Nigel Farage

Sorry Atilla but i have to disagree with you completely.

London is a financial powerhouse and much like Hong Kong and Singapore can stand on its own whether in the EU or not. The fact that the EU want to bring in the financial transaction tax would make the possibility of a EU City overtaking London impossible. Just look at what happened to trade flows in Sweden when they did it years ago:

At the end of the day, the EU is bringing less and less to the table. We pay out £50m a day at the moment. By exiting the EU would we lose that much to exports? I'm not so sure. We certainly wouldn't lose out in the City. There is a reason so many French top earners have moved here in the last 3 years since they upped their taxes to 70%!

Maybe and maybe not. As soon as regulation and compliance is introduced - financial institutions have to do a lot of things they do not like to do, or would never do under normal circumstances.

Sweden is hardly an equivalent consideration. Iceland tried giving up fishing and all becoming bankers and look what happened to them. China has fostered and maintained link giving HK special status. HK and SGP are right next door to umpteen Asian tigers where much of global trade has/is swinging to.

The old banking model of self regulation is dead imo. In an increasingly small global world becoming isolationist and trying to do anything on ones own is very bad long term strategy.

Some may think the Dollar standard will never falter but I see it increasingly being questioned and challenged. The Iraq war and Bushes policies almost saw to the death of it. The future is not certain at all. Putin is proposing selling gas to China with anything but dollars.

Consider the Concorde, EuroFighter and EureSpace mission. Can the UK participate in any of those ventures on her own?

I see UKIP like the Green Party. Lots of good ideas but sort of a one trick pony. My vote would be for the Green Party. Rock on Brighton 🙂
"In an increasingly small global world becoming isolationist and trying to do anything on ones own is very bad long term strategy. "

Depends greatly on if your good at what you do, London is, is Japan part of a larger zone like the EU, no, the only thing keeping the EU together is Germany. No matter which country you look at, people prefer to buy quality items, ie more spent on German cars than Italian. the only people who wouldn't wish to be out of the EU are those unsure of their own abilities.
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"What makes the UK great is despite being a small island, we have always been a global country and people of the World hold the UK in high esteem and delight. It's not about might but delight. Being insular and protective is for small minded scared people."

Most of what Britain did that is "great" was achieved way before the EU slowed us down. Britain was what you applaud on it's own merits from the realm of Victoria.

What as the EU achieved..................paper work.
"In an increasingly small global world becoming isolationist and trying to do anything on ones own is very bad long term strategy. "

Depends greatly on if your good at what you do, London is, is Japan part of a larger zone like the EU, no, the only thing keeping the EU together is Germany. No matter which country you look at, people prefer to buy quality items, ie more spent on German cars than Italian. the only people who wouldn't wish to be out of the EU are those unsure of there own abilities.

Japan has many problems and not much going for it at the moment. If there was an EU it would be jumping quick to join in.

EU has 26 countries in it. Not just Germany. Hellloooooooooooooo :cheesy:
To be honest all your points sound like they were written by Chicken Little.

As for Japan, let me know when their GDP falls below ours or Germany's for that matter.
"EU has 26 countries in it. Not just Germany. Hellloooooooooooooo"

I know, 25 looking to Germany for guidance.

Looking for good leadership yes. Germany does excel. Nothing wrong in that. That's how nature works.

Queen Victoria's mother and mother-tongue was German by the way and so was Prince Albert and a splendid industrious man he was.

Japan has an aging population as well as a declining one. Just trying to ram up it's war machine. The future is not orange for them. Past GDP is no guarantee of future potential. 😉

Stick with the EU as it will go from strength to strength. United we stand 👍
I'm more than confident in my and my countries abilities, i don't need other countries to hold my hand through life. Maybe it's insecurity that leads people to fear change, what change, for us to be what we have been for the majority of our history, hell this EU debacle only started in 1973. Insecurity stifles ones life, maybe people that feel they need the EU just have a personal issue and doubt their own ability and transpose it onto that of their country as a whole.

We as a population didn't vote for this, seems at odds with our "democratic rights" that it's become such a farce for us to vote on getting out.

We to have an aging population, so do all Western countries. GDP is a reasonable guide to a countries stature, perhaps you could define another measure.
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I'm more than confident in my and my countries abilities, i don't need other countries to hold my hand through life. Maybe it's insecurity that leads people to fear change, what change, for us to be what we have been for the majority of our history, hell this EU debacle only started in 1973. Insecurity stifles ones life, maybe people that feel they need the EU just have a personal issue and doubt their own ability and transpose it onto that of their country as a whole.

We as a population didn't vote for this, seems at odds with our "democratic rights" that it's become such a farce for us to vote on getting out.

We to have an aging population, so do all Western countries. GDP is a reasonable guide to a countries stature, perhaps you could define another measure.

I don't think it has anything to do with insecurity, ability or doubt. They are simply negative words which are politician spiel to influence the primitive minds.

Our history is not all good either. Think back to all the wars and then top them up with the WW1 and WW2. All very grand stuff but one must learn from past mistakes. We now have the longest peace time history in Europe.

How does the EU restrict your freedom?

I love Italy & Spain. 🙂

I feel free-er today than I ever did before. 😀
I researched some interesting stuff on the EU/ECB which I will have to dig out and post. The gist of it was that basically a handful such as Germany are lending money to the ECB who in turn dole it out the the PIIGS etc. The way it looks is that those loans will never be repaid in full.

There are a few propping up the many and I don't see why we should bother helping out when other members constantly brush us off whenever we try to protect out interests. One way relationships never work and it's time to dump this dead weight.
I researched some interesting stuff on the EU/ECB which I will have to dig out and post. The gist of it was that basically a handful such as Germany are lending money to the ECB who in turn dole it out the the PIIGS etc. The way it looks is that those loans will never be repaid in full.

