P&f Charts

Try Pfscan: free 30 day trial
I'm trialing it: easy to use.. still learning but very good ducumentation..
no no, keep plugging it 😉 After all, out of 55 million potential readers only one of them's the author!
I still retain my copy of INDEXIA 11 PLUS..........A museum piece of course now .......Cost nearly a grand but included a couple of really cool indicators one of which was the P&F facility. When JDeP sold out to that Australian character INDEXIA was dumped......the level of support from UD for the few stuggling to retain use of their "investment" was quite frankly abysmal. nothing has changed apparently reading comments from UD users.

The P&F facility in Tenfore Realtime is excellent, I had a trial use but the costs are prohibitive and did not take up the offer, I regret I do miss the P&F facility, I use Sierra/Mychart but quite frankly the P&F charts are not usable when compared with INDEXIA or TENFORE.

IMHO of course
Hi Dolton,
IMHO and a few others 😉
I've still got indexia 2 around here somewhere, I vaguely recall seeing the dongle in a 'bits box' maybe a year back whilst tidying up... I don't blame J Du P at all, he's the brains and I figure he was entitled to what I hope was a nice payday. I've seen it as a marriage between one half that wants to do good TA, and a commercial half - I think the latter half badly lets down the former. I saw very little in the program itself that I didn't like, it didn't do everything I wanted but I thought it was very good for drawing a chart with.
Mytrack is one of the outfits I've swapped emails with, I decided to do a version for eSignal first but I would expect to be doing a version for Mytrack sometime after summer if I'm happy with the costs etc.
Well I've treid to download Updata TA this week to try its PnF charts... and failed every time with some kind of error.

In this day and age, any company that can't get that right is just plain incompetent..

and it uses JAVA VM not Sun Java.. Alll my other Java programs run happily with SUN (IG,IB, ADVFN)...

Noyt that I care about what brand of Java I use ( I dont want to know ) but I do know Sun is more stable..
but Microsoft pulled Sun Java out of Windows, as I recall - from the Microsoft site:-
In a settlement agreement reached in January 2001 to resolve a dispute over Microsoft's distribution of its Java implementation, Sun and Microsoft agreed to limit the duration of Microsoft's use of Sun's source code and compatibility test suites to support the MSJVM.
There's more of course, but I wouldn't blame Updata here, it's more a case of Sun v Microsoft creating trouble for users.
Dunno about the trial - I was going to try it out to see if you'd been unlucky, but it has a look of 'tap your details in here' about it and I get enought junk mail off them already!

You need to download and install MS JVM (Java Virtual Machine) in order to run Updata software and you can find this here:


There’s nothing unusual about this and bear in mind that MS JVM will co-exist quite happily with Sun Java on your machine, which is included in MS products in any case.

Here's all the ladeeda: "All current installations and copies of Microsoft products will still have the Java VM. This action mainly impacts new releases from Microsoft, which will not have the Java VM available as part of that package, so customers must download and install the Microsoft Java VM separately. While Microsoft has discontinued (for legal reasons) offering this download from their site, Microsoft does allow certain product developers to allow users to download the Java VM from their sites.

There are some more notes here: http://www.microsoft.com/mscorp/java/

Happy P&F Charting! 😀


I'd imagine Updata would be working on making it Sun compatible, anybody know for sure?
whenI tried to download Updata, it came with VM on the download.. as I already have SUN seemed a bit superfluous and I cant run both at once....
Hi, Medasafish

I run MS JVM and Sun JVA on my machine without problem.

Map24 http://www.map24.co.uk/index.php?map24_sid=d167e91aca7a822cf67ddd49abe6eecc is written in purely Java and it runs perfectly my machine. I think it's a great application. 😀

Here’s what it says about this issue on Updata’s website:

“Updata systems are written in Java and require Microsoft Java VM to be installed.

Some users may have Sun Java installed but this cannot run Updata software.

The latest Updates for Windows XP include a default program selector. Microsoft has to include this to keep to the law with respect to the ‘Sun Systems’ Agreement.

If you install the new Microsoft JVM with your current Sun JVM still installed, none of the current settings will be changed.

You can then tell XP that the ‘Sun Systems’ JVM is still the main JVM to be used. Updata will go via the MS JVM as it runs differently from the normal java executed systems.”

You can find out more here: http://www.updata.co.uk/faq/ - but, youll have to neter your username and password to get in. 🙂



Mayfly I love Map24 because you can use it to work out how far you've run. Very handy.
You seem to know an awful lot about Updata, do you work for them or use the program?
Thanks, he replied to me by PM and confirmed all you say.
He was mainly directing his comments about Java to madasafish since he thinks it is possible to run both at once.
I do as I have a d4f a/c and they use "proper" java and I can run UD and d4f together if I want to🙂
PFScan registration procedure

There are a lot of people advocating for the use of PFScan on this board. Going to the website and reading the manual registration and installation seems to be machine specific and thus possibly not transferable to a second machine, notebook, disk......

Did I misunderstand things?

Thanks for your help

When I regostered , Dave Baker said" Don't forget you can
have extra codes for laptops etc if needed, the only proviso being that
they're for your own use..... it's a shame that codes etc are needed and
I try to keep it as painless as I can."