So what we have here is tar who is somewhat (but not very) knowledgeable in Islam, a bunch of other people who are completely clueless as to the history and evolution of the three major Abrahamic monotheistic (and I use the term loosely) religions although some people seem versed in eastern philosophy. I'd also go as far as to say that I doubt anyone has read two of the major books if even one. We also have a bunch of steadfast atheists.
to use trading as a metaphor, this convo is about as advanced as the first steps 5m ema crossover threads.
I really can't understand how people who have hardly committed to studying something can have such strong opinions and hold their unscholarly(?) opinions with such high regard and steadfast conviction.
I also don't understand why people automatically associate atheism with intelligence. Just goes to show that people who think that way know neither science nor religion.
IMO this conversation would probably have been a lot more interesting if people discussed why they believed what they believed rather than talking smack about other beliefs and why they are wrong. Same old "facts" ("Blah blah blah war!" "blah blah blah darwin is b0llox" "blah blah blah you just die") and no more understanding of others.
Mr Hoggums, you just reeled of a list of human emotions and conditions and gave an example of human reasoning. One of the fundamental teachings of religion is that as the whole human experiences is defined by the world we feel (as a result of our bodies and chemicals/hormones and our succeptability to emotion... basically being human) and observe (both philisophical and physically) we can never truly comprehend God as not only does He(as dogma dictates He should be referred) exist beyond our universe and beyond our observation. He is also capable of creating the universe(s?) by some as yet unknown means, also orchestrating pre-destination on a sub-atomic level therin (trivia: see newtons third law of motion & pre-destination). As such, trying to understand His actions, motives and/or basically "why anything" rather than the "how" is a redundant pursuit.
I believed in God because I'm comfortable with not being able to understand everything and I don't always need an answer.
Not a perfect analogy but do you think the fly by Mr Rothschilds desk knows why he's long weapons stocks?
Atheists are people who have not done their homework.
If atheists take the the time to explore the fact that God must exist in order for you to exist, then the atheist argument falls flat.
The atheist argument is like a newbie trader claiming that he has the Holy Grail without having done any research.
Basically, the atheists claim that because they can't figure out how to prove that God exists that, therefore, God must not exist.
This is an unsound argument.
If it weren't for God, there would be no atheists.