Plain Vanilla Options Trades.

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Mr Soros said:
I will explain more clearly. You are right in saying the whole game is profit driven, but the art of playing the game is to not concentrate on profits in terms of money but instead to concentrate on consistently repetitive positive performance.

The mastery of the art is the understanding of the methods used to achieve the desired results.Which is as you have correctly said.
Yes, exactly. None of it is guesswork. There is from time to time an element of mystery but by and large everything is mapped out in advance.

But it involves a huge odessey for the aspirant and huge effort over a long period of time, which the great majority are either unable or unwilling to do.
"Risk" is a word used to describe uncertain outcomes by individuals who do not know exactly what they are doing and why in an environment they do not fully understand. It does not enter the vocabulary of those of us who do and know the opposite. This statement of mine is certain to cause an explosion, but nevertheless it is absolutely true.

Saludos Socrates

When studying advanced maths to price exotics et al (ito process for those interested), I remember my teacher defining risk in a different way to what finance people used to. I always thought he was spot on

Risk: We may define risk as not knowing what a probability distribuition is for a particular outcome. If one knows a probability distribution, then an outcome only faces uncertainty, not risk.

new_trader said:

I sincerely hope that one day you do a thread on futures, specifically the E-mini S&P 500. It would serve as a benchmark for me.

Kind regards
Not a problem. Live of course. It is just a question of finding the time to slot it in with what I am already doing.
Mr Soros,

“There are many newbie’s…who should actually find inspiration” To summarise your last paragraph, the reasons why are irrelevant.

The newbie following this thread may conclude that selling puts is the way to wealth. Is this a good starting point for a newbie?

The success of Socrates’ trades and the ability to call the market cannot be doubted. However, given the seemingly random selection of strikes and expiries for positions held for only days, one wonders at the underlying rationale (if there is any).

New Trader,

“I sincerely hope you do a thread on futures”. Socrates has demonstrated success in selling puts, therefore for futures, you would only buy. Very simple.

options said:
“Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries ... By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language. Rejecting man-conceived dialects as inadequate and unworthy to perpetuate divine ideas, the Mysteries thus chose symbolism as a far more ingenious and ideal method of preserving their transcendental knowledge. In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, for to the wise the subject of the symbol is obvious, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable. Hence, he who seeks to unveil the secret doctrine of antiquity must search for that doctrine not upon the open pages of books which might fall into the hands of the unworthy but in the place where it was originally concealed.”
Manly P. Hall

Yes, exactly, Precisely.

Wrong if you new, you would have PM me. You did not now' the 5 questions I put forward to you, did you not!.

Tactic is to leave blueprints to their plans hidden in plain view. The New World Order's symbolism is everywhere and there are globalist fingerprints all over the September 11th attacks as well as the Madrid train bombing. "Novus Ordo Seclorum,"on the Dollar bill, that SOCRATES has under his name, can be translated as: A new order of the ages This singular eyeon the Dollar is called the "third eye" of clairvoyance in the Hindu religion, the eye of Osiris in Egypt, and the All-Seeing Eye in Freemasonry. The all-seeing eye is the elite's favourite symbol. It represents the eye of Lucifer seeing all and is usually a top a pyramid, the symbol for a top-down command and control system of compartmentalization

The initiates of the secret society network have always had a code of communication through certain phrases, words, funny handshakes The Statue of Liberty is another Brotherhood symbol was given to New York by French Freemasons and her mirror image stands on an island in the River Seine in Paris You also have a symbol of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is the double eagle with a head looking in both directions It was a major symbol for the Nazis in Germany

The bottom line is SOCRATES could not answer the 5 question I put to him. If he were in this circle he would have PM me, Its clear he is someone who thinks he is somebody. I give you an offer to meet with me. You cant fool me. You may fool others. But not me.
Even if you were in the Evil circle you would not know what is going on in the real world, even the freemasons under 32nd degree don't know what they are getting themselves' in to. Unless you are on the floor that the lift never stopped in the twin towers. You should know that socrates if you are in the evil circle, what's the number.? I know you can’t answer it.

God be with you sir.
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laptop1 said:
Yes, exactly, Precisely.

The bottom line is SOCRATES could not answer the 5 question I put to him. If he were in this circle he would have PM me, Its clear he is someone who thinks he is somebody. I give you an offer to meet with me. You can fool me. You may fool others. But not me.
If he does take up your challenge to meet with you, which he won't, but if he did, ask him to bring along the contract notes for his alledged option writing. If the trades are credited to his name I'll donate £ 5,000 to a charity of his choice.
grantx said:
Mr Soros,

“There are many newbie’s…who should actually find inspiration” To summarise your last paragraph, the reasons why are irrelevant.

The newbie following this thread may conclude that selling puts is the way to wealth. Is this a good starting point for a newbie?

The success of Socrates’ trades and the ability to call the market cannot be doubted. However, given the seemingly random selection of strikes and expiries for positions held for only days, one wonders at the underlying rationale (if there is any).

New Trader,

“I sincerely hope you do a thread on futures”. Socrates has demonstrated success in selling puts, therefore for futures, you would only buy. Very simple.


Thank you Grantx,

I will try to explainmy perspective. From what i have read on these and other boards i assume that most people are not making the kind of money they had hoped to ( back to that old devil money again). Simply because of a lack of a method , or even better - the best method. Many lose hope tha such profits are attainable on a consistent basis and leave the trading arena to pursue other ventures.