There are a few propping up the many and I don't see why we should bother helping out when other members constantly brush us off whenever we try to protect out interests. One way relationships never work and it's time to dump this dead weight.

Not a one way relationship at all.

eg: Research and development is a growing area of EU activity with substantial sums now spent on collaborative and cross-border research projects. The UK has been particularly successful in winning research grants from the EU - €2.3 billion between 2002 and 2006.
I can't for the life of me understand how you develop your view point, WW1 and WW2 and wars prior, are from a different political era, all European countries are now democracies, it's a simple fact that countries that are democracies rarely go to war against each other.

"How does the EU restrict your freedom? "

I didn't say it did, i stated that our country is capable of more on it's own, Germany is currently bleeding money to prop up all, nearly third world members, why, is Germany hoping that those nations will become as productive as it is, because until they do Germany will continue to have to subsidise them, that's if the EU is to become an equal state, the whole idea is one step from 21st century communism.

The EU cannot stay as it is, in it's current state it will collapse, so it only has one choice, that is further integration leading to a United states of Europe. Its empire building via the ballot box instead of the gun. Ukraine is to be the next member, well the western half after it has been sliced in half by predetermined agreement, Turkey is off the menu for the moment, where does Europe end, the border then would be with Iran. This subject isn't about the population, surprise, but an elite few playing global Monopoly.

The decsent is quietly growing throughout Europe as populations resent a lack of voice and a normal level of identity, that as history proves it a guarantee of political and civil unrest.

PS, i don't sleep, so i can carry on till posting till Thursday.....🙂
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I can't for the life of me understand how you develop your view point, WW1 and WW2 and wars prior, are from a different political era, all European countries are now democracies, it's a simple fact that countries that are democracies rarely go to war against each other.

"How does the EU restrict your freedom? "

I didn't say it did, a stated that our country is capable of more on it's own, Germany is currently bleeding money to prop up all, nearly third world members, why, is Germany hoping that those nations will become as productive as it is, because until they do Germany will continue to have to subsidise them, that's if the EU is to become an equal state, the whole idea is one step from 21st century communism.

The EU cannot stay as it is, in it's current state it will collapse, so it only has one choice, that is further integration leading to a United states of Europe. Its empire building via the ballot box instead of the gun. Ukraine is to be the next member, well the western half after it has been sliced in half by predetermined agreement, Turkey is off the menu for the moment, where does Europe end, the border then would be with Iran. This subject isn't about the population, surprise, but an elite few playing global Monopoly.

The decent is quietly growing throughout Europe as populations resent a lack of voice and a normal level of identity, that as history proves it a guarantee of political and civil unrest.

PS, i don't sleep, so i can carry on till posting till Thursday.....🙂


Do we need a common market, single army, single currency in Europe?

No not really.

I suppose we can have bilateral agreements on where we need to jointly develop anything that needs to be.

Ok that's cool. As we were then.

So where does Nigel go from here? a thorn in the side of the established Political parties, they are well aware of public opinion, and the fact that they have kicked the can of a referendum down the road a dozen times, the further it is kicked, the more people become resentful.

So to answer the question i think you pose, do i see Nigel as PM, not a cat in hell's chance, but a prompt, or wake up call that the unwashed population would like a say in their own political future.

I am certainly not anti Europe, but what started as a Common market, which advocated most of the points people agree with and are happy with, as morphed into something completely different, the resentment is further fueled by the fact that this was the plan right from the 70's.
The resentment that you mention is a very real and, potentially, dangerous problem for the future.

There are large and small sectors of member states who do not feel that they are getting a fair crack of the whip. Cataluña is causing Madrid problems now and, outside EU, the pro-Russian population of UKraine is not satisfied with their situation, either.

The deciding , democratic, majority voting system does not work for those on the losing side. They may put up with it some of the time but, if they are continually voted against, that smaller sector of the populastion will get resentful and a Nigel Farage, Artur Mas, or Adolf Hitler, will pop up to take advantage.

I hope that the Arab states are looking, and learning the lesson.
Some decades ago Assad's father and Nasser wanted to merge Egypt with Syria.
Fortunately, for everyone, that did not materialise..
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My last post, well probably the last on the subject......😉

No matter where on the political, and ideological fence people stand, all countries of Europe will have a sense of pride in their countries history and traditions, for any population to be denied a vote on either in or out, is a denial of their democratic right, a principle that is supposed to be at the very heart of what Europe stands for.

History is repeated because people forget the past, denying people pushes them into a corner, from that position, people tend to come out fighting.

Regards Shane.
To add some more information about the EU/ECB research I did a while back I managed to dig out some stuff on it. It was focused around the 'Target 2' interbank payment system and the growing imbalance between the debtors and claimants. See chart for example as of Dec 2012 and Feb 2014. We can see that the balances are being repaid somewhat but that the Germans are propping up Spain and Italy for the most part. A default by either of these two countries will be disastrous for the entire system.


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    Target 2 imbalances 2014.png
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    TARGET-2 Dec2012.jpg
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Worst possible place to have this march for England in Brighton.

Good to see they were out numbered 5 to 1.

Gets a little ugly towards the end. Very scary and no wonder families don't visit Brighton as a consequence.

Comoonnn Nigel, lets see you kick 50,000 of these yobs out of UKIP and you may get somewhere one day.

I don't think that's the reason families don't visit Brighton 😆 But never mind why they don't !!

So, who's gonna get their asses kicked on Thursday then ?