Personality Types: Which one are you?

Which Jung Type are you?

  • ISFJ

    Votes: 10 1.5%
  • ISFP

    Votes: 7 1.0%
  • ISTJ

    Votes: 36 5.3%
  • ISTP

    Votes: 13 1.9%
  • INFJ

    Votes: 43 6.3%
  • INFP

    Votes: 28 4.1%
  • INTJ

    Votes: 243 35.5%
  • INTP

    Votes: 84 12.3%
  • ESFJ

    Votes: 12 1.8%
  • ESFP

    Votes: 6 0.9%
  • ESTJ

    Votes: 9 1.3%
  • ESTP

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • ENFJ

    Votes: 31 4.5%
  • ENFP

    Votes: 18 2.6%
  • ENTJ

    Votes: 100 14.6%
  • ENTP

    Votes: 31 4.5%
  • INXP

    Votes: 2 0.3%

  • Total voters
Hi all,
I'm an INTJ, i did the Entrepeneur Profiler and the result
was Craftsman !!!

Ps - it'll be a long time before i'm a Master of the Craft of trading!
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I think people can be put into boxes, we're not as individual as we'd like to believe. Just look at how we all react when we see Britney Spears in a school uniform, predictable drooling and a dose of the Sid James. Sir Patrick Moore said astrology prooved that one was born every minute, of course it's for the twits of this world, but I credit pyschology with just a tad more merit. That Turtle pole shows some convergence, no?

No offence, but even twits can make dosh.

Those twits of this world you refer to include: W. D. Gann (better known in the field of technical analysis perhaps, but also a noted financial astrologer). And another twit: J. P. Morgan (he, of the bank) who used to employ an astrologer to advise him on his investments; he's quoted as saying:

"Millionaires don't hire astrologers; billionaires do."

And yet another twit, Lieutenant Commander David Williams, made over one million dollars from stocks between 1982 and '87 using astrology.

We all have different ways to trade. NTs or not.
Sure, twits can make money, they can even become president. I'm sure some traders use voodoo. There maybe a way using a simple coin, blown on for good luck. Ever wondered why an astrology column doesn't feature in the broadsheets? Would people trading with astrological charts be masking insider dealing? Well if an astrologer works for you, then good luck, you're going to need it! Astrology/Fortune telling, same difference.

The Turtle poll converging with ours certainly indicates the influence of character types in this world. Professions do attract types, where the environment might help nurture one, it will alienate another, for not having 'the right stuff'. All traders will have experienced the basic emotions of greed and fear, we prosper on them or rather despite them, but the stress is not enough to force us into fashion design or homeopathy. Put a priest and a librarian into a trading pit and you would witness minced meat come out the other side. They are the wrong type to prosper in this game. How many of us would consider ourselves fit for the priesthood or a library?

The character type test might be a useful tool to improve the one neglected area in trading. Technical analysis is easy, eliminating one's own weaknesses is not, if you don't know what they are. It took me two years before I realised the psychology parts of all the trading books I read, were the most important.

Thanks for the good luck. It's appreciated, even though I don't read astrology columns (although some of the broadsheets do feature them in their Sunday editions).

And I agree that psychology is probably one of the most important aspects of trading. Lots of twits in therapy too.

Ah well, back to the pagan bonfire before I short corn...
More from Van Tharp on Jung Types

Note he will be doing Intuition next week which will be more
applicable to the majority of this board:

Personality Type and Trading: (Part 4)
By Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

The Cognitive Modes:

The eight cognitive styles are combinations of what Carl Jung thought of as the four mental functions (sensing, intuiting, thinking, feeling) combined with either an internal (introverted) or external (extraverted) orientation. The relative strength of these eight modes within your personality determines how you process information and make sense out of your life.

Some of these modes of functioning will be very familiar and comfortable. Yet, when I explain other styles, you may wonder how anyone could function that way. These unfamiliar cognitive modes are the ones you have failed to develop because they do not align with the core beliefs you developed about yourself (and your relationship to the world) as a young child. At the end of each description you'll see a rating scale going from one (it's very strange) to seven (it's very comfortable). Think of the number that you believe best describes your comfort level with that mode of functioning.

Most people only develop a few of the eight modes and are unaware of their full potential as human beings. Of course, we all use all eight modes, but the less developed, more rudimentary ones reside only in the unconscious mind. None of these modes showed a strong correlation with trading success, suggesting that each may be important in some way. This week we begin with the first two of the eight modes: Sensation, introverted and extroverted.