I have not gone through all the threads on this board, but i am assuming at the moment that not many traders have posted live trades that have produced substaintial profits. So newbies have not seen such results from any one of over 60,000 traders registered here. What kind of imprssion do they form about trading?

The fact that socrates has displayed what many hope to achieve should make them realise that it is possible, they just need to search or refine their methods to do so. Their is light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.
jacinto said:
Saludos Socrates

When studying advanced maths to price exotics et al (ito process for those interested), I remember my teacher defining risk in a different way to what finance people used to. I always thought he was spot on

Risk: We may define risk as not knowing what a probability distribuition is for a particular outcome. If one knows a probability distribution, then an outcome only faces uncertainty, not risk.

Yes exactly, your teacher was right.

If you read again what I explain above I use similar words, "uncertain outcomes" versus "facing uncertainty" rather than unquantifiable wild indeterminate risk, you see ?

Why ? because the capitalist system of the world cannot be allowed to run riot and destroy itself is the reason. Protective hidden curbs are put in place to prevent this.
Mr Soros said:
Thank you Grantx,

I will try to explainmy perspective. From what i have read on these and other boards i assume that most people are not making the kind of money they had hoped to ( back to that old devil money again).
Why do you assume that to be the case ?
linesniffer said:
I like this post.

I like to define risk as 'the person', not the market or any of it's possibilities.

I honestly believe the markets to be risk free in the right hands.
Very Good, that is exactly right. Wobbles may occur from time to time but the markets survive alongside the capitalist system that serves to underpin them.
Profitaker said:
Why do you assume that to be the case ?

If it wasn't i think that the commentary here would have a slightly different outlook. If most were attaining such results, why would they care about others methods . Their focus would be within.
Yes exactly, your teacher was right.

If you read again what I explain above I use similar words, "uncertain outcomes" versus "facing uncertainty" rather than unquantifiable wild indeterminate risk, you see ?

Why ? because the capitalist system of the world cannot be allowed to run riot and destroy itself is the reason. Protective hidden curbs are put in place to prevent this.

your post made me go back 15 years and remember an excellent lesson.

i simply rephrased it to what a mathematician had to say.
Mr Soros said:
If it wasn't i think that the commentary here would have a slightly different outlook. If most were attaining such results, why would they care about others methods . Their focus would be within.
Well, I can't speak for anybody else here, but I don't comment on methods, be it technical analysis or something more scientific like.... tea leaf reading. There is however, alot of considered comment as to why there is no edge in writing, yet the same cannot be said for the pro-writers camp.

So, if this thread is, or was intended to be about methods then fine, move it to journals or somewhere appropriate and we can all admire the trading ability of the Soc and his side kick Bulldozer.

If however, he continues to claim a writers edge here, then there will be lots of argument as to why this is not the case. So there you have it.....

"Answered my questions you have not! "Dont be scared I can talk you through it. You do not know what you have got you self in to.

post #1027

Take the symbol down and "Ask God To Forgive you".
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Mr Soros said:
If it wasn't i think that the commentary here would have a slightly different outlook. If most were attaining such results, why would they care about others methods . Their focus would be within.
Yes, exactly...😆 ...and not only that....."the few "....recognise each other and send friendly signals to each other across mountain tops....😆 ....the detractors.....😆 .....cannot share in this private semaphore and miss out.

The more they detract and the more they display inappropriate behaviour,,,,,,🙄 ,,,,,, the more they alieniate themselves from sharing success...😎

Therefore, by their own very actions they punish themselves.
Mr Soros said:

You are correct. This should not be hijacked by other issues.
No Mr Soros, this happens to be my thread and I happen to find your conversation interesting.
Please continue if you wish, because it is the weekend.

Profitaker ! I have told you many times you are not welcome here, so clear off....shoo !

“not knowing what a probability distribution is for a particular outcome”. The problem is not knowing, or taking into account, unknown or unforeseen outcomes, as in GARCH and LTCM.


The Fed bailing out LTCM illustrates your point re protective curbs. However, this does not trickle down to the individual level. The Fed’s actions were to preserve the overall system but individuals got badly burnt.

Yes, exactly...😆 ...and not only that....."the few "....recognise each other and send friendly signals to each other across mountain tops....😆 ....the detractors.....😆 .....cannot share in this private semaphore and miss out.

The more they detract and the more they display inappropriate behaviour,,,,,,🙄 ,,,,,, the more they alieniate themselves from sharing success...😎

Therefore, by their own very actions they punish themselves.

Socrates this was the point that i was trying to make in my very first post on this thread. I believe that all successful traders share many common traits, which each can recgnise by the language they use. I would have thought that these common traits would at least produce a harmony of minds in thinking. This harmony could have taken this thread down a different road completely. Not just this thread, many others too. In my opinion a collective could have paved the way to a more constructive thread.
grantx said:

“not knowing what a probability distribution is for a particular outcome”. The problem is not knowing, or taking into account, unknown or unforeseen outcomes, as in GARCH and LTCM.


I used to be a policymaker. The runs on either a currency, a bank, etc. etc. really arent a surprise.

Instead think of how to boil a frog to death:
a) put the frog in boiling water
b) put the frog in water at room temperature and increase temperature slowly.

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