All this guy (TRO) does is make me money!!...3 trades tonight 6-5-2011. 1st trade aud/jpy(short) 86.23 86.15..8 pips. eur/usd(short) 1.4652 !.4649 ..3 pips gbp/usd (short) 1.6446 1.6429 17 pips=28 pips in 20 min....ANYONE who says this method doesn't work is full of it!!..I don't know this guy(TRO) from Adam. Have never talked to him. Have never given the dude any money for ANYTHING!!...Ever!! Just read the thread from page 1 to page 273. Used the Buy Zone method and I continue to make money. My advise is read , study , visualize, perform. Practise, Practise , Practise and after 3 months profit on demo go live!!!...Good luck...Thanks a Million Tro!!( Who ever you are)!!

The rat reversal works even better!!!...Jesus the simpler the technique the better the results!!Rat reversal works any where on the screen on any time frame. It doesn't have to work with the rat zone. On the 4 hr charts this week I kicked ass and took names!!Love being a Red Rat!!!👍
Well, very long thread. What I want to know if you never lose in Forex trading or you just never lose in a week, a month or a year.



No one has to send me a donation. No one is forced to send me a donation. If someone sends me a donation, it's because they want to.

No one is falling for anything.

Just responding to a very old post. I hope you are not banned from here or anything.

Firstly I am an extreme skeptic of anything. Also, being more sensitive than most, I react very easily to people selling or pushing stuff - you might say I have a nose for it. But having read your very first post, I have to say I got hooked in because the stuff you said correlated with my observations over the years. Your above post I am responding to is post #90. Up to this point, my acute senses detected no overt selling on your part, unless the moderators had edited your posts to remove the stuff you were selling. Although you are very energetic in putting across your ideas, which I guess triggered reactions of suspicion in some people. However, for me at least, I think you are onto something. I have not traded FX seriously. So I don't understand most of the terminology you used. But I feel it is definitely worth my effort to look into this. Besides, I believe your system is simple enough for a quick verification with minimal effort.

Before I continue reading the rest of the thread and googling as you suggested, I want to thank you for your effort. Since I don't believe it's a good idea for too many people to be let in on a workable system, I am glad you have detractors. If it really works and they don't believe in it, I consider it a good thing. I rather have less people crowding in for the pie, and I don't care how humongous the pie might be.

One thing I can suggest is please don't lose heart from you detractors. My suspicious nature tells me some of them could be the same people who got you banned from other forums. What you are doing is hurting their interests, and they are just trying to reduce the damage by trashing your ideas. They might succeed to a certain extent, but not in my case.

Lastly, I always find the psychological dimension of any given situation interesting. So I am curious why you are revealing your system. Is it to get one back against those on the other side of the 'fence' who took from you when you were a noob ? Of course, it's not beyond possibility that your ideas are to synthesize a self-fulfilling prophecy in that if enough people believe in it and follow it, it then materializes as a real phenomenon - much like the pump and dump schemes for penny stocks.
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Well, very long thread. What I want to know if you never lose in Forex trading or you just never lose in a week, a month or a year.

Your Kidding Right? You read this whole thread and your asking this question?..Stop loss position size & money management? Entry signal, exit signal, 50% take profit, move stop to break even, set trailing stop and let the rest ride?

He ( TRO) gave us the Buy Zone method, the Rat Zone Method, and the Rat Reversal Method... THEY ALL WORK!! You choose what you like. Which is best you might ask?They are all the best.
The Buy Zone works with the 1 hr charts( any chart really) and Psyche levels 00 25 50 75 100. The Rat zone works with the daily high and low reversals( WITH IN TWENTY PIPS FOR A RAT REVERSAL) and the Rat Reversal( BY ITS SELF) works any where on the charts...see green close .see red close. set pending order to bottom of red (for short) or see red close see green close set pending order to top of green for long.

