Spreadbetting equities using P&F charts


Senior member

I am wondering if there are any traders here who spreadbet equities using P&F and/or swing techniques - and how you actually trade.

My problem is that I think for dailys - the overnight spread charged in a rollover would be too costly over time - so that leaves me looking at futures.

In general, I plan to hold a position open until the chart looks unfavourable to my position or it is stopped out - there's no time limit.

So my question - for those of you that do swing trade equities through spreadbetting - what do you trade (e.g. dailies, futures, options) - and how do you set your stops.

Setting the stop on a daily is easy - if you are bullish you set your stop at the point where a lower swing low would occur on the chart - how would you apply this to a future for example?

Any opinions appreciated.

Discount the interest + any divi from future and use the same method you've outlined. Trading the future isnt a free ride mind. The interest value in the future will devalue over time. I'm not sure if it is cheaper than rolling the cash bets over.
