Private Forums

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erierambler said:
Exactly, the people that take responsibility for themselves , learn to think for themselves.


As opposed to the US, where so many people are so intent on taking the responsibility for determining what everybody else ought to be thinking that nobody's doing any thinking at all.

Ah, the parallels between trading and life . . .
Roberto said:
How is it now being enforced that owners of private forums do not have free rein to limit and edit what other members post without good reason? I'd love to be wrong about this, but if you'll excuse my saying so, it looks very much as if that's exactly what they have free rein to do; and indeed that when they do it, you are (understandably) unaware of what posts have been deleted and therefore (naturally) unable to comment.

You can see why I'm confused?

Please can you comment on my confusion, at least, even if not on my deleted posts? 🙂

Roberto, in case Frugi's earlier post did not make this clear:

When a post is deleted, it is only "soft-deleted". The mods/admin can still see the post, view it, and decide, as required, to leave it deleted or un-delete it and restore it to public view. So, we are quite aware of which posts get deleted although not always the reasons for the deletion, obviously.

As far as moderating goes, yes it can be a pain in the a** sometimes, but there are a few of us now so the task is a little easier. We certainly don't give out private forums simply to make our jobs easier - they're there, as someone else has said, because a lot of the time its nice to see a thread which doesn't start to show signs of degenerating into the abyss, as happens from time to time. The classic "No Indicators" thread was an excellent example of this. Hopefully, with the Private Forums (and they're not really private, you only have to ask) this will not happen, and the members concerned can - and do - put forward some gems which I honestly believe would not be aired otherwise.
I thought the "No Indicators" thread was fantastic before Socrates started posting on it. He has an ability to wind people up and unfortunately he doesn't seem to be capable of starting his own thread. "The Journey from the Basement" thread started in another thread and was moved by a moderator. I remember a few times suggesting he should start his own thread or perhaps have a private forum. I think there are several people who no longer post here because they didn't like the criticism of Socrates but there also seem to be several who didn't like being banned when they had a legitimate disagreement with something he was saying.
my 5 zlottys:-

seems as though we are having this conversation once again.

surely it is a case of survival of the fittest thread?

if there is a genuinely interesting thread, which keeps people amused and informed, then it is less likely to degenerate into a slanging match. it is only when certain people's heckles get raised that things turn into a bun fight.

if the thread has merit, then it will stay relatively "clutter-free" as the participants will be engaged in a learning process, and because they are engaged, it will remain noise-free. its only when the indoctrination starts, that people take offence, and resort to personal insults.

if each and every question and point was debated to a satisfactory conclusion, then we wouldnt have a problem. unfortunately, we have problems with those members who assume an air of superiority, whether justified or not:-

i have been doing this xxx of years. i have honed my methods to pinpoint turning points with unerring accuracy. you will do well to listen to me, young upstart.

dialectic? my ****.

i am personally opposed to the private boards. what does selective membership achieve? who is to say that the answers to problems are located in a small subset of people. if the net was cast wider, then we would stand a better chance of more liberal thinking and the opportunity for novel solutions and ideas that would not have otherwise been suggested, as the member might not have been privy to the Special Circle.

Anyway, these things come and go. all threads fade away as interest fades..

which reminds me, it has been ages since anyone has asked if Goldline was any good.

right, i have spoken, you can all lump it now! 😆

I read in a Sunday newspaper that I can make £60,000 tax free a year by using a software program called Goldline. I dont need any previous trading knowledge and it only takes 5 minutes a day but I do need internet access.

Can anyone tell me if it is any good ?

FC I hope this satisfies your concern at the lack of people asking this question ? 🙂

yup, that should do it. i feel a whole lot better now..

hopefully this thread will be sought out by the Google spider bots too 🙂

The solution of this issue of Private Forums seems to me very simple. At least, in theory. I don't know if it could be made to work in practice, but I don't see why not.

The problem is clear. Some posters hijack or derail threads to the detriment of genuine discussion. As DB put it:

"I suppose one chief difference between private forums and public is that when those who ask questions in private forums do so, they are truly interested in an answer, in learning something. If the answer is unclear, there is a back-and-forth until everyone is satisfied. On a public forum, however, the intent of questions is often not to learn something new or different but to set the stage for expressing one's own view."

My solution would be for those who want Private Forums for the reasons DB has outlined should have them but they should be viewable by all t2w members in exactly the same way as any other forum. However, only members of the specific Private Forum could post. Membership would be determined by the 'owner' of the forum, just as it is now. If someone applied to join, and was accepted, but then posted in a way that disrupted discussions, then his or her membership could be withdrawn. If someone who was known to have a disruptive influence applied to join, and wasn't accepted, I don't see that he or she could have any cause for complaint.

In other words, matters would be organised as they are now, but in public view. The only possible objection to this would be if what was being discussed on a Private Forum alluded disparagingly to non members, or was somehow 'exclusive' to members, neither of which (I assume) should be the case.

I do think the current fashion of Private Forums operating behind closed doors is overly clubbish for an online community which has always seemed so welcomingly open. Apart from anything else, how could anyone even know if they might be interested in joining one of these Private Forums if they haven't been able to participate as a 'fly on the wall'?

