Nigel Farage

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.

We should be looking to reduce crime rather than look at punishing it...

Exactly! Why is that I wonder - were we always like that?????

Why the change??

Also, knowing the punishment comes first - as this is should be the consequence of a crime.

We need to know and fear the consequence then the crime will not happen. Its not rocket science really.
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We should be looking to reduce crime rather than look at punishing it...

Just out of interest how would you reduce crime without taking into account the punishment?

What would you implement into practice that is currently missing?

Do you not think we are tied by too many various European laws, whereas contries like Sweden have very little outside input?
Just out of interest how would you reduce crime without taking into account the punishment?

What would you implement into practice that is currently missing?

Do you not think we are tied by too many various European laws, whereas contries like Sweden have very little outside input?

Does crime not exist in countries that have capital punishment?

Prevent men/women not earning above £30K from breeding. Incomes must rise by £20K per 2nd child there after. If this rule is not met take their vermin and send them to Victorian style workhouses. :idea:

I don't feel restricted by any European law? Which one are you referring to? Should add - in fact, I feel the ability to go and live and work in any country in the European union is a very attractive one which I'm working on. 🙂
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Just out of interest how would you reduce crime without taking into account the punishment?

What would you implement into practice that is currently missing?

Do you not think we are tied by too many various European laws, whereas contries like Sweden have very little outside input?

Society, in general, is to blame for crime. Our kids are left, too much, to their own devices while parents go out to work. Child obesity is an indication of this problem.

What to do about it. Re-educate all age groups on parenthood.

I know that there are non.believers, here, but the existence, or not, of God has meant that ancient man-made laws, based on the 10, have little effect on anyone, these days.

Abortion, non-marriage, and other financial rules concerning debt are not, now, given the same importance. I could go on and on. This is the root of it all.

Nothing has replaced religion. Socialism and Communism, certainly have not.
I don't feel restricted by any European law? Which one are you referring to? Should add - in fact, I feel the ability to go and live and work in any country in the European union is a very attractive one which I'm working on. 🙂

Not trying to big you up Atilla, but I bet you are of tier 1 quality or as near as can be, so this is a bit different from what has been discussed with regards to more border restrictions.

Your comments about having children under 30K, while it may have been tongue in cheek, it might not be too far from reality, or should I say there may be elements of this that we can use. I certainly think that the responsibility of having a family needs to be not taken so flippantly.

How to go about, who knows, know one will listen to the likes of us anyway.

Maybe it all stems from the ground up, and we all need to start again.

RESPECT for others
RESPECT for rules.
RESPECT for life.
Most of all, RESPECT for ourselves.
Society, in general, is to blame for crime. Our kids are left, too much, to their own devices while parents go out to work. Child obesity is an indication of this problem.

What to do about it. Re-educate all age groups on parenthood.

I know that there are non.believers, here, but the existence, or not, of God has meant that ancient man-made laws, based on the 10, have little effect on anyone, these days.

Abortion, non-marriage, and other financial rules concerning debt are not, now, given the same importance. I could go on and on. This is the root of it all.

Nothing has replaced religion. Socialism and Communism, certainly have not.

Interesting Split, I wonder if we asked every mother, if they wanted to leave their child and go to work, or would they prefer to nurture them from home, which would the majority choose?

Then we look into why this is not possible, it then opens a can of worms, but are there possible solutions?
Interesting Split, I wonder if we asked every mother, if they wanted to leave their child and go to work, or would they prefer to nurture them from home, which would the majority choose?

Then we look into why this is not possible, it then opens a can of worms, but are there possible solutions?

my partner and i both took part time work and salary cut to share the childcare. working well.
Not trying to big you up Atilla, but I bet you are of tier 1 quality or as near as can be, so this is a bit different from what has been discussed with regards to more border restrictions.

Your comments about having children under 30K, while it may have been tongue in cheek, it might not be too far from reality, or should I say there may be elements of this that we can use. I certainly think that the responsibility of having a family needs to be not taken so flippantly.

How to go about, who knows, know one will listen to the likes of us anyway.

