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G'day all, I am new to this forum that I only found the other night after a bit of searching.
I too have been contacted by PGI and am trying to find out as much as I can about them.
After what I have read so far I am very unsure of which way to go, though one thought I did have was that it seems as though their alerts they are supplying are at least well over 50% correct. If that is the case, (someone please correct me if I'm wrong), but could you still make money if you bet just once with no double ups at all?
Sorry if this has been said and covered, but thanks to all for your info.

Welcome Savage,

I think your plan would be OK only if you had over 50% wins in the first hour, doubling up is supposed to recoupe the previous loss. IE; if you keep doubling after each lose till you win, then you will win what you wanted to on the first hour ( less BOM charges, unless you add these as you double).

Thanks to the person who wrote the following, others will find it interesting.

Latest Results to 11Dec09

Alerts Won % Lost % Profit/Loss
Total 240 190 79.17% 50 20.83% -$40,671
May09 55 42 76.36% 13 23.64% -$11,130
Jun09 30 23 76.67% 7 23.33% -$5,920
Jul09 28 20 71.43% 8 28.57% -$7,960
Aug09 22 19 86.36% 3 13.64% -$800
Sep09 19 13 68.42% 6 31.58% -$7,736
Oct09 52 44 84.62% 8 15.38% -$5,343
Nov09 24 21 87.50% 3 12.50% $81
Dec09 16 14 87.50% 2 12.50% -$681


figures are based on 1st bet to win 400, 2nd to win 900 and 3rd to win 2000 as per PGI strategy

May changed from 6 hour strategy to 3 hour strategy

Strike Rate

overall Strike Rate and in brackets this and last months Strike Rate combined

1st bet win - 43.4% (37.5%)

2nd bet win - 27.0% (37.5%)

3rd bet win - 9.0% (12.5%)

Losing bets - 20.5% (12.5%)

Anyone, correct me if I'm wrong, Pgi only contact people till they join up, after that, the only time they speak to you is when you ring them.
Read through the blog? on getabsexercise, replied to it but have not heard back yet. I think the author may have posted on this thread, wonder why they would start another thread elswere, it was hard to get this one going. I see there were several comments made, wonder if those people know of this thread?
On another note, I see that there has been 3 new members recently
bye for now,

Hi Alan,
I hadn't posted on this thread before, reading through it now it looks like someone else was confused as being the Blog owner when he posted a link to my site. I only just saw that you had commented on my page today so will answer those shortly.
I started that page because there is so little info available when I looked around for some. Even less info that could back up with any factual figures that you could make a decision on like those you posted above from my site. It may seem a strange blog to have them on but it is my domain so I used it as a seperate page on it.

I will be updating those figures today although they have not changed significantly. It's still down for the month needing 4 alerts wins to break even.

For those that haven't checked out my site regarding Pgi, it explains a lot of what has been discussed here and gives good and bad points on things that have happened. Check it out and leave your comments.

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Welcome Books,
Although we can not view PGI's live trading account , I am sure that PGI would still run that account. PGI would be able to copy and paste all the information, as to what trades were placed and how many times each trade may have been doubled, and email that info to all the members.
PS; As for August, 1alert on the 4th and 2 alerts on the 10th. Anyone got any others or know the results???

The PGI Live trading account was never set up as a true PGI account trading all the alerts. When it was up I constantly watched it but it was not trading on some alerts that I was recieving and was trading on some alerts that I was not recieving. Seemed strange since I was on the package with all the alerts. Didn't bother me much though. I saw that the trading account name changed when it reappeared after one account that I believe was only a virtual account disappeared. Then this new account traded until it went bust. Had about $12 in the account then the next day you could no longer access it. I haven't been able to access the live trading account since and that was months ago.

Hello punters
I made an observation last week that BOM no longer has the "is at least 0.03%" function showing.
I assumed that bets were operating with the 0.03% variable last week and was royally p...d off when my last bet of the week went past the third hour a fraction short of the 0.03% margin. I thought I had lost, but was surprised when funds were credited to my account as a win purely on the basis that the index in this case was merely (higher).
When did this happen.

Yeah that was a rare happy moment thinking the third went down then seeing it credited as a win. Big sigh of relief at the time.
How did you guys last week (12-16 Oct)?

I'm thinking of joining and was speaking to one of the consultants and she told me last week was great week (12-16 Oct) i would have made $5,000 if I was betting. 😱

Just wonder how you guys actual did.

