Interesting Split, I wonder if we asked every mother, if they wanted to leave their child and go to work, or would they prefer to nurture them from home, which would the majority choose?
Then we look into why this is not possible, it then opens a can of worms, but are there possible solutions?
That is one of the points that I was trying to make. Society, in general, has brought into our culture
1) a woman's right to work and having children is the state's, or employer's problem, now, as well as hers.
2) Single mothers are, also, an accepted fact in today.
The list of differences in today's modern world is endless, compared with my youth and we have, all, grown up with this new culture and the kids have been left behind in many, not all cases.
What else has gone? The belief in God and that belief was instilled into all the population thousands of years ago. I do not believe that the lack of belief, today, and the growth of crime, along with permissiveness (drugs, prostitution, etc) is coincidence.
Western cociety is, without doubt, degenerating with each year.
Of course, it is good that the rights of women, fathers are respected and protected by law, but when the law is altered, there is a problem on the flip side that gets swept under the carpet ie What happens to the kids? Build more prisons?
I did not mean to carry on like this as I am no different from anyone else as far as having faithg in man made religions is concerned. But I do try to put my finger on the root cause of a problem, if I can.