Agpilot said:
Hi Roberto: What is the real basic problem?/
I think it's DBP's intransigence, his lack of willingness to have any dissent, his lack of willingness (and maybe ability, as has been suggested in other threads by others _far_ more experienced than I) to answer "awkward questions" (not that I have ever asked one myself, but I have silently sympathised with many others who've been offended by him), and the other points made above about him both by myself and by a number of other people.
As shown elsewhere, he has almost unique abilities when it comes to pi**ing off a large number of members. That's obviously not good for any internet community.
This, and not what you mention in your post, was the reason why _even_ the ET site eventually banned him (and they certainly tolerate a lot more than most sites will!): eventually they just couldn't tolerate the compaints and arguments any more. Sadly, I see the same thing happening here already.
Agpilot said:
I started investing almost 40 years ago and I am still open to learning more
So am I - very much so. DBP, on the other hand, is not.
He is open only to teaching and to always Being Right. Unlike many of us, he is unwilling to be mistaken or to have his views challenged (or even, in a tight spot, to justify them).
I hope, also, that his form of censorship is unwelcome here and that something will be done about it. I feel sure that it's possible for the rules to be changed slightly to protect the members from didactic, opinionated autocrats.
However many friends DBP asks to "put in a word for him" as you have so loyally done, I have the feeling that my PM inbox will have supportive messages from a customarily silent majority of at least ten times the size, thanking me for speaking out on this subject and urging me not to let it rest until some sort of "outcome" is attained.
I would remind you that I am by no means the only person saying these things, nor did I even start off this discussion!
And there you have it ... I've posted again to answer your question. I don't pretend to imagine that my answer will satisfy you, or that you'll even agree with most of it. That doesn't matter. Even the fact that you are in a tiny minority doesn't matter that much either. At the end of the day it's not your or my decision how this issue will be resolved, but clearly it's in need of some sort of resolution.
(By the way, and for the record, I happen to share DBP's views of "price" and "indicators" for the most part, as you can see from my own too-frequent and scattered posts on related subjects. I would _strongly_ welcome someone more suitable doing what DBP purports to be trying to do in a public part of the site.)