Interesting, quick look at my records show 15 alerts with 1 loss. Not sure how she comes up with $5000. Even without the loss betting as recommended would give around 15 x 190 (ave) =$2850. Take the loss off it and it is less than half that.
One of the lovely ladies gave me a call, still trying to sell me a packages.
Asked if she's been trading which she replied she does and has made $40,000 so far this year.
Either she is lying or you guys don't know what you're doing.

Also questioned her about the 96% winning rate. Yep they've been hitting 96% all year!
Told her about the thread on this forum and how that doesn't sound like the case. She said you guys must be doing it wrong if you're not getting a 96% strike rate.

Now that is the first case I have seen of blantant lying that is worthy of having a lawsuit against her if you were to lose money. Get her name because you may need it later. Everything she has said there can be substanciated as lies. If you don't belive me check out my site which details all the alerts since May.

As for not doing it right, well I admit I have had times when I haven't and prior to May this had cost me money. Lately when I haven't done it right it has made me money. I am thinking of writing a PDF showing all the mistakes people can make and how to avoid them. I even came up with two systems of my own with BetOnMarkets last year which I might revisit as the success rate on mine was close to the same as PgI's. Bit of tweaking and it could be better.
Re: public veiwing

"Couldn't you just check my trading history to see if I followed the system correctly?"
"We don't have access to that information"
"Then how would you know if i failed within the 6 months"
"We are very trustworth people, plus we believe you would do so well that you would want to continue"

Hi all, you may remember, that you had to tick the check box that would allow public veiwing of your BOM account when you first joined up.


That must be a new one because it wasn't part of it when I joined, although that was Mar08
I would be interested in a couple of things. I want to make up a table of peoples results for my page Prosperity Group International Scam or Legit?.

Could everyone that has joined in the past please email me and let me know the following;

When you joined
Cost to join(include split price so if you had deal to pay more later after profit made let me know)
Monthly Fee
Number of Indexes given
Started trading (real money)
Ended trading
Trading results (if you have them)
Money won/lost

If you do not know your results properly you should be able to copy them from the BetonMarkets site.
All information will be kept confidential and names will not be given out or any of that. What I want to do is get a table up showing the results of the above. Obviously the more data I obtain the better it will be.

I also have another Blog at which has details of the email PGI sent out amongst other things.

A bit about me. I joined in May 2008 but stopped trading in September when alerts stopped due to my credit card changing. At that stage I was over $4000 down. I also did some research of the markets to determine trends and found that I could replicate a system where 98% would win using the 5 double up system. I considered this not good enough but it gave me confidence that PGI with their system should be better as at the time it was supposed to be 100% on the 6 bet system. Maybe I should get some more data and tweak it as it looks a lot more attractive now. I then got it reset again and traded from January. At that stage you couldn't bet AUD so with USD it was starting to go well then disaster struck around May when with confidence I upped the ante with bets and had some lose badly costing me a lot of money.

Anyway around May PGI changed their system to the 3 bet system (2 double ups) so I have summarised the results from that period on my website which Alan posted a bit of above.
I also have some information on APEX but will give that a bit of time first.

Here's a thought, what info do you think would help my site? What would you like to see on it?
Look forward to chatting

Ok, seems I have stirred the pot. Had a phone call from PGI telling me I have 24 hours to remove my site for Plagiarism before they get nasty. Also said time started from 9am...funny how that was 3 hours before they even called me, how does that work? Going to try ringing them back in a minute will be interesting to see if they are receptive. I'm willing to discuss and remove parts that they have problems with where appropriate.
Ok, seems I have stirred the pot. Had a phone call from PGI telling me I have 24 hours to remove my site for Plagiarism before they get nasty. Also said time started from 9am...funny how that was 3 hours before they even called me, how does that work? Going to try ringing them back in a minute will be interesting to see if they are receptive. I'm willing to discuss and remove parts that they have problems with where appropriate.

They must google themselves often. Have seen a few broken links to forums that used to work that bagged them a bit. Guess they use the plagerism line on the webmasters there too. Guess they dont like critisism or seeing the truth out there! At least now we know there is a way to get them to make contact.
Ok, seems I have stirred the pot. Had a phone call from PGI telling me I have 24 hours to remove my site for Plagiarism before they get nasty. Also said time started from 9am...funny how that was 3 hours before they even called me, how does that work? Going to try ringing them back in a minute will be interesting to see if they are receptive. I'm willing to discuss and remove parts that they have problems with where appropriate.

