The UK has one of the best health services in the world but the facts have to be faced and it is a hot potato for any government to handle. It is unaffordable in its present form and, in that case, it must be subsidised, or the contributions increased, whichever the voter likes better.
There is no other way around this. It has to be paid for.
The solution has to be higher NHS contributions and shortfalls will have to be born by the taxpayer. The health service must be subsidised by government. New Labour will increase borrowing as soon as it gets into power and that will make a lot of people happy until the next financial crisis.
Nigel Farage will not solve this problem by tough immigration laws. It wouild still be there and the reason is an increasing, unproductive, older generation. He cannot get around the fact that we need immigrants who will work to increase the workforce. If we are having less children, how else will that be done?[/QUOTE]
Kill off the old timers ?
Probably lots of ways really.