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[PORTFOLIO] WhatsthatGuy investments

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Whatsthat Guy

Junior member
Good afternoon,

i'm new on investment (early retired) and i wish i would know more from pure pip producer because the risk management is better on the maximum drawdown. I study darwinex since few weeks and view from Germany, there is no doubt the one who has the better drawdown management is the one who is right. All other speeches are useless. Only the risk management speaks. View from the darwinex point of view, if i understand well, the one who has the lower (what they call) value at risk, is the better one and so the one who has to be listened. I've money to invest and for me, the most important is the risk management : maximum drawdown and now the value at risk looks also important. all the rest is not important especially if the trader speaks well or not to the others. numbers speaks only. I'll never put some money in traders who says they will lose for months and say that one day maybe the money would come back. There is already the stocks markets for that, right? What i 'm looking for is someone sure of his talent and with and low drawdown/value at risk. Because if something goes wrong that give me the advantage to know it very quickly!
Good afternoon,

i'm new on investment (early retired) and i wish i would know more from pure pip producer because the risk management is better on the maximum drawdown. I study darwinex since few weeks and view from Germany, there is no doubt the one who has the better drawdown management is the one who is right. All other speeches are useless. Only the risk management speaks. View from the darwinex point of view, if i understand well, the one who has the lower (what they call) value at risk, is the better one and so the one who has to be listened. I've money to invest and for me, the most important is the risk management : maximum drawdown and now the value at risk looks also important. all the rest is not important especially if the trader speaks well or not to the others. numbers speaks only. I'll never put some money in traders who says they will lose for months and say that one day maybe the money would come back. There is already the stocks markets for that, right? What i 'm looking for is someone sure of his talent and with and low drawdown/value at risk. Because if something goes wrong that give me the advantage to know it very quickly!
Ahahahahahah you made my day, dear PurePipProducer. Or should I say, dear Whatsthat Guy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Poor pips max cap 3.79 million. you can at least half that.

he can post as many pictures of boats and clips from billions, but he will be maxed out by 1 million.

I guess poor pips should have dreamt bigger when he was creating his strategy. such limiting thinking and beliefs lol


  • Inkedpoor pips_LI.jpg
    Inkedpoor pips_LI.jpg
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Good afternoon,

i'm new on investment (early retired) and i wish i would know more from pure pip producer because the risk management is better on the maximum drawdown. I study darwinex since few weeks and view from Germany, there is no doubt the one who has the better drawdown management is the one who is right. All other speeches are useless. Only the risk management speaks. View from the darwinex point of view, if i understand well, the one who has the lower (what they call) value at risk, is the better one and so the one who has to be listened. I've money to invest and for me, the most important is the risk management : maximum drawdown and now the value at risk looks also important. all the rest is not important especially if the trader speaks well or not to the others. numbers speaks only. I'll never put some money in traders who says they will lose for months and say that one day maybe the money would come back. There is already the stocks markets for that, right? What i 'm looking for is someone sure of his talent and with and low drawdown/value at risk. Because if something goes wrong that give me the advantage to know it very quickly!
Typically mentality of an average investor, low drawdown and high return.
i'm new on investment (early retired) and i wish i would know more from pure pip producer because the risk management is better on the maximum drawdown. I study darwinex since few weeks
I think you will be looking for a job again in a few years.

poor pips has 5 month of track record and numerous blown accounts.

his 30 pip flukes are not good risk mgt.
Longvison: i am sorry but until now i think it's better this "typically mentality" low drawdown, high return than the oppoisite? High drawdown, low return? I don't undertand you but i've nothing against you, sorry.

Muiris: yes i know all the story, i read all of you since 2 months. My choice is my choice for the moment, let's see if i can earn a bit of money. it is clear. i like this curve because as i said, if something goes wrong one day, i could see it quickly. it is an advantage for me and from my point of view.

Cavalierverde: thank you i am in touch with him via twitter he answered to me finally.
Longvison: i am sorry but until now i think it's better this "typically mentality" low drawdown, high return than the oppoisite? High drawdown, low return? I don't undertand you but i've nothing against you, sorry
I want to say that an average investor always looks for beautiful equity curve without looking for hidden risk.
Hidden risk here means-
1.Shorter Trackrecord- No Statistical significance.
2.High Risk- High risk trading such as grid
3.Luck-Trader without alpha on winning streak.
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i see short track record no problem, about high risk trading grid i trust the darwinex algorithm to avoid this, about alpha i think purepiproducer is pure alpha, not because of his name but because of what i see on fxblue and trading journal of darwinex PDC. Thank you for advices! i wish you good luck and i keep in memory if i win money i come to say here and also if i lose money i come to say here! Nice week-end to all!
i see short track record no problem, about high risk trading grid i trust the darwinex algorithm to avoid this, about alpha i think purepiproducer is pure alpha, not because of his name but because of what i see on fxblue and trading journal of darwinex PDC. Thank you for advices! i wish you good luck and i keep in memory if i win money i come to say here and also if i lose money i come to say here! Nice week-end to all!
Good luck for your investment journey.
Poor pips max cap 3.79 million. you can at least half that.

he can post as many pictures of boats and clips from billions, but he will be maxed out by 1 million.

