Hello Mitsubishi,
Although I am not particularly looking for a new method or system, don't usually trade indices, and although I am sceptical about the general premise of market predictability by mathematics, I have been intrigued enough to keep reading, and I hope that you continue this journal.
Although I think the market may appear to be predictable under certain circumstances and for a limited time, I don't think that it always is, and we can look back to the history of LTCM to see how mathematical geniuses came unstuck eventually. One of the given reasons for their failure was that they only backtested data going back 5 years I believe, and I wonder how far back you have backtested.
Some of what you have described (or the hints you have given) remind me a little of the material from Left Brain Trading, the author of which posts on this forum from time to time. I wondered if you had ever looked at this. It is essentially Fibonacci-related, but not used in quite the same way that most traders use Fids.
Anyway, I look forward to reading about your progress.
Welcome mont thanks for the interesting comment.I agree that it is not always predictable,as you say.There are,i think,just 3 reasons why i think this.(because ultimately,and i will keep repeating,it is perfect maths/geometry)
1) The market forms fractuals gradually,several are in various stages of completion and others are only just being 'born' .Some prices will appear as 'orphans'-those that are not connected to a projected angle.Some will remain orphans,some will be the start of a new fractual. Since this process is is ongoing and fluid as each day passes....well i think you see the problem.In hindsite,everything makes perfect sense so you get a feel for what these 'children' (!) may grow up to become.
2) In keeping with what most understand of the market,there are always alternative outcomes BUT.. those outcomes in hindsite were predicted.Think in terms of a major station with trains leaving for different destinations,but of course, they can only travel the tracks that are already laid.
3)The ability (or lack of) of the trader is the ultimate decider as to what use the tool is.
The market can NEVER always be predicted.If you check through what i have said so far,i have not claimed that.Some posters here appear to believe i did say that.
I am still learning and noticing the subtleties of what i have.
I know nothing about left brain trading.I have always found it very difficult to follow others' ideas,though if it appears interesting i will persist (Gann no chance at all!).If it is simple,like R-10 i am drawn to simplicity,though i noticed R-10 at work before reading about it.I also love gap plays-simple,logical,likley,repeatable,clearly observable with enough players to make it happen.Fibs are another example.Now,i'm only interested in the ratios of major swings,but since they are ever present,i may backtest them against my model and see if it adds to the general picture.I am a strong believer in fib TIMEZONES particularly intraday.(i will talk more of this later and thankfully i will be able to post charts to show my technique)
Mont, i confess that my backtesting would disappoint the academics regarding the size.I can print my template off the computor,but i have to join a4 sheets together and mark all else by hand.This is very laborious,but i will do more backtesting and report the results.The one thing i can assure you all here is,i will tell it like it is,be honest and straight.It would be unfair to members here to attempt to mislead in order to substantiate my claims. In fair exchange,i hope you will forgive me for sometimes being vague about the exact details of my model.But as may be (hopefully) becoming clear,is that those who have knowledge of this kind of stuff,will be able to read between the lines,grasp the clues and find enough useful stuff to enhance their own investigations.That is the main reason for the journal.But i am also calling live trades in a conventional way using normal ta and calling out some prices(which should only be for entertainment purposes as i said in my op). Good trading to you today.
I have no food in the house (the wife is a way!) so i gotta go shopping now and have left an order to sell 1013- the only trade i am interested in today.