Wow thats really interesting. but where have you plagiarised them. I can only see where you have quoted from their website or their emails and stated so. Surely that is public information once they put it out there.

Can't wait to hear the outcome.
They must google themselves often. Have seen a few broken links to forums that used to work that bagged them a bit. Guess they use the plagerism line on the webmasters there too. Guess they dont like critisism or seeing the truth out there! At least now we know there is a way to get them to make contact.

Now I understand why it was so hard to find anything when I was searching for information before i signed up. I wonder if they will try to close down this thread too.
I have rung them up twice this afternoon and only got as far as reception who claimed that the directors weren't around the office much and they would talk to them when they saw them. Problem is when I received the call I was at work and busy at the time so I didn't catch the name of the guy who rang. When I asked him to call me back in a couple of hours he just said that I just had to remove my site. So if there are any directors on this site give me a callback.

I have found out that he searched the term "critism prosperity group international". I checked and my site comes up as #1 in Google for that term. Didn't know that. Funny though because the word critism is nowhere on the site at all. And looking at the page stats that term has not been searched before so it isn't a common phrase.

Anyway by letter of the law I do not believe I have plagiarised anything however what I will do for pgi is;
1. Remove the copy of the email from 16Sep09,
2. Remove the part which states what their website says in the news section (which I mention is from their website so it is not plagiarism by definition anyway).
In it's place I will put a link to the page on their site. This negates anything that could have loosely be seen as plagiarism. As I have not been able to get in contact with them we shall see if this makes any difference.

I would have liked to discuss it with them first and hopefully still will get the chance to. I have some suggestions for their website that would make them more transparent to visitors and could help them. Nothing I would like more than to see things turn around for the better.

I think the parts I listed above that were only available to members in the news section and the part emailed to members are the problem. As I was always logged in I did not realise that the information in the latest news was not available on the site for non-members. So in that sense it is fair enough that they want it removed. That was my mistake, and an honest one at that. There is nothing else on the site that they can complain about though. I had to check what was viewable by non-members by making sure I logged out.

I expect I will probably get a phone call tomorrow. Hopefully these changes make them happy.
Interesting as I clean up the site I found this statement, "the analayst will provide a recap weekly of the alerts sent to you as a valued client, plus a market recap and predication for the coming week. These steps have been taken to ensure you "the client" are receiveing the most from your PGI subscription."
Has anyone ever got a weekly recap and prediction from PGI? I get some emails from BetOnMarkets but not from PGI. I think I read somewhere that PGI and BetOnMarkets are seperate entities.
Interesting as I clean up the site I found this statement, "the analayst will provide a recap weekly of the alerts sent to you as a valued client, plus a market recap and predication for the coming week. These steps have been taken to ensure you "the client" are receiveing the most from your PGI subscription."
Has anyone ever got a weekly recap and prediction from PGI? I get some emails from BetOnMarkets but not from PGI. I think I read somewhere that PGI and BetOnMarkets are seperate entities.

No, never had a recap, only years ago used to get recaps for my motor vehical.

"I think I read somewhere that PGI and BetOnMarkets are seperate entities"

Recall reading that myself but always thought that they were linked somehow. Seem to remember that they had something in common?? Might have been that PGI had access to PGI's clients BOM accounts.

I'M sure none of us are getting the service that we are paying for, that being the service we were receiving prior to around the end of May, the service we have been getting since is not the same service it was. A refund or credit would be nice, 🙂

Hi all,

For my records, can anyone tell me the result of these alerts please:

3/11/2009 uk higher down 14.10
5/11/2009 swiss higher down 9.10
30/11/2009 italian higher down 14.10

3/11/2009 uk higher down 14.10 won in 2nd hr
5/11/2009 swiss higher down 9.10 3rd hr
30/11/2009 italian higher down 14.10 4th hr

Hope this helps
3/11/2009 uk higher down 14.10 won in 2nd hr
5/11/2009 swiss higher down 9.10 3rd hr
30/11/2009 italian higher down 14.10 4th hr

Hope this helps

Sorry to question you, but the uk 3/11 higher didn't win 14.10 to 15.00, and didn't win 15.00 to 16.00 (last trade of the day)

Do you mean it won the first hour of the next day (4/11)?