Grey 1 where and why did he vanish?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Black Swan
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  • Watchers Watchers 13
The whole situation was a real shame, this board lost a great teacher when he left. I wish I had learned about trading and trade2win earlier when he was here. I really recommend reading his posts on the technical trading subforum if you want to learn about trading, they are very informative and best of all they are free! If anyone has contact with him let him know that his posts are still helping people learn to trade. I hope he is in good health and making money.
i am jayjay121, the supposed demon who took your grey1 from you.

i made a mistake trying to become a vendor, ok, we all make mistakes. I could have easily sold grey's code and made **** loads, i didn't. I could have opened a paltalk room anytime with greys logic he taught me and charged people, i didn't and have not. I could have written an ebook, i could have mentored for money but i never nor have.

I quickly realised after that episode that it was not who i am nor what i want to be, im as much against the likes of trader dante, mr charts and vendors as anyone. I am happy just to be a trader and its all i ever wanted, i settle for this.

im no saint but i think its time to move on, i have and i was the one who lost the most from the experience.
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The whole situation was a real shame, this board lost a great teacher when he left. I wish I had learned about trading and trade2win earlier when he was here. I really recommend reading his posts on the technical trading subforum if you want to learn about trading, they are very informative and best of all they are free! If anyone has contact with him let him know that his posts are still helping people learn to trade. I hope he is in good health and making money.

What thread was that?
Grey1 does still pop in from time to time. I have no idea though if he communicates with anyone or takes PM's.
What thread was that?

He has a bunch of them in a private subforum here. You need to apply for access. There's a lot of posts, maybe some day I'll post a list of all the bookmarks I collected and organize it into sections. Also I don't trade his strategy exactly, I kinda just used it as a starting point and added my own ideas, and so far it looks like I finally might be on to something!
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The whole situation was a real shame, this board lost a great teacher when he left. I wish I had learned about trading and trade2win earlier when he was here. I really recommend reading his posts on the technical trading subforum if you want to learn about trading, they are very informative and best of all they are free! If anyone has contact with him let him know that his posts are still helping people learn to trade. I hope he is in good health and making money.

I want to second that statement, very well put Mcduck, Its a big shame for everyone he has left here.

I am trading with Grey1, and I have trebled my account since being with him. I know its hard to believe, but those who know Grey1 and traded with him and been to his house will know its possible.

I suggest you read his technical trader forum to gain more knowledge, he has given a lot there, thank you
I feel really lucky to one in this Skype group , everyone in this group is making a killing trading ES/YM or SB everyday based on Iraj's live call, it's fantastic trading & money making experience :clap:

I really feel it's a shame that T2W has lost Iraj as he is such a great trader & a generous man who always want to help ppl without asking anything in return 👍


Iraj is on Skype group with me and other people trading live ,,, currentlty trading ES on his account and SB for rest of us, doing absolutely fabulous.......
If this guy is such a hot ES trader, and has been for many many years based on what people have said, he should be trading 1000+ contracts at a clip and printing money, or already retired rich, why is he messing around making calls in a skype/paltalk room?
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I consider myself one of the Lucky ones to have learnt from Grey1, first through 'Technical Trader' and then with him (over internet) live trading. In my 9 years of trading experience I have not met another person with this level of confidence and rate of returns from the market. Trading can be a past time fancy for some and a serious profession for some and in my opinion a professional advice from an ace trader (anyone who has seen him trade would agree) purely for 'charitable purposes' was a big boon for T2W. This unfortunately (due to largely mis-management of the situation in my opinion) was lost and I feel sorry for the fellow traders (starters and non-professionals) who have missed such a good opportunity.
Iraj has left a great legacy on the Technical Trader forum of useful and valuable information, free of charge to anyone who cares to look at it. He also gave many free seminars to members of that forum and subsequently on other sites or private rooms.

He has never charged anyone for these and, on the contrary, suggested that anyone who visits him makes their own contribution to charity if they so wish. I think his philosophy is one of karma or what thou soweth thou reapest.

There was as Rajibde said an unfortunate misunderstanding which led to Iraj stopping actively contributing to the site, which is to our loss.

There was as Rajibde said an unfortunate misunderstanding which led to Iraj stopping actively contributing to the site, which is to our loss.

How could anyone possibly misunderstand ? (although to their credit t2w's management did a pretty convincing job of doing so)

If you have a website, which states that you are charging for a range of services (signals, training and mentoring, indicators, automated systems etc) then by any reasonable definition you are a vendor.

If you are vendor, then T2W generally awards you the badge of shame (apart from certain people who are more equal than others who we cant openly discuss without a ban)

Advertising a product or service via a website, and charging those who wish to enjoy the benefits of that product or service is a strange definition of karma.

Perhaps you should talk to grey1's web design company, I'm sure you would be most enlightened 😈