Introverted Sensation (IS). IS is the cognitive mode that allows us to be in touch with our bodies. Through IS people are able to sense the rhythms of their bodies. You become aware of how alert you are, how much energy you have, and if any particular part of your body needs attention. For example, the ideal diet for you simply amounts to paying attention to your body. Eat whatever you seem to crave, and then notice what your body's reaction is to that food. If you have reasonable introverted sensation, then you will know your body's response to each food after you've eaten it. Once you know your body's response, then it will teach you exactly what you need to eat to attain the ideal nutrition for your body. Unfortunately, this only works when you have fairly well developed IS.

One of the market wizards, when he first attended our Peak Performance 101 Trading course, told me that he was very attuned to stress in his body. He said that whenever it seemed to develop, it always started in his fingertips and then worked its way up his arms and into his body. I suggested that since he was so attuned to the inner sensations of his body, he should simply use the sensations as a signal to back off and relax. Subsequently, he reports that he just does not experience stress any more. This, to me, is IS at its best as utilized by a market wizard.

I believe that IS is critical to the trading task of self analysis. If you tend be lax doing self-analysis, then it may be because you have not developed this particular cognitive mode.

Please record how comfortable you feel with Introverted Sensation. A rating of one means it seems very strange, you have trouble imagining anyone could do it. Four means you know you do it sometimes, but it is probably just an average skill for you. Seven means it seems very comfortable for you, something you do all the time.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

If you are weak in IS, start some exercises in which you pay attention to your body. Spend half an hour each day, lying down with your eyes closed. Explore your whole body for feelings and notice what is there that you've missed. Also while you are at your computer or observing the market, notice any tensions or unusual feelings you have in your body. Whatever you notice in either exercise, do something about it. If you're tense, stretch it out or practice relaxing or meditating.

Extraverted Sensation (ES). People who use a finely developed ES find it easy to note details and discriminate what the environment is. ES processing connects people to the physical aspects of life--the sights, sounds, touches, aromas, and tastes of the physical world. It allows one to appreciate sexual contact, the beauty of a symphony, or the art in a fine painting. People with a highly developed ES typically have good memories, since they record details accurately and have no difficulty remembering them accurately.

Everyone uses ES, but there is a big difference between discerning the difference between a red and a green traffic light (a basic survival skill) and noticing subtle shades of differences in a family of colors. People with highly developed ES skills can match the exact shade of red and grey in the couch in a room from memory and come home with a paint color that works perfectly. Those with average skills would probably have to take a swatch of the fabric with them. While some of you may have trouble matching the colors even with the swatch in front of you because "all those reds look the same."

ES skills extend to all of the senses. For example, can you identify a wine just by tasting it? Or can you recognize people when they enter the room just by their smell? Or can you recognize someone you haven't been with for years just by hearing their voice?

Good ES skills are essential for anyone who must be accurate with details or concrete facts. It is essential for a craftsman or a CPA. ES skills help us keep our feet on the ground and our mind in the present moment.

You can probably imagine how important ES skills are for any sort of pattern recognition in the market. If you expect to be able to react to certain market conditions, because you've experienced them before, then you need well-developed ES skills. However, ES skills showed a slight negative correlation to trading success.

Once again record how comfortable you feel with this particular mode of interaction.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

To improve your ES skills, you must ground yourself in the present moment. When you are talking with someone, notice all of the specifics of what they say. Practice repeating what they say back to them, repeating as many details as possible. They'll usually be very flattered that you have listened to them so closely.

Learn to identify the aromas and tastes of various herbs and spices. Memorize different shades of colors until you can verbalize them on sight. Listen to a band play and pick out how different the music is from instrument to instrument. Or look at daily bar charts, bar by bar until you can recognize every market just by looking at a small sample of bar charts and can say, "Oh, that's a chart of soybeans in April 1997."

Next week we will cover Introverted Intuition, both introverted and extroverted modes.

--Van K. Tharp
More from Van Tharp on Jung Types

IN and EN this time

The Cognitive Modes Continued:

Introverted Intuition (IN). According to Jung, IN provides us with a variety of perspectives for viewing life. When this skill is highly developed, a person can use these multiple perspectives almost simultaneously. It allows people to connect with the endless images of the unconscious and to make inductive leaps, revealing creative connections between ideas and symbols. It is one of the requirede who are good at developing new ideas about how the market works.