Maybe it all stems from the ground up, and we all need to start again.

RESPECT for others
RESPECT for rules.
RESPECT for life.
Most of all, RESPECT for ourselves.

I don't have the answers so replied with more questions and further points.

However, the point remains what we are discussing has nothing to do with Europe or their laws and rules or regulations.

Crime also varies within the UK so that's a whole different kettle of fish. To blame people who work, who travel to work and try to prevent change is not good.

To be the best one needs to compete with the best. Competition comes in all guises.

What makes the UK great is despite being a small island, we have always been a global country and people of the World hold the UK in high esteem and delight. It's not about might but delight. Being insular and protective is for small minded scared people.

We need to be bigger, bolder and better. Open outwards.

It's a frame of mind and approach one takes.

Farage is just another politician peddling oily words.

Cool Britannia mate and the world knows it too...
Interesting Split, I wonder if we asked every mother, if they wanted to leave their child and go to work, or would they prefer to nurture them from home, which would the majority choose?

Then we look into why this is not possible, it then opens a can of worms, but are there possible solutions?

That is one of the points that I was trying to make. Society, in general, has brought into our culture

1) a woman's right to work and having children is the state's, or employer's problem, now, as well as hers.

2) Single mothers are, also, an accepted fact in today.

The list of differences in today's modern world is endless, compared with my youth and we have, all, grown up with this new culture and the kids have been left behind in many, not all cases.

What else has gone? The belief in God and that belief was instilled into all the population thousands of years ago. I do not believe that the lack of belief, today, and the growth of crime, along with permissiveness (drugs, prostitution, etc) is coincidence.

Western cociety is, without doubt, degenerating with each year.

Of course, it is good that the rights of women, fathers are respected and protected by law, but when the law is altered, there is a problem on the flip side that gets swept under the carpet ie What happens to the kids? Build more prisons?

I did not mean to carry on like this as I am no different from anyone else as far as having faithg in man made religions is concerned. But I do try to put my finger on the root cause of a problem, if I can.
But, in thousands of cases, it is not happening, is it? When I was last in London, decades ago, I saw a car being rocked by a bunch of street kids because the driver had looked badly at them, in some way. That never used to happen. My parents knew who my friends were.

When I got a scholarship at eleven we, new kids, were lined up in the hall and the law was well and truly laid down by the headmaster and if we did not toe the line, back to elementary school we went.
I never knew of anyone who did get expelled.

You know what? Most of us went straight because adults were interested in us, not frightened of us.
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We need to know and fear the consequence then the crime will not happen. Its not rocket science really.

He who scorns his own life is the master of yours. Ok, so that quote isn't directly applicable to this, however if your local criminal doesn't give a hoot about his own well being, why do you think he'll give a hoot about a punishment from the courts? Even if it's death.
wots not to like about him?

Agree he, oozes charm and suave sophistication.

Bare chested, horse riding, judo wrestling Mr Personality!

Obama gets to throw a few basketballs.

Holland gets to play dipstick.

Cameron doesn't even play golf... What a let down. :cheesy:
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wots not to like about him?

It's like having the CIA in government. He is for Russia and CIA is for the US. I do not dislike him---at a distance. Shall we say that I like Putin in small doses? That type of leader is ambitious, though and his doses will get larger.
It's like having the CIA in government. He is for Russia and CIA is for the US. I do not dislike him---at a distance. Shall we say that I like Putin in small doses? That type of leader is ambitious, though and his doses will get larger.

His secret burning ambition is to be president of the US of A :|
Sorry Atilla but i have to disagree with you completely.

London is a financial powerhouse and much like Hong Kong and Singapore can stand on its own whether in the EU or not. The fact that the EU want to bring in the financial transaction tax would make the possibility of a EU City overtaking London impossible. Just look at what happened to trade flows in Sweden when they did it years ago:

At the end of the day, the EU is bringing less and less to the table. We pay out £50m a day at the moment. By exiting the EU would we lose that much to exports? I'm not so sure. We certainly wouldn't lose out in the City. There is a reason so many French top earners have moved here in the last 3 years since they upped their taxes to 70%!