Personality Types: Which one are you?

Which Jung Type are you?

  • ISFJ

    Votes: 10 1.5%
  • ISFP

    Votes: 7 1.0%
  • ISTJ

    Votes: 36 5.3%
  • ISTP

    Votes: 13 1.9%
  • INFJ

    Votes: 43 6.3%
  • INFP

    Votes: 28 4.1%
  • INTJ

    Votes: 243 35.5%
  • INTP

    Votes: 84 12.3%
  • ESFJ

    Votes: 12 1.8%
  • ESFP

    Votes: 6 0.9%
  • ESTJ

    Votes: 9 1.3%
  • ESTP

    Votes: 11 1.6%
  • ENFJ

    Votes: 31 4.5%
  • ENFP

    Votes: 18 2.6%
  • ENTJ

    Votes: 100 14.6%
  • ENTP

    Votes: 31 4.5%
  • INXP

    Votes: 2 0.3%

  • Total voters
Now I wonder what Socrates would be ;-)
And how would my trading personality differ from my non-trading one?
And how do they interact with and influence each other?
Does one have to dominate the other and are any conflicts created?
How are they managed and by what supra mechanism?
robq, if you are in a crowd then you are in the market, follow the crowd and don't fight it
Hello Mr Charts, I have not done the above , but you ask four questions, which are very important for any serious trader to ask himself. Since you mention me, I am going to explain each of them about myself so that your curiosity is satisfied.The best way for me to explain this is to disconnect myself and explain it from the point of view of say an informed observer,
that is, a properly trained person able to explain it from a point of view of knowlege and understanding, and not from a superficial viewpoint.

Q 1. How would my trading personality differ from my non-trading one ?

Answer :~ The difference is like chalk and cheese. His non trading personality is his natural one. This is the Socrates known to his neighbours, his family, his friends, the postman, the newsagent and all civilians. In his natural personality he is patient, generous, kind, extrovert, and fun loving, easily contented with simple things, inquisitive, benevolent, open minded, a linguist, polyglot and quick to respond to stimuli, indeed very human and full of human frailties. As a consequence of having spent a lilfetime unravelling this riddle until recently not streetwise, naive about people and their real intents, trusting, but all this has changed, I kid you not.

The trading personality does not have a personality. Having a personality is not a luxury that any trader who has mastered his profession can afford to have. Personality is left out of trading. In trading there is no room for kindness, therefore there is no allowance for mercy of any kind. There is no generosity, because trading is an activity not unlike warfare, it is a question of killing or getting killed. There is no need to be extrovert , indeed there is a requirement to be the opposite, because inward reflection enriches for the purpose that this profession demands as you well know yourself,outward attention impoverishes and dilutes. There is an element of selfishness in the trading persona, it becomes me me instead of you me or me you, because it is a survival excercise in the middle of a war zone. There is no room for what is irrelevant or inconsequential, for example because whereas in ordinary life simple things satisfy in trading only the pursuit of excellence suffices. As all of this is done in isolation for the most part there is no speech, no chit chat, no discussions no telephone calls except for the purpose of trading. No visitors invited or tolerated. No music or news or commentary allowed, just the ticker...........All the attributes and frailties of the real him are put in a sort of "cardboard box" and not allowed to enter the domain of the trading him. Therefore there is no opinion, there is no emotion, there is no humanity, instead there is impartiality, calm, serenity, a cold calculating silent assassin replacement, deadly and ruthless.

Q2. And how do they interact and influence one another ?

Answer:~ |n the beginning when the trading persona was being created the natural persona had to do all the work in creating the trading persona because there was nothing there. When the creation of the trading persona became very advanced, the natural persona was excluded from the excercise and the task left to the trading persona to develop itself independently. For this reason they are not allowed to interact at all. There is no question of influence. They are totally separate entities. They operate in totally different theatres with different protocols and so on, therefore they have nothing in common and are kept separate, but the immediate differences are not discernible to anyone not in the know and therefore this tends to be very baffling to anyone not trained in this way as they see what appears to be the same person they know in ordianary life, the same things, but the conclusions they are forced to arrive at (limited by their own humanity) are different and perplexing both when they happen to be right or when they happen to be wrong because the whole mechanism of mind is different to each, indeed opposite, but invisible as it is not explained because it is not necessary for an outsider to know this.

Q3. Does one have to dominate the other and are any conflicts created ?

Answer:~ No not at all, the whole object of the excercise is the creation and operation of a separate entity free of the weaknesses inherent in the humanistic original.If either was allowed to dominate the other the whole excercise would have been pointless, futile. It would not then be possible to disengage and engage the other at will, on command, as and when required, in a nanosecond, and for the chosen mode to be empowered to "hold the attitude"for as long as is required without reverting to the former. Therefore there are and cannot be any conflilcts. They are two separate entities.

Q4. How are they managed and by what supra mechanism ?

