Personality Types: Which one are you?

Which Jung Type are you?

  • ISFJ

    Votes: 10 1.5%
  • ISFP

    Votes: 7 1.0%
  • ISTJ

    Votes: 36 5.3%
  • ISTP

    Votes: 13 1.9%
  • INFJ

    Votes: 43 6.3%
  • INFP

    Votes: 28 4.1%
  • INTJ

    Votes: 243 35.5%
  • INTP

    Votes: 84 12.3%
  • ESFJ

    Votes: 12 1.8%
  • ESFP

    Votes: 6 0.9%
  • ESTJ

    Votes: 9 1.3%
  • ESTP

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • ENFJ

    Votes: 31 4.5%
  • ENFP

    Votes: 18 2.6%
  • ENTJ

    Votes: 100 14.6%
  • ENTP

    Votes: 31 4.5%
  • INXP

    Votes: 2 0.3%

  • Total voters
The trouble is the results do not tell you whether the people taking the tests are wannabe traders or actually successful traders. As we all know everyone wants to be a trader but not everyone IS a trader. The results could reflect computer geeks for all we know.

Thanx donaldduke for the Van Tharp articles! If you have anymore stuff on the same subject let me know.
Here's a thought..if you think knowing this stuff is going to make a difference as to whether or not you can trade successfully then the probability is you won't..unpick the conundrum.

As I am wife thinks that following is the perfect description of me...I only objected and became argumentative as I was forced to go out shopping with her really..!!!

INTJs' precision thinking and need for accuracy causes them to be inflexible at times. Having thought out a strategy, the INTJ may stubbornly disregard those who they think have not spent as much time reflecting on an idea as they have. This, along with their drive to produce something significant, can make them demanding and difficult. If their plans and solutions fall short of their high standards, INTJ's feel pressured - as if everything is on the line. "Everything," for an INTJ, is the competence and ability to produce something significant. Fear of not living up to this expectation will increase their stress and possibly dissuade them from risking or trying out their ideas. They may then find themselves thinking about ideas that do not have a meaningful or productive end.

When stress increases, the INTJ can become argumentative and disagreeable. Social interaction, which is not their strength, becomes increasingly difficult for them. Not trusting their own abilities, they become preoccupied with obsessive notions. The INTJ may then find themselves spending an inordinate amount of time fighting horrible thoughts, tempting absurdities, and feelings of worthlessness. Fearful of others recognizing their perceived failure, the INTJ incessantly ruminates about mistakes, inadequacies, weaknesses, ineptness, and incompetence. Because this distracts them from risking what little confidence they may have left in themselves, it therefore keeps them from obtaining the success and achievement they so desperately need.

The most important aspect to becoming a succesfull trader
is knowing yourself.
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and the hardest thing you will ever have to do is change your core behaviour.

If that core behaviour is found to be conducive to promoting successful trading then knowing about it is irrelevant. You've got it, great.

If it is not then for most people it is also irrelevant,because the challenge of making the change will be insurmountable. It will be far easier for them to give up and do something that they already better suited to.Like water ,people tend to take the path of least resistance.

That is the only point I was making in the post above. Please read my words carefully. I am not saying everybody cannot or will not make changes to their behaviour patterns. I am saying most will not.

Footnote..Plummer makes the point that you cannot simply logic yourself out of one form of behaviour and into another. From experience i would not disagree with him.

I did the test twice with 2 different outcomes, both different to what I am like. The first had me as a 'supervisor' type quite handy at dishing out orders, which I don't. The second result was 'crafty' as in craftsman!! Being handy with tools etc. I get my brother-in-law to do all the DIY!!

I may try again later to see what else I come up with. LOL
The first test is more likely to be accurate, if that's the word, any further attempts will be influenced by your desire to be more like your ideal self, which ain't the same. I am an INTP, and I'm rapidly working on killing my tendency to second guess my trade decisions. I think it is possible to modify your behaviour once you're aware of your weaknesses.
Too much is just about right
INTJ.... Would love to know what the doubters are.. Have you noticed they never tell you their result.. What's the betting they are all the same type.🙂 You cannot hide from your personality, we are born with it and there's no changing it.

