Nigel Farage

And where do you think the government gets the money to pay in the first place ?

Paper is made from trees, so I'd guess money grows on trees :idea:

Assuming the bit-coin remains a fad ofcourse :cheesy:
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The UK has one of the best health services in the world but the facts have to be faced and it is a hot potato for any government to handle. It is unaffordable in its present form and, in that case, it must be subsidised, or the contributions increased, whichever the voter likes better.

There is no other way around this. It has to be paid for.

The solution has to be higher NHS contributions and shortfalls will have to be born by the taxpayer. The health service must be subsidised by government. New Labour will increase borrowing as soon as it gets into power and that will make a lot of people happy until the next financial crisis.

Nigel Farage will not solve this problem by tough immigration laws. It wouild still be there and the reason is an increasing, unproductive, older generation. He cannot get around the fact that we need immigrants who will work to increase the workforce. If we are having less children, how else will that be done?
New Labour will increase borrowing as soon as it gets into power and that will make a lot of people happy until the next financial crisis.

A lot of people like Labour for this, they give a lot of benefits by spending simply what isn't there running up massive debts.

Everyone hates Cameron and the Tories but their cuts are a necessary evil. It is why I will probably end up voting for them as Labour just mess things up economy wise. Just look at Gordon!! 😱
A lot of people like Labour for this, they give a lot of benefits by spending simply what isn't there running up massive debts.

Everyone hates Cameron and the Tories but their cuts are a necessary evil. It is why I will probably end up voting for them as Labour just mess things up economy wise. Just look at Gordon!! 😱

We have the same problem, here, you know, but we are poorer and do not have the manufacturing capacity of the UK. The result is that, when PP and Rajoy (Conservatives and Cameron) swept into power, two to three years ago. he cut everything and we have now 24% of the workforce unemployed. The economy is getting on its feet, though. I don't know the %age of the UK that is out of work but I think it is now around 2.5 million people. We wish we had that! Ours is, probably, around 7-8, Both countries are getting better but Britain is richer and it shows. What you have to do is protect that prosperous infrastructure, financial services, etc. at all costs.
New Labour will increase borrowing as soon as it gets into power and that will make a lot of people happy until the next financial crisis.

Labour are committed to the same spending plans as the Tories so borrowing is not an option for them and it is international presssure that is driving this and not home politics. In my view the best way to address the PSBR is to lower tax as this will boost the economy and more tax will be raised as a net result.
Labour are committed to the same spending plans as the Tories so borrowing is not an option for them and it is international presssure that is driving this and not home politics. In my view the best way to address the PSBR is to lower tax as this will boost the economy and more tax will be raised as a net result.

They can very easily change their minds and since they are now so union influenced, they probably would spend, spend, spend. Their history repeatedly confirms that.

Politicians and kept promises are almost mutually exclusive, especially with Labour, though the sandal-wearing, tree-hugging, extra-terrestrial Liberals are even worse.
Labour are committed to the same spending plans as the Tories so borrowing is not an option for them and it is international presssure that is driving this and not home politics. In my view the best way to address the PSBR is to lower tax as this will boost the economy and more tax will be raised as a net result.

Exactly right...and we have very recent evidence that this was the case under the Eighties rolled on, she was able to finally pay down all outstanding debt. Then we had Major where the country became a little too comfortable and smug. We all know what happened after that, another round of inept Labour govt.
Is it just me or do all Labour govt's end in complete disaster !!
Exactly right...and we have very recent evidence that this was the case under the Eighties rolled on, she was able to finally pay down all outstanding debt. Then we had Major where the country became a little too comfortable and smug. We all know what happened after that, another round of inept Labour govt.
Is it just me or do all Labour govt's end in complete disaster !!

It's just you buddy! 😉
The UK has one of the best health services in the world but the facts have to be faced and it is a hot potato for any government to handle. It is unaffordable in its present form and, in that case, it must be subsidised, or the contributions increased, whichever the voter likes better.