I guess poor pips should have dreamt bigger when he was creating his strategy. such limiting thinking and beliefs lol

Not taking into account that 1M at 50% would generate equal perf fees that 5M at 10% anyway
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i see short track record no problem
If you don't know the trader personally,investing in short track-record is gambling.You don't know how deep will be his DD,you don't know how he will behave during DD and if he will keep trading or abandon darwin.
You don't know where to put reasonable stop-loss order,because you have no reference point of what is his normal DD.
In short track-record it is impossible to know if trader is lucky or skillful.It takes several market phases to see if he can handle unfavourable market.
@Viro Major sorry for spamming,I couldn't resist.
Good evening,

Gargamel: i speak with the trader of pdc he says to me to put stoploss at the 3 months « floating quarter », clicking on « 3M ». I think it is a good thing because for example now it’s 9%. He says the same thing he write on forums, no surprise. About behavior changing of the trader i trust the risk manager algorithm of darwinex, i think we can trust it? Skills are proven by the trading journal of the darwins, short or long track record is not important so, if the algortihm of darwinex do the job, no fear.
But we can stop the investment if it start to become losing? The money isn't blocked? To trust, i need to do +10% in the next 3 months with risking 10%, if pdc do this i trust to invest much more.
i'm new on investment (early retired) and i wish i would know more from pure pip producer because the risk management is better on the maximum drawdown.
Welcome to our forum!
I think you surely older than me (32 yrs) .
So, I'd like to show some respect at first.

Actually, after 4 years in this trading world, I know I still an baby. I know I'm not any genius. I'm just an very very normal average human.
But, I learnt that there is nothing absolutely right and versa in this trading world. Just, about it fits to our taste/case or not.

About PPP:
- Trading skills: he seems to have some talend. 5 month win in a row of PDC with only ~2% DD is not easy to duplicate even by the best. As this point, he gains some respect from me.
- Debate/contribution attitude: at this points, he's so awful. Most of members here, I think, can feel it. When anyone tries to debate with him about his strategy, instead of showing evidence, showing method, showing his expertise, he chooses to jump into Darwinian of others, try to pick the most ugly points (in unfavour market) and make fun for him. By this, people learn little things when talking with him and some get angry with his word. With me, I feel no problem, I can not control his personality and word. He can say what he want.

And in case, you want to invest with him, it's also fine. Just, jump into his Darwinians (he has 4 XRT, CTA, KIT, EON) and try to analyze, you will find out soon a common points among them and current PDC.

One more points, as your word, you need high return and low DD, no need long track record. I think with your specs, MQL signals are very better than Darwinex. A lot of signals on MQL market very impressive. You can copy with a suitable ratio and stop loss.

In case, you love Risk Manager of Darwinex, @Gargamel already post a lot of typical cases about very good Darwinians crashed after interviewing and he also shared some good tips to choose and enter a Darwinian.
i speak with the trader of pdc he says to me to put stoploss at the 3 months « floating quarter », clicking on « 3M ». I think it is a good thing because for example now it’s 9%.
I think this is unreasonable rule.Consider this quite possible situation:

If trader goes into absolutely normal DD of 2,9% in December,you will have to abandon investment at grand total of 4% DD from top achieved.It doesn't take much to have floating red Quarter.Now,you see it would take 9%, but later it can take only few %,while 5% DD is absolutely normal for darwins.Keep in mind that PDC trades with max.leverage available so he can climb high with few trades and he can go down also quickly with only one or two mistakes.
If he doesn't progress in December(0% profit),it will take little more than 1% DD in January to trigger your SL.
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Good morning,

TrungNL: i am 55 years old. Congratulations, 4 years of trading is more than me because i only try in demo and i lost in demo. I agree purepipproducer isn’t normal person. What is different is he can exit pips very easy like he has unlocked something in his head. This is what i understood from the story. In my opinion, it is the reason why he is not « normal person ». Have an erection when trading make me laugh incredibly. Also, i see xrt,cta,kit,eon and i see the trading journal of trading account, thank you. it is not burn account like i read in previous post. It is stopped account. It is different. I prefer a manager who stop from my point of wiew.

Gargamel: thank you for advices. I think you are right. 3M stoploss is very extreme. I think even purepipproducer can’t be so profitable in long term or i would like to wait and see. I think i will check this 3M just for the thrill. I better put the stoploss -10% and the stopprofit +10% for 3 months. I don’t touch for 90 days then i will see if i win or loss. Thank you for advices to all! Good week-end!
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