Introverted intuition is especially valuable in allowing problems or situations to be viewed from multiple perspectives. For example, as a trader when you are having difficulties, IN will allow you to view it from your own perspective, from a dissociated (watching yourself) perspective, from the perspective of a trader who has the opposite side of a position from you, from the perspective of a hypothetical supertrader-- anything you want. It is a very valuable mode of operation. IN skills showed a slight positive correlation with trading success.

Record how comfortable you feel with this particular mode of interaction.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

To develop IN skills, I would suggest you practice role playing. For example, relive an argument or discussion from the other person's point of view. Take a perspective that is entirely different from the one you usually hold.

Extraverted Intuition (EN). The EN processing skill helps people see the possibilities in a situation. For example, when you look at a chart pattern and suddenly become aware of something else going on in the market, you are using EN skills. When you think about a particular day in the market and can recall generally what was going on, without remembering any specific details, you are using EN. In other words, when you have an overall impression of something, yet are hard-pressed to give details, then you are using EN. It is this cognitive mode of processing information that gives us our hunches.

People with highly developed EN can easily come up with speculative or imaginative solutions to a problem. They can jump from the present condition to the outcome without considering a step by step process. They are great at brainstorming and continually come up with new ideas. More of our top traders showed EN dominance than any other processing mode.

Once again record how comfortable you feel with this particular mode of interaction.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

To develop EN skills, I would suggest that you start following your hunches. Practice "guessing" what will happen in the market tomorrow. Imagine at least three scenarios that could dramatically change prices in a particular market tomorrow. Or try an exercise that we use in the Winning Systems Seminar: Come up with at least ten new ways that you could represent market behavior (time versus price).

i am also an intj, seems good for traders as i have only recently considered trading and currently in the process of getting on graduate training at macfutures.
Les little grey cells nes pas ici

Sharky said:
I can live with that 😀

Hmm - seems I'm an INTP - but the theory must be defective because I do not have the high IQ that such a label implies !

I have to live with that. 😀

😱 😢
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These test results are very smiliar to Myers Briggs ..

Good to see that I am still (and the only) ESFP (very rare breeds - only about 1% of the general population !!)

You're 1% of this 'trading' population. ESTP & ESFP are 25% of the 'general' population. You're common as muck!😆
Very few women are INTJ, only ENTJ has a similar low score for women (0.9%). A lot of traders are male (I assume), so that could alter the comparison to the general population significantly

M - Males, F - Females, T - Totals

Breakdown by Type

M - 3.3%
F - 0.8%
T - 2.1%
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Looks like im another INTJ for what it is worth.

The things I do at 1:15am, I suppose watching USD/JPY isnt all that interesting 😀
The next part in the series:

Personality Type and Trading: (Part 6)
By Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

The Cognitive Modes Continued:

Introverted Thinking (IT). IT is a skill that helps people solve problems involving in concepts, ideas, or symbols. IT is the process involved in the logical manipulation of ideas, as in philosophical reasoning or mathematics. If you are good in mathematics, you probably have highly developed IT skills.

This skill is important in hypothesis testing. Thus, you might use EN to come up with a new concept about the market. However, IT skills would be important to test out that hypothesis to determine whether or not it would be profitable.

People for whom IT is highly developed usually begin problem solving with a strong conviction. For example, in developing a new market theory, you would probably begin with a strong conviction that such a theory exists.

Traders who rely strongly on IT also tend to work best by themselves. They can remain highly focused and carry an idea through to completion. These individuals are strongly concerned with expanding their knowledge and understanding of markets (and the world). They want to explain their reasoning and justify their conclusions.

More traders in our sample showed IT dominance than any other cognitive style and this skill was important to the top traders. However, if you exclude the top group, it showed a negative correlation with trading success—probably because IT skills are useless without the ability to develop a useful hypothesis for trading.

Record how comfortable you feel with the IT mode of interaction by circling the most appropriate number below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

To develop IT skills, I would suggest that you take a math class (especially higher math) or a course in logic. Or find an area that interests you, such as a particular aspect of the market, and memorize the definitions of the concepts and terms. Once you've done that, compare and contrast the concepts so that you know how they are similar and how they differ.

Extraverted Thinking (ET). When logical problem solving is connected to the external world, it is called extraverted thinking (ET). This mode of thinking allows one to take a problem and break it down into component parts. An extraordinary example of the ET mode is provided by Chuck LeBeau and David Lucas in their book, Computer Analysis of the Futures Market1. The authors break down the task of system design and development into component parts and then solve each part of the puzzle separately.

