No, the point the Soc is trying to make / show / prove is that option writers have the edge. Not just Put option writers mind you, all writers. Now, for every time the Soc (read Bulldozer) makes a profit from writing a Put, I’ll show you a call writer that made a loss. The same is true for the buyers of options, in that for every Call buyer that made a profit, I’ll show you a Put buyer that made a loss. So you see his practical demonstration does absolutely nothing to prove his assertion that option writers have the edge, or disprove it either, I should add. It’s like winning 20 times at roulette by betting red and then claiming the colour red has the edge. That would be just as laughable as the conclusion he draws from his Put writing demonstration here.
You mention methodology. There is a best option strategy for any given view on the market. If you think that implied volatility is relatively high (options are expensive) and the market will go broadly sideways, or maybe up just a little, then one of the most profitable strategies would be shorting naked Puts. However, what we actually have is low implied volatility (options are cheap) and a strong rallying market. In which case the most profitable strategy would be long OTM Calls, as we have clearly seen by monitoring and comparing the April 6475 Calls to the sold Apr 5975 Puts.
So yes he has made a profit (from the closed Put positions anyway) but he has badly misjudged the market and would have made substantially more money going long Calls and would have taken on substantially less risk, to boot.
If writing Puts was a no-brainer then everybody would be doing it to such an extent that it was longer a no-brainer. Which leads me nicely onto another point - if he really does belive there is an edge in writing options, why is he broadcasting it at the top of his voice ?