Private Tutors to Learn Forex Trading


Junior member

Firstly - I am a total "Newb" when it comes to the Forex world but it is something that I would like to understand and hopefully dedicate some time towards.

I struggle to learn from books, classes and Internet DVD's so was wondering if anyone knew of any private tutors in the Manchester, UK area?

Also, any kind of tips, ideas on what to ask / look out for would be greatly appreciated.

why forex ? just asking !!

Too be honest either Forex or Stocks and Shares would suffice but having already dabbled in the Shares marketplace, I thought having a slight understanding of the 2 would allow for a comparison to be made for which I could begin my trading journey!
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The best way to learn is to actually trade mini sized contracts.

Hi Ron,

Thanks for the info. However, I don't think that I have explained just how much of a beginner I am. Too be honest when it comes to trading I am a total newb. I wouldn't know the first thing to do, where to start.

My goal is of course to try and find another source of income but more importantly - to gain the knowledge of trading. I find it a very interesting subject and something that I would like to understand a little more. Of course earning money is the ultimate but for now I would just be happy with the knowledge.
Hi Ron,
Thanks for the info. However, I don't think that I have explained just how much of a beginner I am. Too be honest when it comes to trading I am a total newb. I wouldn't know the first thing to do, where to start.

I think mentors are extremely important, and you probably wont suceed without one. However, I think that its practically impossible to find the right mentor until you have a reasonable amount of experience.

Its not like driving a car, where pretty much any driving instructor can impart the knowledge you need to pass a driving test. You need to determine a whole bunch of things for yourself, how much risk your comfortable with, what timeframes suit you, what trading styles suit your own personality etc.

After that, you can start to narrow down the field, and you'll be in a better position to determine who's making sense, and who's talking bollox (and 99.99% of what you'll read on forums is just bollox 🙂

Check out some of the simple systems on the forum (they dont work (without discretion and experience)), but they'll at least get you started, just try out a few things on a demo account, and see what seams to make sense.
I think mentors are extremely important, and you probably wont suceed without one. However, I think that its practically impossible to find the right mentor until you have a reasonable amount of experience.

Its not like driving a car, where pretty much any driving instructor can impart the knowledge you need to pass a driving test. You need to determine a whole bunch of things for yourself, how much risk your comfortable with, what timeframes suit you, what trading styles suit your own personality etc.

After that, you can start to narrow down the field, and you'll be in a better position to determine who's making sense, and who's talking bollox (and 99.99% of what you'll read on forums is just bollox 🙂

Check out some of the simple systems on the forum (they dont work (without discretion and experience)), but they'll at least get you started, just try out a few things on a demo account, and see what seams to make sense.

Cheers Zupcon - Agree with what you are saying and understand that there will need to be much work undertaken from my side initially. Trawling through all the jargon on the Internet is a task in itself though 🙂 I suppose some kind of introduction/beginners guide will be my next step and then hopefully finding someone "in the know" will follow.

dnt think there are private tutors unless they charge £50,000 per hour.

best way i learnt is to read books and guides then practice with demo accounts
dnt think there are private tutors unless they charge £50,000 per hour.

best way i learnt is to read books and guides then practice with demo accounts

i am willing to do it for less 🙂
if i teach how to trade exactly like this, how much do you think it worth? lol..

Decide whether you want to learn to trade using Fundamental or Technical Analysis

if Technical analysis, make a study of the essential technical factors of Price action (both individual as a trigger for entry, and overall-peak/valley analysis for determining trend) and support/resistance. You may want to have a look at some simple indicator techniques as well such as band/channel deviation and/or oscillator divergence/extreme readings as a further string to your technical bow.

Develop a trading edge from these or other technical factors and remember that tech trading is highest probability when a confluence of tech factors line up together.

You may find the docs attached on page 10, post 74 of this thread useful:

The doc Part I attached tp post 74 detailed above explains the basics of those technical phenomena I have indicated in the first paragraph.

Do a search on 'Bird Watching in Lion Country' in this forum or on Google.

IMO this is a great intro to learn about any form of trading, especially forex. You won't necessarily agree with all he says, but there are some very valuable insights in the book.

Good luck on our journey and be mindful that there are very few shortcuts to anywhere worth going!
Costs please 🙂

for you I will do it for free 🙂

Lets try first with some questions!

Ask me anything and I will try to answer if not possible we can sort something out for sure 🙂