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Alarm bells must be ringing here!.. firstly when exactly do they advise you stop doubling down ? Is it 5,6,7, times.. ? will they ever tell you to close your position ?..They do not even mention RISK on their website ! I think your instinct was right to be sceptical !

Alarm bells must be ringing here!.. firstly when exactly do they advise you stop doubling down ? Is it 5,6,7, times.. ? will they ever tell you to close your position ?..They do not even mention RISK on their website ! I think your instinct was right to be sceptical !

Oh if only i had been sceptical. PM me and i will send you some more interesting readingtohelp answer your question
Oh if only i had been sceptical. PM me and i will send you some more interesting readingtohelp answer your question

Was sorry to read what happened on your blog.. great work getting the message out though... you took a hit for the team !
Hi Guys, Can anyone tell me how the Swiss trade went last night? That is Lower up @ GMT 14.56, and equally important what did it do in the following hours after it won, i.e: did it continue to go up or change and go down. Thanks.
Hi everyone, I am new to this sight but I just joined to warn everyone about PGI. DON'T DO IT. They hounded and hounded my husband and I until we just thought why not give it a go. We joined in June and it didn't take long to realise it was never going to make our money back. We paid $5000.00 no more to pay. It was a SPECIAL DEAL they were doing before the end of the financial year. Luckily I only traded with $500 on my real account and the rest was with the virtual account. My $500 vanished qucikly so went back to virtual trading and it never went back up to the $10,000 starting point. Please don't throw your money away like we did. I now just want to forget about the loss, thank god I wasn't betting with more money. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

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$5,000, no more

Hi everyone, I am new to this sight but I just joined to warn everyone about PGI. DON'T DO IT. They hounded and hounded my husband and I until we just thought why not give it a go. We joined in June and it didn't take long to realise it was never going to make our money back. We paid $5000.00 no more to pay. It was a SPECIAL DEAL they were doing before the end of the financial year. Luckily I only traded with $500 on my real account and the rest was with the virtual account. My $500 vanished qucikly so went back to virtual trading and it never went back up to the $10,000 starting point. Please don't throw your money away like we did. I know just want to forget about the loss, thank god I wasn't betting with more money. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


PGI must be getting desperate, $5000.00 no more, not even when account reaches $10,000.00
Hi all, first post.

I started receiving alerts on oct 12. Put $1800 in mt BOM account to start with as this was their suggestion in the training manual for $200 to win bets. This means that the three bets to win would be $200, $450 and $1000. Total cost of a three hour blow out is around $880. I burnt the $1800 fairly quick with two losses in the first 24 hours. Went another $1800 of hard earned and built it up to $3000 to see it disappear with a few blow outs. I decided to abanden their suggestion and develop my own system. I have decided that now I must not bet to win anymore than 1/20th of the account balance at the time of placing the bet. In other words must have $2000 min to bet $100 to win. If I was to get second alert in same hour would only be $90 to win. Would also mean that had the first bet gone say two hours and going into third and got a new alert I could only bet $80 to win. This theory means I will always have at least five blowouts till I am empty. And even then I figured the chances of getting five wrong in a row had to be long. I did put $2000 in and got it to about $2800. Thought I might be on to something and went another $1000 to make it $3800. It is everything I had and was probably a bit greedy. It has turned out OK though. I started at $175 to win on 3/11/09 and went to $200 to win when I got to $4000. Balance is now over $5500 and looking OK. The last 29 alerts I have received (going back to Belguim on 29/10/09) only one has gone through. I admit I got lucky though as the one that blew out was the US COMPQ on 4/11/09 which I got on for first hour and forgot to set alarm for the next hour. It blew out but only cost me about $90 ($175 to win bet).

I have also followed through every loss and out of the 88 alerts I have received 12 have missed. Of those 12, 8 would have won in 4th, 2 in 5th one in 6th and the other may well be still going.

I will keep the forum posted but at this time the 1/20th strategy is working a bit.

BTW only received one alert over last three nights (Belgium on 11/11/09).
Hi Guys, Can anyone tell me how the Swiss trade went last night? That is Lower up @ GMT 14.56, and equally important what did it do in the following hours after it won, i.e: did it continue to go up or change and go down. Thanks.

Hi Bigfoot,

The Swiss won in the first hour ie. 15.10 to 16.00. That was the last hour of trading for the day so it did nothing in the following hours. I am intrigued though as to why you ask about the subsequent hours. Do share!
Hi Argento
ummmm, silly me, of cause it's the last hour, was just flicking through my phone and noticed I didn't trade it.
The following hours........well, to cut a very long story short, A friend suggested at trading the opposite direction to the alert, If it didn't win in the first hour that way (ie, genuine alert won) I would double up so by looking at the following hours you could tell how many times you would have to double up. It also tells us if there is a trend in either direction or not, most times there is not and "they seem to throw their dart right" sounds great but the last couple of weeks have not been so for this idea, however the few before...great.
Another interesting reading was in a forum discussing loss recovery, words to this effect "If a system cannot make a profit at level stakes then disaster will eventually hit."
Another thing I was told about in this site was about Apex, just have a look at the front page......anybody heard from them???
PGI are on fire. None of the last 31 have gone through and only one from last 45 has. (touching wood as I type!). Hope it keeps up.
Re: Pgi, Are they really on fire

PGI are on fire. None of the last 31 have gone through and only one from last 45 has. (touching wood as I type!). Hope it keeps up.

Hi all, if there is anyone left. I must say that I have lost the urge to get up at 1,2,3,in the morning. I know some of you keep very good records, are they really on fire, is jj on the money?? How did the CAC at 00.52 and the FTSE AT 01.56 do on Monday night??
It's been a long time since the last post and there has been no sparks from anyone else. Those of you who stopped their alerts, have you started them again, how will you decide when to start again?

How about a roll call, to see who's still hangin in there?

Had enough and packed up my pencils. I advised PGI to stop sending alerts and cancel my direct debit.
They immediately offered me all of the indexes, which I refused.
Cashed in what was left of money at BOM and now playing on the horses. Much more fun.
Will keep an eye on the forum, who knows....