No probs -
just take the rohypnol <sp?> I sent you to ensure the 'guaranteed 10 zillion % profit system' is completely erased from your memory.
There's an element of 'in joke' in all this - I'm actually selling stuff I write for myself, as anyone who ever tried telling me I should program stochastics in will doubtless confirm. Whilst it would be nice to have 20,000 users (I mean it, I WILL throw BBQ's for 'early adopters') the fact is that I'm not that bothered - I fully intend to be rich (= can play flamethrower over banknotes yet still have more left in bank than managed to burn each day) regardless... I have to be honest here, Updata, Metastock and whoever are all trying to make the cash they need to survive, they have to sell a certain amount to stay solvent - I don't. This allows me to be very honest, upfront, and - let's be honest - unbearably smug at times about morality and advertising etc.
Not a problem, buy, don't buy - I enjoy a somewhat unique position, I want unfeasibly large wads of money, not a heart attack <g>
As for adverts, cue some clever mood music, what did you expect? <g> Actually I get a lot of email off them too - it has reduced (noticeably NOT to zero) since I opted out... I sent an email to opt out, I also pointed out that I was actually a competitor - the fact that I still get invites/ads suggests that they are either pretty dim or taking the p***!
No hard feelings, just watch yourself at Halloween - I live just down the road from Cawdor and the night is fast approaching.... 'when shall we three meet again?' and all that. (T Pratchett readers needn't answer - I have the book!)