Phil Newton

Not like you to bite Richard? 😉

Why is he biting Richard?

By the way, wasn't Phil Newton the victim of your old pal (and current email correspondent) Daveo Robertson? Didn't he rip off his live room, shut it down as soon as Newton asked to see it, then set up a string of aliases to have a go at Newton? Philnewtonsucks, T2Wsucks etc?

Did he not also go around calling him a 24 carrot a$$hole?
When I'm hungry, I'll bite. Nothing like a bit of raw meat.
It's one thing when people go around having pathetic pops at me, especially when they come from a certain other site, it's water off a ducks back.
I knew there would be that sort of reaction, totally predictable, but when someone asks about a guy like Phil and how good he is etc., I'll say what I want to say and don't give a sod for trolls or anybody else.
Have a good evening, Black Swan
When I'm hungry, I'll bite. Nothing like a bit of raw meat.
It's one thing when people go around having pathetic pops at me, especially when they come from a certain other site, it's water off a ducks back.
I knew there would be that sort of reaction, totally predictable, but when someone asks about a guy like Phil and how good he is etc., I'll say what I want to say and don't give a sod for trolls or anybody else.
Have a good evening, Black Swan

And you bud, bit tired now so will PM you for a 'brain scrape' tomorrow if that's OK? 🙂
Na, definitely site access. Room access is comfortably over £100 if I remember right (forgot the URL to look it up).

Perhaps the £30/month thing is new since I joined. I still pay annually and it's less than
£(12 x 30). Maybe old lags get the original deal, or maybe there was an extra-cost option.

Oh no, I think the £30/month is for people who just want to try it, and then it's expected you will probably want to pay annually (and get a discount in effect). Something like that anyway.

@Paz: that's exactly where I didn't want us to go. Shall we drop it now? Please?
Thanks to people on this site I now average £73 per week trading Forex

Well if it is at 1p per pip then you are making over 7000 pips a week which is impressive by any measure so well done 🙂

Well if it is at 1p per pip then you are making over 7000 pips a week which is impressive by any measure so well done

No, no, no.

I have it on good authority that he is doing £ 73 per pip.
Saw your name over there, let's know your thoughts in a few months as I can't see it being compatible with the calls and set up thread..

Will do.

Newtons free vids on Youtube really caught my attention. That's why I brought it up. He has a way of desribing stuff that seems very logical and down to earth.
Like others have said i agree Phil Newton is genuine in my opinion. I have been a member of his website on and off, its always good to watch his videos and absorb his mechanical style of trading. If i was to use a room to get back on track it would be his, i recommended him to a friend who showed interest in trading (though they didn't use him or anyone else). I like how he enters using three lots to mitigate risk while catching home runs, something i use myself.
I signed up with him for 3 months late last year. He's a great guy, and very willing to help.

The site isn't great. I found it a little hard to navigate and work out where everything is.

Phil is an absolute gentleman though. He was always willing to take the time to make sure that I understood the strategy and the components within it.

During my time in the trading room I unfortunately made a loss, and I found it frustrating that most of the activity happened after midnight (sydney time) so I couldn't be involved.

Just to confirm, he's an educator, definitely not a signal provider. Many people seemed to sign up on the expectation that he was going to give out signals.
Phil is a really nice guy. I've never understood why anyone would want signals in preference to a method.
Phil is a really nice guy. I've never understood why anyone would want signals in preference to a method.

A nice guy and presumably absolutely loaded if this is anything to go by:

Depends on how many lots he trades of course, but I bet after being a successful trader and educator for many years he must be up to a decent size by now.

Even if he was just punting at £10 a pip with a bucketshop, he's on over £300K a year. If he was just punting £100 a pip, he's pulling in over 3 million a year. But like I say, he must be trading serious size now, so he'll be making way more than that.

This being the case, it's very nice of him to run a live room for a modest fee. 🙄