All the best things that have happened in my life have been the result of wandering through the world with my eyes and ears open and my mouth shut. Walking past firmly closed doors always makes me wonder if I might be missing something. Obviously, privacy is important, but surely not on t2w, where few people are themselves, anyway?

Dod, this is one other option we are considering - making it "read-only" for everyone but only "approved" members allowed to post. I'm not saying this is definately going to happen or otherwise - just something we were/are thining about.

Everyone needs to appreciate that the way the Naz/Mr.C forum is at the moment is almost a trial period - this thread is doing exactly what we wanted it to, in many ways - showing us what the members think, and offering potential solutions.
dod said:
All the best things that have happened in my life have been the result of wandering through the world with my eyes and ears open and my mouth shut. Walking past firmly closed doors always makes me wonder if I might be missing something.Dod
Love it - a real gem.
Making it "Read Only" will not prevent any of the abuse that was being complained about because much of it was done by email and private message to specific people.

In my view membership should be by request only and see how that progresses.

Bigbusiness said:
I thought the "No Indicators" thread was fantastic before Socrates started posting on it. He has an ability to wind people up and unfortunately he doesn't seem to be capable of starting his own thread. "The Journey from the Basement" thread started in another thread and was moved by a moderator. I remember a few times suggesting he should start his own thread or perhaps have a private forum. I think there are several people who no longer post here because they didn't like the criticism of Socrates but there also seem to be several who didn't like being banned when they had a legitimate disagreement with something he was saying.
Bigbusiness, it is not fair of you to say that I wind people up. You ought to look carefully at the record and you will see how much nonsense I have put up with on these boards. It is not that people do not like criticism as you put it, it is that people do not like being told the blunt truth, whith the gloves taken off, as there is too much nonsense bandied about this topic for my liking.

I am not confused or uninformed or seaching for a holy grail like the majority who keep on asking silly questions again and again. I am the exact opposite of all this, which I now realise is rare. I am totally focused, properly informed and I do not need to ask any questions of any of you. I am able to deliver the answers, the correct answers, blunt and to the point, as a consequence of my experience, which is considerable.

I had last night a PM from a member worthy of respect, who commented to me that he enjoys a chuckle when he sees me rattling the monkey cage with a stick as I go past.

When people are told the facts, irrefutable facts that are provable that shatter their illusions and wooly beliefs, they don't like it Bigbusiness, they prefer a cosy world of systems and indicators and signals and other nonsense.

The situation remains that those who know the least are the ones who criticise me.

Kind Regards.
FetteredChinos said:
if each and every question and point was debated to a satisfactory conclusion, then we wouldnt have a problem. unfortunately, we have problems with those members who assume an air of superiority, whether justified or not:-

i have been doing this xxx of years. i have honed my methods to pinpoint turning points with unerring accuracy. you will do well to listen to me, young upstart.

I am not confused or uninformed or seaching for a holy grail like the majority who keep on asking silly questions again and again. I am the exact opposite of all this, which I now realise is rare. I am totally focused, properly informed and I do not need to ask any questions of any of you. I am able to deliver the answers, the correct answers, blunt and to the point, as a consequence of my experience, which is considerable.
Trader333 said:
Making it "Read Only" will not prevent any of the abuse that was being complained about because much of it was done by email and private message to specific people.

In my view membership should be by request only and see how that progresses.

And I agree, but I would be even more strict than you and make it totally closed and not available for anyone to read that is not a member. Membership strictly by invitation only,
like I have, and by unanimous consensus only and this sorts out the nonsense and protects
experts who wish to discuss and mutually exchange knowledge and information from being
pestered by information beggars, detractors, interruptors and other nuisances.
Bigbusiness, it is not fair of you to say that I wind people up. You ought to look carefully at the record and you will see how much nonsense I have put up with on these boards.

Ididn't realize you worked here, perhaps you should display your "Team Member" or "Moderator" badge.
Directions to "NO INDICATORS" thread please

Can someone kindly point me in the direction of "NO INDICATORS" thread please
I do not seem to be able to track it down.
Muchas gracias
Clearly there is some difficulty understanding the often amusing comments posted by Socrates, which are I suspect not there to offend the readers but to request that they stop and look a little deeper at the problems they are having within this business. The issue is not whether you find the comments offensive but whether you can read the correct directional advice being offered. Of course there are those who know better and are upset by these warning shots being fired, as they are probably some of the most successful traders in the world, why are they even bothering to respond. If like myself you nare not quite there yet it just might pay you to be quiet and read between the lines.
FetteredChinos said:
Yes, punishment indeed. The punishment is that the really knowledgeable contributors to the thread have left T2W or stopped posting and now occupy another dimension not accessible to any of you, thus depriving the membership of incisive, informed, interesting professional comment.

Kind Regards.
As far as SOCRATES is concerned, he knows he is the worst wheel on the chariot (in terms of the analagy previously posted), said he would no longer post, and yet he still turns around, creaking, crackling and causing discomfort for those that are riding in the chariot.

I guess thats as clear as anything could possibly be.
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