This forum - systems shmystems


Active member
Is this forum for people who are trying to sell 'systems' ?

I think we all know that a real money making system does not truly exist. There is a lot of discretion involved in trading. 2 'traders' can take the same opening position, one can come out a winner, the other can be a loser purely on judgementy placing of stops (if at all) and exits.

Correct me if I am wrong but I see this forum as a bit of a spam fest. I'm all for discussing methods but I don't see much of this going on.

One caveat - Phil Newton (Newtron Bomb) is an amazing individual, and I wish him well with his health 🙂
Is this forum for people who are trying to sell 'systems' ?

I think we all know that a real money making system does not truly exist. There is a lot of discretion involved in trading. 2 'traders' can take the same opening position, one can come out a winner, the other can be a loser purely on judgementy placing of stops (if at all) and exits.

Correct me if I am wrong but I see this forum as a bit of a spam fest. I'm all for discussing methods but I don't see much of this going on.

One caveat - Phil Newton (Newtron Bomb) is an amazing individual, and I wish him well with his health 🙂

Hi Andy,

I'm not a system seller and never have been. What I have done is to express my personal opinion of FX53, with which I'm very satisfied. I am a full time trader and have found that the use of this software has been beneficial.
Is this forum for people who are trying to sell 'systems' ?

I think we all know that a real money making system does not truly exist. There is a lot of discretion involved in trading. 2 'traders' can take the same opening position, one can come out a winner, the other can be a loser purely on judgementy placing of stops (if at all) and exits.

Correct me if I am wrong but I see this forum as a bit of a spam fest. I'm all for discussing methods but I don't see much of this going on.

One caveat - Phil Newton (Newtron Bomb) is an amazing individual, and I wish him well with his health 🙂

There are a few threads ,which seem dedicated to the purpose you mention, the whole forum I don't think so, there are a lot of interesting discussions going on all the time, One of the reasons, I get involved in discussions, is to help pass the time, while I wait for a set up to come about.
On another note I just read your blog and like the way you prepare your trades,I like you think very highly of Phil.
There are a few threads ,which seem dedicated to the purpose you mention, the whole forum I don't think so, there are a lot of interesting discussions going on all the time, One of the reasons, I get involved in discussions, is to help pass the time, while I wait for a set up to come about.
On another note I just read your blog and like the way you prepare your trades,I like you think very highly of Phil.

Hi Gamma, thanks for the compliment 🙂 Could you point me in the direction of a couple of good threads in this forum? There seems to be an awful lot of 'noise' to sift through 🙂
Well, I agree and disagree.

No profitable systems-There are profitable systems, just the good ones aren't for sale. I definitely wouldn't buy one where I couldn't see the code.

Lots of discretion involved in trading-Yes! Also though, there is a lot of processes which you go through. The banks use an insane amount of computing power, Friday gone traders were going nuts because they wanted a new release and didn't know what their risk was.

Lots of spam on the forum-YES!!!!

I think a lot of people are dubious of systems, for 3 reasons.

1-There is a lot of crap about, and a lot of boo hoo stories.
2-They don't understand completely what computers can do, what you can program.
3-They can't put down their "plan" into a rational process which could be automated (not saying it isn't rational, just that they can't express it).

"Plan your trade and trade your plan" is thrown about all over the place, what better thing to do that then a machine.

Sure computers will always miss some things a human would get, probably more so then what a human would miss that a computer would pick up on, but I'd much prefer half the profits, and the time, then double the profits and having to sit at the desk etc.

P.S. Getting my farm soon!
Is this forum for people who are trying to sell 'systems' ?

I think we all know that a real money making system does not truly exist. There is a lot of discretion involved in trading. 2 'traders' can take the same opening position, one can come out a winner, the other can be a loser purely on judgementy placing of stops (if at all) and exits.

Correct me if I am wrong but I see this forum as a bit of a spam fest. I'm all for discussing methods but I don't see much of this going on.

One caveat - Phil Newton (Newtron Bomb) is an amazing individual, and I wish him well with his health 🙂
Hey guy, it's not spam.

It's called a "Free Market", enjoy it while it lasts😉
Hi Gamma, thanks for the compliment 🙂 Could you point me in the direction of a couple of good threads in this forum? There seems to be an awful lot of 'noise' to sift through 🙂

I only pay attention to a few threads, Danarm is good as he does a quick morning assesment , Newtron's thread (not posting at the moment)Although you will similarities with your own setup, Trade Dante,s is good to read . If you trade stocks mr charts is good to follow.The rest in my opinion is a lot of chaff!
Lots of threads to amuse you really.
I think it would depend on what system and the money management you aply in order to be sucessful. I think system advisors backed by an actual trader sending his/her trade ideas would be superior to a purely mechanical system.

Admittedly there is a lot of crap out there. But i think this can be negated by subscribing to a 3rd party system auditor.
Is this forum for people who are trying to sell 'systems' ?

I think we all know that a real money making system does not truly exist. There is a lot of discretion involved in trading. 2 'traders' can take the same opening position, one can come out a winner, the other can be a loser purely on judgementy placing of stops (if at all) and exits.

Correct me if I am wrong but I see this forum as a bit of a spam fest. I'm all for discussing methods but I don't see much of this going on.

One caveat - Phil Newton (Newtron Bomb) is an amazing individual, and I wish him well with his health 🙂
"I am beginning to think that my strategy of taking 50+ pips per trade is not working. Every single one of my losing trades were in the green by at least 10-20 pips, before either being stopped out for breakeven or for a big loss."
I think the only shyster is you 😉
Hey, I'm not peddling anything.
Firstly, I've not documented a 'system' at all.
Secondly, I have started a blog so that I can learn from my mistakes, and go back and read and re-read my trades.
Oh and thirdly, if others wish to discuss stuff with me then thats great.
I think we all know that a real money making system does not truly exist.

Don't be ridiculous. Of course they do.

Most systems work it is just the trader that cannot profit from them.

Tell me one system that does not work and I will go ahead and trade it and see what results I get.
Hey, I'm not peddling anything.
Firstly, I've not documented a 'system' at all.
Secondly, I have started a blog so that I can learn from my mistakes, and go back and read and re-read my trades.
Oh and thirdly, if others wish to discuss stuff with me then thats great.
😉 just testing your emotions.
You can do anything you want, it's a free world.