If none of this makes sense to you Start from the beginning

good luck


PS. Don't let my rookie member status fool you..( number of post give you ranking on this web forum) I've been here for almost 3 years. Read, practised and studied EVERYTHING . Downloaded and read over 90 PDF on trading, from using EA"S to manual trading AND!! Kept my mouth shut until now. The reason being because most of it( especially EA's) was bulls*^t. Then I found (after a couple of years searching) that TRO methods( and most price action methods) worked awesome. The Genius of Tro's method is in the simplicity. Like I said in earlier post, He never lies, he gives everything for free.

I don't know this guy. I've never talk to the man. I have never given him one red cent...for ANYTHING!!.. EVER!! But his words about trading ring true.

He is a better man than I. I have taken his methods to the 4 hr charts and THAT is as far as I'm going to say about how I use TRO's methods. I"m NOT!! sharing...IMHO The less who know the better. None the less if you read the forum and follow the the thread to the end, how ever long it may be, you will find that he has given us all the key to Financial Freedom...(It reads like a book and the characters are real)Thanks again Tro..
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Having waded through more posts, opened a trial account, downloaded the indicators. I have to conclude the crossing the line approach would not generate consistent profit to warrant the Never Lose Again title. There are a lot of instances where the system can work, and there are plenty of instances where the system won't work. Overall, I believe it would take a great deal of effort to make very little profit, if any.

After digging deeper, I can tell the OP doing the following: selling indicators (though it's called donation), selling a book (it was too uninteresting for me to see what that was about), and trying to get business for a commissioned based broker.

I believe the OP spends more time writing code than doing trading. I am not convinced he's doing any trading at all. Even if he does, I don't believe he's profitable. As for his code, those are nothing worth bragging about.

His general strategy is like so:

1. Present a chart and tell you that you missed out on a good bet
2. Add random indicators to the chart to imply the indicators would increase profit
3. Wait for you to donate for the indicators
4. Use his low post count alteregoes to offer up how much money they are making from his system
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4. Use his low post count alteregos to offer up how much money they are making from his system[/QUOTE said:
Or maybe follow a high post loser looking for the holy grail. 😆
Or maybe follow a high post loser looking for the holy grail. 😆

All I see is holy BS. So it's possible to make a living from $50 donations then ? Presumably, it's a donation rather than the sale of a product in case people getting the 'indicators' want a refund afterwards ?

You should post more here. It will make you more convincing.
All I see is holy BS. So it's possible to make a living from $50 donations then ? Presumably, it's a donation rather than the sale of a product in case people getting the 'indicators' want a refund afterwards ?

You should post more here. It will make you more convincing.

Look all I know is that I never gave a donation or bought or paid for any of This threads Indicators. I use the Rat Reversal Method as an entry and exit out of my own personal trading scheme and yes I show a profit week after week month after month.This thread never said you Can or Cannot make a living using these methods or for that matter ANY indicators other than a horizontal line. It simply states never lose again. That doesn't mean you will not have losing trades. And somewhere in this thread in the earlier post(within the 1 st 50 post) the author (TRO) states that very thing.It is an informational and educational forum to help traders see the movement of price action in the markets. This thread was also created to debate issues involving the methods so that EVERYBODY would profit.Once this was accomplished No indicator other than a horizontal line is needed.AND while saying this he tells them to reread the earlier post.. NO INDICATORS needed when you can read price action. As you can see the indicators he(TRO) uses is for HIS basket of currencies is only so he doesn't have to bring up 12 different charts. BUT YOU DON"T NEED THEM!!!...I put up 9 charts and it doesn't bother me... .. NO INDICATORS needed when you can read price action. And then he states the indicators he has already given for free will help them SEE market movement. After you accomplish this along with strict money management guidelines(EXTREAMLY IMPORTANT!!) AND (beyond the scope of this post) you can then make money in the markets.
So why is this guy offering indicators for a donation? I can't put words in this man 's mouth but I suspect one reason is that some people can't believe that what is taught here for free with AND with free indicators can't possibly make any money . AND that they NEED the magical secret indicator( which never has or never will exist). Time after time people ask him through this thread to pay him for his special indicators. Time after time he refuses... and he does this for years. Then he finally gives up...again somewhere in the middle of the thread and suggest IF they want to make donation they can.

