay them yet another fee to join in. you're already down a huge amount on the investment made to the managed fx
There are no additional fees for Managed FX after the initial membership fee is paid. There will be a renewal fee after one year (around $800).

why is the managed fx crowd a secret?
The crowd is not a secret. Members agree not to disclose the names of the institutions.

why doesn't anybody name the mt4 expert advisor?
It is called ProphetMax Quant. Doesn't tell you much, does it?

is that right the ea is rented?
It can be used for the duration of membership (one year). It won't work unless membership is current, so it is not a simple purchase of software.

how much do they charge a month for a tuppence ha'penny ea? oops lol don't forget your joining fee there too, and then add the annual membership, anybody actually came out on top yet after the fees?
There are no monthly fees unless you use a VPS, but that is up to the member.
Yes, considering the joining fee and yearly renewal, there won't be much profit, if any, starting out with a small amount.