People who make journals fail...

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Self-defense is egotistical because it attempts to rigidy believe that your beliefs are right and the best.... If you didn't think you were right, wouldn't defend it; therefore your ego is involved.

YAWN - arguing & starting threads is egotistical because it says "look at me, look at me". After all - if YOU didn't think you were right, you wouldn't post all this stuff.

All of this has bugger all bearing on whether you can trade or not though.
The interesting thing is that most people who posted to defend journals write journals themselves; to some extent this confirms my original comments...

Self-defensive comments are a form of the ego, the ego wants to be right and wanting to be right in trading causes self-punishment upon being wrong - Creating a fearful cycle.

I do believe writing a journal can be extremely helpful - I just think, depending on the individual and their motives - That in most cases journals are written with the same behavioural problems that will cause them in trading to struggle...

Btw - I don't consider myself free in any way of psychological trading issues, i am trying to understand them myself... I'm not saying that Journal writers have problems and i don't.

Some very valid points there my friend

I agree with you

The tradition that I come from states that a difference of opinion is a source of mercy

we should rejoice in each traders diversity

I have been running the "Wallstreet1928 live analysis" blog for almost 6 months now and I have had nothing but thanks, admiration and gratitude from the followers(I can't believe there have been almost 285,000 hits in such a short time period...I say that with astonishment and not EGO because there are so many better traders on this forum than me). I have learnt more from them than they have learnt from me and its a very enjoyable experience getting to know like minded traders. I have made many good friends along the way and I have helped New traders(whom nobody has time for once they have achieved consistency in their own trading) and continue to do so because my spiritual master tells me to.

I agree it is hard work and my own trading suffers in the process but it is a good lesson for me, it gives me the ability to control the aspect of greed in my trading.

I have a few projects in the pipeline now and I am also attempting to set up a Hedge Fund with several wealthy investors, once organised I will certainly be inviting the good traders on this forum to trade it.

Watch this space chaps

Hopefully towards the back end of 2010
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YAWN - arguing & starting threads is egotistical because it says "look at me, look at me". After all - if YOU didn't think you were right, you wouldn't post all this stuff.

All of this has bugger all bearing on whether you can trade or not though.

I am egotistical - Although i know its a bad thing; especially in trading... Its hard to remove behaviours that have existed so long...

My main psychological barrier has always been a fear of failure because i've always felt that 'i'm right' and for anything else to tell me different would be a criticism i couldn't take - This is something i really had to face in trading and it was really difficult to analysis myself and look at my weaknesses - When i was 5 i considered myself the fastest runner to the extent that i was too afraid to run a 60m race @ school incase the results told me i was wrong 🙂

Another example would be not trying in my coursework - I knew that what i deserved and i knew how good i was @ my subjects... I didn't want to hear the teachers opinion and i wasn't interested in their interpretation; Because i knew mine was better...

I realised later that all this is my greatest fault and that i would really have to face my problems and try get over them to trade.
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I keep a journal to write down my trading ideas for the following day. If I dont then I forget at least half of them and spend a good few hours trying to work out why I keep entering losing trades.
Thats probably because your a female to be honest...
Thats usually how things work like that 😆

I'm sure it didn't hurt to be honest, but as I know the guy he helped before me really is a male it probably is not the whole reason.
I'm sure it didn't hurt to be honest, but as I know the guy he helped before me really is a male it probably is not the whole reason.
after all there is always the possibility of being bi-sexual lets not forget 🙂
I am egotistical - Although i know its a bad thing; especially in trading... Its hard to remove behaviours that have existed so long...

My main psychological barrier has always been a fear of failure because i've always felt that 'i'm right' and for anything else to tell me different would be a criticism i couldn't take - This is something i really had to face in trading and it was really difficult to analysis myself and look at my weaknesses - When i was 5 i considered myself the fastest runner to the extent that i was too afraid to run a 60m race @ school incase the results told me i was wrong 🙂

Another example would be not trying in my coursework - I knew that what i deserved and i knew how good i was @ my subjects... I didn't want to hear the teachers opinion and i wasn't interested in their interpretation; Because i knew mine was better...

I realised later that all this is my greatest fault and that i would really have to face my problems and try get over them to trade.

OK Gladys - so let me get this right. You have an ego but don't keep an online journal. You also believe that, because I (along with a fair few other traders) keep an online journal, this journal leads me to possibly have an ego as well. Q.E.D. it is not the act of keeping an online journal that fuels a trader's ego but the fact that they have an ego in the first place. Following on from this, your original comments regarding online journals and the likelihood of the author's potential failure are specious to say the least. I actually agree with some of what you have written in this thread but might I suggest that a more appropriate title for this thread would have been something along the lines of - 'Do online trading journals benefit their authors?' This title would have been more likely provoke debate and and not just provide yourself with some sort of ego-induced outlet for your own musings. One minor benefit of my journal which I haven't previously mentioned is that, when I feel the need to unburden myself of thoughts, emotions, views on the state of the nation etc., I have my own place to write these down, thus saving members of T2W the pain of having to read my own infantile rantings. Maybe you should try it sometime? ;-)

P.S. Please can you learn the difference between 'your' and 'you're'?
Its hard to remove behaviours that have existed so long...

The ego can only operate by reference to the past or by projection into the future. If you are able to bring yourself into the "present moment" all ego ceases to function and therefore all behaviour associated with it. The ability to do this is of tremendous benefit when intra-day trading.

So GladiatorX - being the expert you profess to be in this thread. Can you answer :

Are you trading live right now ?

How is it going ?
The ego can only operate by reference to the past or by projection into the future. If you are able to bring yourself into the "present moment" all ego ceases to function and therefore all behaviour associated with it. The ability to do this is of tremendous benefit when intra-day trading.


Nice one Paul, can I respectfully suggest that (in the capacity as T2W content manager) you wrap your thoughts on this zen like phenomena into an article on the home page? 🙂 Beats re-cycling 5 year old articles...
Nice one Paul, can I respectfully suggest that (in the capacity as T2W content manager) you wrap your thoughts on this zen like phenomena into an article on the home page? 🙂 Beats re-cycling 5 year old articles...

+1 most relevant thing I've read for a while
Nice one Paul, can I respectfully suggest that (in the capacity as T2W content manager) you wrap your thoughts on this zen like phenomena into an article on the home page? 🙂 Beats re-cycling 5 year old articles...

We are intending to come up with a number of new initiatives that should make the articles and reviews section better. In particular I am wanting to start holding recorded interviews or (telephone conversations) that can be listened to or downloaded.

Unless one is extremely self aware (and most aren't) it's beneficial to keep a journal.
Most folk behave in an automatic style (As you're aware when driving a car) To know ones mistakes, is to be conscious of them, hence journalizing ones thoughts and actions.
know thyself
Perhaps go on topic then stick with PM's, because this argument is not going to be won over the internet and it just shouts attention seeker.
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