There is no other way around this. It has to be paid for.

The solution has to be higher NHS contributions and shortfalls will have to be born by the taxpayer. The health service must be subsidised by government. New Labour will increase borrowing as soon as it gets into power and that will make a lot of people happy until the next financial crisis.

Nigel Farage will not solve this problem by tough immigration laws. It wouild still be there and the reason is an increasing, unproductive, older generation. He cannot get around the fact that we need immigrants who will work to increase the workforce. If we are having less children, how else will that be done?[/QUOTE]

Kill off the old timers ?

Probably lots of ways really.
Is it just me or do all Labour govt's end in complete disaster !!

No, you are,absolutely, right and our lot, PSOE, under Rubalcaba, are no different. The financial mess the last government (PSOE) left Spain and PP, led by Rajoy, inherited, is no different. Now, Spain is able to borrow at 2.5% again, whereas, two years ago it was well over 6%.

Unfortunately, unemployment and people losing their homes as a conseqjuence is something that Rajoy must improve, to win another election.
It's just you buddy! 😉

Yeah but it's not is it.

There is a solution though which I proposed quite some time ago.

Which is to write into law that whoever is in government MUST balance the books year on year. If any year there is a deficit, then the budget for the following year will have the necessary cuts/adjustments to ensure that we never stray from the bottom line.

The reality for politicians would be to reign them in from firstly making wild promises and secondly if they did fail to control the budget, they could be kicked out and replaced with others that would make it happen.

It's all pretty simple really....but someone needs to grow a pair, stand out from the crowd and sell the idea to the people.

I wonder if Nigel could do it !!
Exactly right...and we have very recent evidence that this was the case under the Eighties rolled on, she was able to finally pay down all outstanding debt. Then we had Major where the country became a little too comfortable and smug. We all know what happened after that, another round of inept Labour govt.
Is it just me or do all Labour govt's end in complete disaster !!

When Labour is defeated in a general election it is because they have been disastrous. When they win an election having been in government for the previous term it's because they haven't been disastrous 🙄.........or the opposition is totally incompetent

Having said that, yes they always **** it up and never learn !😆
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When Labour is defeated in a general election it is because they have been disastrous. When they win an election having been in government for the previous term it's because they haven't been disastrous 🙄.........or the opposition is totally incompetent

Having said that, yes they always **** it up and never learn !😆

Your post Mr Charts, is partially fair and your ability to consider how or why they ever get elected should be commended even if your choice of wording is so very biased.

One should also consider what the socialists have done and achieved in other countries.

I voted for Thatcher first time round. Also voted for Blair first time round. However, they both subsequently got re-elected (when I didn't vote for them). Thought Bush would never get re-elected and he did. He is the reason why the US ran such a big defecit and almost lost the dollar after Clinton handed a very healthy economy to them.

Brown did well I reckon. Considering he caught a tiger by the tail. His approach to bailing out the banks against shares was brilliant and saved the tax payer billions as well as probably making a little more back. Thatcher wasted billions too in EMS sterling/deutchmark & poll-tax & MP's numeration/expenses fiasco but hey that's ok.

Wouldn't support any party unconditionally but more on their policies. Sadly they go awry at one level or another. More of a free floater.

Blanket statements like the ones below are usually just jingoism imo and usually based on ones income & tax standing rather than common sense.

Amazing some people think Farage could be our saviour. Smacks of desperation to me. God save us and I'm an atheist. That certainly does sound desperate. 😆
So then. Who are we voting for tomorrow (you may have already done so I guess too)?

I went with UKIP, as did the rest of my family thanks to me being in their ear this past few weeks.
So then. Who are we voting for tomorrow (you may have already done so I guess too)?

I went with UKIP, as did the rest of my family thanks to me being in their ear this past few weeks.

Yeah the same, I think it's high time the political elite got a smack on the nose. + I really want to see Farage giving it to these types on the telly.....precious little else worth watching so why not !