Trader333 said:
Attached is the SBUX chart for Thursday which I have had to change to 5 Min to get the whole day in. The total volume for the day was 2.1M and although I had not watched it yesterday, I was aware that the price action from 19.48 to the close was consolidation.
Hello 333, look at my post 1159# in relation to your previous post 1158#
This comment relates to your post 1160#
Here you display a chart for the instrument as requested for the previous day.
I am pleased to see my assesment was correct in that if you look carefully
before you posted, this price action anticipated and then displayed a few minutes later in the chart displayed on chart 1158# did turn out to be the result of staircase. I had no idea what the background might have been before I was able to deliver a conclusion.
This is done through what I listed in a previous posting referring to the use of time.
This assessment was carried out in Net Present Time and related to Past Time and
Net Past Time, before being presented with the record.
From this you can begin to deduce that Futurology deals with events "still in the pipe"
and not yet caught up with by Net Present Time
Historology deals with events that have occurred in the past in which Net Present Time
has caught up with and then appear clearly as a record of what has happened.
I am telling you this so that you are aware that the ability to manipulate time by
intangibly warping it forwards and backwards at will, on command, is done.
I took trouble to demonstrate Futurology for the audience in the excercise I carried out
for your collective benefit with qaza on the Dax in a previous post in which everything was
logged in advance of it occurring ~ yet no one took any serious interest in it.
I do hope you are now able to see that it is not only the price and the volume that can be
manipulated but as time itself is not linear, but the clocks record it as such, and consequently it can be "warped" to the convenience of the viewer to make it go more slowly when futurologising although it is recorded in linear form on a chart as well. Conversely it can be "warped" to the convenience of the viewer to make it go more quickly when dealling with an unseen (yet to be confirmed) histogram.
This means that non linear time can be made to go more quickly, ahead of linear time.
This means that non linear time can be made to go more slowly, behind linear time.
The rate to which non linear time can be accelerated in relation to linear time, is somehow proportionately related to its futurological use.
Conversely the rate to which non linear time can be decelrated in relation to linear time, is
somehow realted to its historic use.
This means that slow movement can be anticipated one or two price schedules ahead.
Fast moves can be anticipated five, or I have experienced thirteen, and once twentyone price schedules ahead, but no further.
Albert Einstien,
the brilliant physicist who discovered relativity and who put forward The Theory of Relativity,
had hanging in his office and study in Princeton University a notice that read:~
Not everything that counts can be counted,
and not everything that can be counted counts.
I promised you we would go stratospheric with this.