Answer:~ The creation of the separate entity is subject to a clause included as part of its construction.This clause ensures one or the other is chosen, but not both at the same time, because their requirements are different, in many ways totallly opposite. It would be catastrophic to muddle them.It would be very cruel and inhuman to allow the trading entity to enter the normal everyday domain of living,loving, and interacting with other people. One would be left without any friends, acquaintances, relatives, spouses, or any sort of relationship based on humanistic values, because the trading entity does not recognise or respect humanistic values. Humanistic values would impair or destroy the impartiality of the trading entity and the trading entity in turn would dehumanise the original entity that helped to create it.Therefore they have to be segregated so they do not do damage to each other. Part of the mechanisminvolves on the humanistic side use of the human instinct to remain alive, and on the trading side a recognition that the removal of human drive includes the instinct to remain alive which has to be protectected at all costs in order to preserve and protect this dumbell arrangement/ agreement, othewise neither would function.
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robq, if you are in a crowd then you are in the market, follow the crowd and don't fight it

Following the majority in trading is a certain way to consistently lose money in the long term. It has to be as this is a zero sum game where up to 95% lose money to the 5% who make it. As such the 95% majority must be following the wrong path.

Perhaps they are the ones that are trying to pick the bottom or fight the crowd?

If the market is going up, go long, if it is going down go short.
If the market is going up, go long, if it is going down go short.

It really is not that simple because if it were then you have solved the problem that 95% of losers dont seem to have been able to grasp. There are times and conditions that if you go Long when a market is going up or go Short when it is going down you will get absolutely slaughtered and in literally just a few seconds.

Trader333, of course there are times when that will be wrong.
So you have to sell or buy and cut your losses and reverse your position.
How many traders if they get on the trend and cut their winners, or fight the trend and run their losers? That is what they are doing.. fighting the crowd and saying it will be okay cos they are right and not the crowd.
I am not saying that it the right approach 100% of the time and the contrarian view cannot win, but you have to be very good at that to pick more winners than just following the trend

On the basis of your split personality you would ,I presume, have two Jung Types. Am I correct?


Bracke, there really is no such thing as 'a Jung Type'. A post I made a long way back on this thread points out that when you take a test of this nature, it is totally context dependent. While you may be an INTJ as a trader, you'll most likely be something quite different 'in another context'.

This is why the MBTI is only ever really useful if administered by a qualified practitioner.

The other thing is that whatever your 'type' is in any given instant in time is not necessarily what it's going to be at any other point in time. People change. The personalities do change.

Take the same test in the same context in 5, 10 or 20 years time (or ago!) and it may well be different - very different!

If you like, we all have multiple personalities - the one we chose is very much dependent upon context. Of course, we normally don't consciously chose it (I'm not discussing Socrates use of persona here - this is something quite different) - we Unconsciously select it from our conditioned responses to previously experienced external stimuli and environments.

Normally there's no conflict as we tend, quite sensibly, to chose distinct response modes and the difference between these modes of response is largely indiscernible in everyday interactions.
"Of course, we normally don't consciously chose it " this statement based on some objective fact?

I'm not necessarily arguing it isn't so , in fact if you follow the reasoning through it may well be pausible..afterall adopting by implication a sub conscious action appears very common and likewise often very inappropriate to one's own self interest. What would happen if we did consciously choose our behavior/actions ? Would we be closer to managing the reality that was in front of us at the time instead of becoming a 'pavlovian dog' ?

Is this why people imo appear more comfortable taking a conforming behaviour pattern ? Is it like going to watch a film where you know how it's going to end? Comforting because the outcome is certain/known in a general sense?
chump said:
"Of course, we normally don't consciously chose it " this statement based on some objective fact?
Of course. Did you just consciously 'choose' a mindset to post that or did you just post that?

chump said:
"I'm not necessarily arguing it isn't so , in fact if you follow the reasoning through it may well be pausible..afterall adopting by implication a sub conscious action appears very common and likewise often very inappropriate to one's own self interest.
More often than we'd like. Self-interest is a good point. There's the self-interest whose day-to-day actions you believe your acting in and there's the 'real' self-interest which exists at a very basic Unconscious level whose only real job is survival, comfort and security. These (not always necessarily harmonious) needs and interests are precisely what are at the root of so many instances of shooting ourselves in the foot.
"Therefore there is no opinion, there is no emotion, there is no humanity, instead there is impartiality, calm, serenity, a cold calculating silent assassin replacement, deadly and ruthless."

The hallmarks of a Psychopath. Nothing wrong with that for trading. We all have elements of it in our makeup. But how to separate and control and improve it ?

Socrates - May I ask ? - how long did it take you to create and refine the other persona ?
Was it an empirical process or did you employ specific techniques ?
Were you coached yourself ?
Other than spending months or years trying to create and separate it I wonder whether such tools as meditation and self-hypnosis would help.


If you trade in the same direction and on the basis of what the majority are doing, you will lose money almost guaranteed. But it is your choice and I have no issue with it at all.

Well Trader333 my bank balance would agree to significantly differ with that 🙂

It was when I was trading against the crowd that I lost more.
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Trader 333 why do you say it almost guaranteed?
"If you trade in the same direction and on the basis of what the majority are doing, you will lose money almost guaranteed"
I am interested to know your reasoning? Why do they say the trend is your friend, do not catch falling knives.. etc. et.c. I am sure you know them all.... so why go against the flow, make money on the way up(down), trade it and get out, forget about looking for the bends in the ends?
Easy money and less stressful.
No problem and no offence intended, Markets are made up by people having different views on where they are heading or there would be no market in the first place. Maybe your use of the word "Crowd" is not the same as it means to me.

I didn' t take your comments as an offence at all, no worries 🙂
just I am interested in how you see it, that was all
Trader333 I try to take advantage of the crowd and their foibles.. I do not get taken in by them!