Trading Journals

80k a year.. I wish!

Well I should have bought .. a tape drive, then I could have made a backup and saved myself a few days work to recover everything.
Important note to you all. ....If you EVER accidentally delete/format/fdisk your drive with all your important data on it, it CAN be recovered. Not cheap, but it can be 100% recovered. Just DON't do anything with the drive. Once you have reloaded all your software, or just the operating system, the recovery success is dramatically reduced. Just go buy a new hard drive and send me the stuffed one for recovery. I have recovered one of my drives that was partitioned in two. I Fdisked it and formatted it before realising, but still recovered all my data.
Hi Sharky

Hey, mistakes happen, and I'm sure you had a good reason for doing whatever highly technical stuff you do 🙂

As Options said "Could've been worse. You could have bought when you should have sold. " 😀
Alternately, have a second drive attached and run 'second copy 2000' (shareware, costs some huge sum, a shade under £20 I think) which will record any files and folders you pick, and copy them at your chosen intervals, on days of your choice, to a wide range of media including via network... I have a 2nd HDD in the case that gets a copy of all my important folders every 20 mins for example.
This is, of course, in addition to making 'restore points' every now and then, a full backup regularly (via another shareware package) and saving my program files and email info to CD... it sounds quite a lot, but takes 5 minutes.

(Of course, if the meteorite hits I'm snookered)
Thanks for the advice - certainly if it was my own hard-drive I could probably recover the data like ChartMan suggested - not so easy when it's shared between a number of users. And DaveJB I really need to set up something like this on my home pc, with daily and weekly backups. You don't reaslise how valuable data is until you've lost it.

Cheers FTSE.

Anyway, I should have the journals back by the end of the week, but in case you haven't seen the announcement the site will be down tonight from 12:15am for about 30 mins, while I carry out some essential maintenance.

Well we didn't quite make the end of the week, to have the journals back online. But I'm working on them as we speak, and they will back online by tomorrow evening.

I'm using a different journal system this time round, but it will make it easy for *anyone* who wishes to keep a journal to start their just with the click of a mouse.

New Journal System Online!

You'll be glad to hear the journals are finally back online. It's taken longer than expected, and I still need to recover some of helen's older journal entries and the comments by other members on recent entrues. But you can now access the new journals section from the "discussion" menu bar at the top of every page, or go to them directly from this link!

The new journal system makes it easy for members to create their own journal and publish it on the site. Just visit the new journal section and click the "start a journal" button - you can immediately start to add entries either public or private. This can be standard text entry or use our advanced editing tool that has WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) functionality, to really personalise the look and feel of your journal. Members can then comment on any public entry published. and we keep a track of all the new entries and highlight the latest ones on the front page of T2W.

As always please tell us your feedback on this new site feature, as there's lots more ways we'd like to expand it and I'd really appreciate your feedback.