The ET mode is also used when one finds a goal to attain and then breaks down the attainment of that goal into distinct, sequential tasks, determined in part by their cause and effect relationships. For example, the task of becoming a proficient trader involves the tasks of self-assessment, self-transformation, system development, system testing, and then following the ten tasks of trading. I also used ET to develop that sequence.

Since personal problems can affect the type of system one uses to trade, I recommend that people do a complete psychological assessment, followed by a psychological clearing, prior to beginning the task of developing a system. Why? Because the system one might develop after clearing out any strong issues, will probably be much more profitable than anything developed prior to the clearing. And, of course, one must develop and test a system before one can actually trade.

Generally, people with highly developed ET will determine a series of priorities through logic and reasoning. They will weigh the pros and cons of each possible solution before deciding what to do. ET is usually a methodical, step-by-step process in which each component is carefully considered. People with a strong ET cognitive process will usually have a strong code of conduct or system of rules about how to lead their lives. They tend to be focused and very efficient in getting the job done. Fairly well developed ET is probably essential for good trading if you are starting from the beginning. ET is also a cognitive skill that is highly developed in our top traders.

Record how comfortable you feel with the ET mode of interaction by circling the most appropriate number below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

To develop ET skills, I would suggest that you make a list at the end of the day of what you would like to accomplish the next day. Determine the pros and cons of each task and then determine what order the tasks must be accomplished in order to make the most efficient use of your time.

Introverted Feeling (IF). When one uses the IF mode of cognitive processing, one connects with the values and feelings deep within. Your inner values tend to rule your life. They may be personal, abstract (e.g., independence), spiritual, or even mystical. These values tend to strongly connect the person who uses them to what he or she likes and/or dislikes. For example, a person following the IF mode will tend to honor what is within more than what is outside of themselves. Thus, it usually takes IF processing to ignore the crowd and go with a "gut feel" about a trade.

A person for whom IF is highly developed will probably be a very poor systems trader, always preferring to go with internal feelings over external signals. This type of trading would probably only work if the person was so highly trained as to have very accurate internal feelings. In our sample, IF processing showed a negative correlation with trading success and it was seldom dominant among top traders probably because these people are not tuned into what is going on in the market.

Record how comfortable you feel with the IF mode of interaction by circling the most appropriate number below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

To develop IF skills, I would suggest that you take on a new project and complete it by only doing what you like to do. Consult only your own inner feelings for whether or not you like it. And thus proceed by only doing what you like to do. Avoid any other reasons for doing the project except to say, "I like it." Do not give in to group pressure and do not change your schedule or what you are doing to accommodate others.

Extraverted Feeling (EF). EF processing helps us connect to other human beings. Through it we are able to share their experiences and recognize their intrinsic value. It is a very important ingredient to developing significant human relationships.

EF processing always brings the "human" factor into the decision-making process. For example, EF dominant people tend to strongly adhere to the standards and values of the group to which they belong. Most institutional traders are selected because they have this quality. However, it probably has a negative correlation with successful trading. EF traders tend to be crowd followers. EF people tend to suppress their own needs and desires in order to promote harmony, because relationships tend to be of primary importance for them.

I would expect someone with dominant EF processing to be a poor trader. However, it showed a positive correlation with trading success in our sample. EF processing might be useful if other modes of processing were also highly developed (e.g., ET, IT, EN), because it could help a trader understand what other traders are doing without necessarily influencing how he trades. For example, a trader with highly developed EN skills might come up with some important insights about what is happening in the market. And if those skills are combined with strong ET or IF skills, it could result in excellent trading decisions.

Record how comfortable you feel with the EF mode of interaction by circling the most appropriate number below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

To develop EF skills, I would suggest taking on a project in which you continually place the needs and wants of others before your own. Change your plans to accommodate what others want. Take time to "be" with other people and show genuine concern for what is happening in their lives. Also, find ways to give sincere compliments and express your appreciation to others for what they do for you.
Another part in the series:

Personality Type and Trading: (Part 7)
By Van K. Tharp, Ph.D.

Psychologists David Keirsey and Marilyn Bates believe that an important basis of personality are four key temperaments. Looking from a mythological stand point, these correspond to the characteristics that Zeus told his gods to help man adopt. Dionysus was to teach man joy. Prometheus was to give man science, while Epimetheus was to give man a sense of duty. And, finally, Apollo was to give man the spirit of the gods.