His detractors beat on him relentlessly. The losers whine and cry because they can't make his or any price action work. The winners who egos are bruised because he refused to kneel to them, And the commercially viable slime who banned him from forums because he exposes them as the frauds they are Constantly crucify this guy.All he ever wanted was to help his fellow trader.

Don't buy the indicators! Don't donate money! You don't need to. Just read the forum,practise the methods, or any price action methods, find the one that best suits your needs and go for it.
It is what I did and what I do. Tro uses and teaches his method as a scalp. I use it for day trading (4hr). He says take what you can from this thread and make it your own. That is what I did. That is how I trade. Price action works. Remember ..RSVP...Read,Study, Visualize, Perform. It took me almost 3 years to be consistently profitable. I read somewhere( almost 3 years ago) that it takes about 3 years to start making money in Forex trading. I remember thinking "I'm smarter than that"..."I can do it faster"...Well ..I wasn't smarter or faster...But I stuck it out. Don't quit.. keep working through it...You'll get there...see you on the other side

Good luck and good trading

Warm regards


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Nice defense you put up for him. Glad someone cares so much for him while everybody else beat him to a pulp. Having analysed the line crossing 'technique' I really have no confidence with any other technique he cares to fabricate, and no way would I waste my time practicing this BS. It would be like blind leading the blind.
Nice defense you put up for him. Glad someone cares so much for him while everybody else beat him to a pulp. Having analysed the line crossing 'technique' I really have no confidence with any other technique he cares to fabricate, and no way would I waste my time practicing this BS. It would be like blind leading the blind.

I understand my friend...guess I'm just not Yale material

Good luck


“I am not forcing you to accept my concepts. I only request the traders to review the market from time to time keeping in mind my concepts and if found suitable use in the trades or just ignore. Thanks for your opinion.”

"Look, for example, at this elegant little experiment. A rat was put in a T-shaped maze with a few morsels of food placed on either the far right or left side of the enclosure. The placement of the food is randomly determined, but the dice is rigged: over the long run, the food was placed on the left side sixty per cent of the time. How did the rat respond? It quickly realized that the left side was more rewarding. As a result, it always went to the left, which resulted in a sixty percent success rate. The rat didn't strive for perfection. It didn't search for a Unified Theory of the T-shaped maze, or try to decipher the disorder. Instead, it accepted the inherent uncertainty of the reward and learned to settle for the best possible alternative.

The experiment was then repeated with Yale undergraduates. Unlike the rat, their swollen brains stubbornly searched for the elusive pattern that determined the placement of the reward. They made predictions and then tried to learn from their prediction errors. The problem was that there was nothing to predict: the randomness was real. Because the students refused to settle for a 60 percent success rate, they ended up with a 52 percent success rate. Although most of the students were convinced they were making progress towards identifying the underlying algorithm, they were actually being outsmarted by a rat."

P64 HOW WE DECIDE (italics added)

========================= ====================

"Now, 2 patterns of market behavior happen on a regular basis:

1) the price breaks to new high's (or low's)

2) the price reverses from new high's (or low's)

They happen regardless of time frame (with the obvious limitations explained above)

They are phenomena that can be exploited without the fear if found out by others, that they might cease to exist." - H. Rearden


1) Price within 20 pips of the daily low (ClLo < 20): This is OPPORTUNITY



Most of you know I catch a lot of flak on my forums because SOME PEOPLE don't like the way I post.

One worn out argument that is used repeatedly is, "If this is so (simple, great, profitable, ), then why isn't everybody doing it?"

Simple answer is because SOYLENT GREEN is people!

We all know exercise is great, but how many actually exercise?

We all know smoking is bad, but how many do it anyway?

We all know which foods are bad for our health, but how many eat those foods?

We all know that we should save for our future and spend less than we earn but who does that?

The list is almost endless.

As long as there are people, there will always be some STUPID people and some smart people making STUPID decisions, where STUPID is defined as knowing better but acting otherwise.

Meanwhile, the RATS are still beating the Yale students.




1) Price within 20 pips of the daily low (ClLo < 20) - that is OPPORTUNITY


The important part is to enter WITHIN 20 pips of the daily low. The RAT REVERSAL is only one entry method.


Trading is GUESSING. If it wasn't, you wouldn't need a STOP LOSS.







1) To trade like a RAT is to ALWAYS trade in ONE DIRECTION - either LONG or SHORT. Once you pick a "team", you can't switch.

2) The "within 20 pips of the daily high/low" is the BEST possible entry to get the maximum run BUT the RAT REVERSAL entry works ANYWHERE on the chart.


PLEASE DO NOT PM ME WITH QUESTIONS ABOUT TRADING, INDICATORS, CODING, ETC... Post your questions in the forum. Thank you. can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink....Nice call Tro..The green cheese taste good!!...158 pips...from start of green candle 8367 pending order to high of last green candle 8525...and still climbing...The swissy is hot!!
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As a new guy from southwest uk I feel I must comment.
Im new to trading,i have omnitrader and use strategies etc and indicators.
I find sometimes price moves a day before my strategy fire a signal so lose out some important profit.
I like to use indicators as a heads up.

I have a basic system but wanna finish the jigsaw puzzle so I can get started.

To find anywhere to learn trading methods is impossible,so to find a thread that tro is teaching,i very muchappreaciate.

I say thankyou tro and co

I have a lot of reading to do and am looking for helpful input to aid me in finalising my own sysrem of trading.

I really dont know why people diss guys like tro and co!

If you dont like what he says then fair play.
If he is wrong in your opinion fair play.

Dont diss the guy,,,respect applaud his generous time and effort and try postingan helping.him to help all.

Tro and co ,,, great respect,many thanks and good work.

Now I musy read d learn

Contact me like

[email protected]
I really dont know why people diss guys like tro and co!

My reason is that he doesn't know how to trade. I challenge him and his alter ego Walf to demonstrate his BS rats system working in the forum contest. But I can already predict he wouldn't dare because he doesn't know how to trade.

He makes money from selling some random indicators. The selling is disguised as donations so that if you are not happy with what you received, you can't ask for a refund. He also has a $500 book for sale to if you are that desperate.

Read and learn from the posts.

If your righr then you only lose money if you decide to donate.
You lose nothing if you dont.donate

We all have a choice- like trading you make your own mind up

In or out!!!

There is so my different trading styles and strategies.

Buy software they will have indicators in as well as.more in plugins etc bck garauntees

Example,,, omnitrader

So ball is waya in your courts.guys.

I respecr the guy foe time and effort he gives teaching.

Ive lost nothing as I bought nothing.

I would def like ro read his ideas and what may or maynot work

If you dont like what he does either
1.setuo your own forum
2.dont bother reading it

Imho fwiw

Read and learn from the posts.

If your righr then you only lose money if you decide to donate.
You lose nothing if you dont.donate

We all have a choice- like trading you make your own mind up

In or out!!!

There is so my different trading styles and strategies.

Buy software they will have indicators in as well as.more in plugins etc bck garauntees

Example,,, omnitrader

So ball is waya in your courts.guys.

I respecr the guy foe time and effort he gives teaching.

Ive lost nothing as I bought nothing.

I would def like ro read his ideas and what may or maynot work

If you dont like what he does either
1.setuo your own forum
2.dont bother reading it

Imho fwiw

Don't tell me what I can and can't do. I post as I wish. I have analysed his system and found it to be a joke. So I am getting one back for my wasted time. I will continue to post in here until I feel my wasted time has been completely compensated. For now I don't feel I am there yet. If you like you can compensate me on his behalf, by giving me a donation of some kind. Then I will stop bothering him in this thread.