Cheers Snip
I wouldn't say Im a doubter, just sitting on the fence with this one. As zigler said it is possible to change your personality (although not easy. I should know - I used to be a right w*nker! LOL) I think I was a infj.

My biggest suspicion however is the response we have seen. Somewhere above some one said intj make up a very small minority of the population, yet most people have claimed to be this type.

Either way, I think its a great thread and surely deserves a few stars!
Think about your self image and you can be sure a test like this will find just that .Which prove what exactly ? Prove this is not so by all means.


I don't think trading is for everyone, in fact I would think very few want to go there. I know most of my friends look at me a bit odd when I tell them what I do and none of my family, who watch what I do, have the slightest interest. I think the above results prove's just how alike we all are and what an odd bunch we are..🙂

I was absolutely amazed when I found that I was part of the poll majority... and I bet most INTJ's were also... Sort of says something, don't you think, we obviously all have something in common.. Could be we are the 95%...🙂

Cheers Snip
WOW Check this out..

I based this poll on one found on turtle trader, which i found
via tharps site, i would think that turtle trader is majority US
traders whereas T2W are UK based.

Look at the results from TurtleTrader forum:

ISFJ 0% [ 0 ]
ISFP 1% [ 1 ]
ISTJ 10% [ 7 ] 10%
ISTP 1% [ 1 ]
INFJ 7% [ 5 ] 7%
INFP 1% [ 1 ]
INTJ 38% [ 27 ] 38.5%
INTP 20% [ 14 ] 20%
ESFJ 0% [ 0 ]
ESFP 0% [ 0 ]
ESTJ 0% [ 0 ]
ESTP 0% [ 0 ]
ENFJ 1% [ 1 ]
ENFP 0% [ 0 ]
ENTJ 10% [ 7 ] 10%
ENTP 7% [ 5 ] 7%
INXP 1% [ 1 ]

Total Votes : 70

The distributions are almost identical!!

73% of T2W responses are NTs
75% of TTS responses are NTs

And none of you guys had seen the other poll!
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I remember some years ago when studying psychology, I learned the famous quotation from an ancient scholar called Epictetus, it was " know thy self ", a student (allegedly) asked the great master
how well do you " know thy self " Epictetus, he replied, not a great deal, but I do know an awful lot about the subject ! In IMHO it sums up much of what is written about personality, humans are by far, far to complex to be put into categories, i.e. neat little boxes, It's not to far away from its cousin..... astrology, so I for one won't be taking the results to seriously , (appologies for any bad spellings)
snip said:
You cannot hide from your personality, we are born with it and there's no changing it.

Snip, that's a belief you hold - it's not a Universal Absolute.

Personality change can and does happen. Either through environmental forces or socio-economic ones.

And some make a conscious decision to change aspects of their personality. There are techniques and tools.
donaldduke said:
WOW Check this out..

73% of T2W responses are NTs
75% of TTS responses are NTs

That's very interesting DD.

(Are you doing a research thesis... :-0 )

Not so much that the traders in the UK have a similar profile to traders in another Western Industrial nation, but that the overall spectrum is so close.

Seems the primary motivation (trading) overcomes the stereotypical difference between UK/US types (Int/Ext).

Better put my red braces and Hermes ties away and look for my sandals and kaftan...
TheBramble said:

And some make a conscious decision to change aspects of their personality. There are techniques and tools.


Your right, some people do attempt to change, but its really hard going because they are going against the grain. Eventually 99% lapse and settle down with what they have. Its best to take what you have and enjoy....

Humans would not be in there present stake of advancement if it was not for the different types.

It takes all types to make a business run..

It takes all types to make the world what it is today...

Cheers Snip
It looks to me like the NTJ's are in the majority and the NT's represent the biggest common factor.

So now we know what to look for in a TA type trader........all we need to know is what makes up a successful TA type trader 😀