Dionysian Temperament: The Dionysian Temperament occurs in those people for whom sensation (S) and Perception (P) are dominant. These SP people (ISTPs, ESTPs, ISFPs, and ESFPs) comprise about 38% of the population.

SPs tend to gravitate toward trading because they have a strong need for freedom and independence. They don't want obligations or to be tied down in any way. The ideal life is to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it. Action is the key for these people and they tend to be impulsive. Actually, they want to be impulsive because that gives them their free spirit and sense of aliveness.

People with this type of temperament work best in crises and they even will create a crisis just to make things more interesting. You can imagine what happens when this type of behavior is brought into the trading arena, and many SPs do so constantly.

The Myers-Brigg's personality types for which we have little data include all four SP categories. In fact, although SPs constitute 38% of the population, they only represent about 8.3% of our sample. Why? First, I suspect that SPs do not last long as traders and those that have enough money to last for a while are not that interested in self-knowledge, just the action of being in the market. Thus, SPs will tend to gravitate toward very short-term systems in which the odds are definitely but they are still willing to take their chances because that'sƒ³against them where the action is. In fact, the SP probably could not do well with a longer term orientation, because that would just not fit his impulsive nature.

People with SP temperaments are good with tools. Thus, I would expect them to have the potential to work well with computers and thus do fairly well in that aspect of trading.

Record how comfortable you feel with the SP temperament by circling the most appropriate number below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Although I do not recommend that one apply an SP temperament to trading, unless you want to forget about profits and just enjoy the action, the SP temperament is an excellent one to bring to many aspects of living. To develop more of this trait, I would suggest that you practice being much more spontaneous in what you do with your life. For example, pick one day each week in which you do everything just for the fun of doing it.

The Epimethean Temperament: The Epimethean Temperament occurs in people for whom the sensation (S) and judgement (J) qualities dominate. These SJs (ISFJs, ESFJs, ISTJs, and ESTJs) also constitute about 38% of the population. These people are dominated by a sense of duty. They exist primarily to be useful to the social units to which they belong.

Epimetheus was the husband of Pandora, who let all manner of ills escape onto mankind--old age, sickness, insanity, vice, and passion--when she opened her famous box. Yet Epimetheus, although forced to endure the result of his wife's actions, steadfastly stood by her and remained devoted to her.

The SJ personality has a strong need to belong. But he must be the giver, not the receiver. He must earn his belongingness. As a result, I would not expect SJs to be that happy in the lonely world of trading unless they had a major social system for support (i.e., strong family support). However, the SJ might be quite content in an institutional trading situation.

However, the SJ personality is constantly seeking out what he is "supposed to do" to belong. They typically do well in school, because the rules are quite obvious. However, in the trading arena the "supposed to do" rules are not that obvious. In fact, if you ask enough people they will probably most of which will be the exact opposite of what will produceƒ³give you advice trading success. Indeed, our sample of SJ traders produced below-average trading results. Nevertheless, the SJ usually has a very strong work ethic which could help him overcome a lot of difficulties.

The SJ will shine in one of the mental rehearsal. Why? The SJ is likely to envision allƒ³ten tasks of trading sorts of disasters and constantly be trying to figure out how to overcome them. Indeed, his personal motto is usually to be prepared. Unfortunately, much of his idea of being prepared involves following traditions (i.e., the "I go by the book" motto) and this also may not breed success in the marketplace.

Record how comfortable you feel with the SJ temperament by circling the most appropriate number below.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

To develop SJ skills, develop a total disaster control plan for your trading. Think of everything and everything that could go wrong in your trading. And, if your list does not include at least 100 items, then you need to continue until you have that many. Once you have your list, then come up with three ways to either circumvent each disaster or to overcome it if it does happen.

Next week we wrap up this series with the last two of the four temperaments: Promethean Apollonian

Are their any INFP personality types like myself on this site?,if there is i would be interested in hearing from you about any trading dilemmas you have experienced,eg stop loss ,sticking to methods etc.and how you overcame them.I would also be interested to know what markets and style you find suitable to trade,multiple or single,day or swing.
Much appreciated
If someone has advice on trading for this personality type that would be great.
Hope i'm not asking too much.
I am an INTJ too!

Hi to fellow INTJs!!!
It looks like most traders are INTJs
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging=INTJ :cheesy: