Many thanks for your help Tro.

I have the MT4 MOTHERLODES loaded now.

Is a download available for your currency pairs gauge that you post on here each day as I did not find that in the MT4 motherlodes, and if there is what is the name of this indicator that I need to search for please ?

After reading many, many of the threads/comments etc am I right in thinking that once a trade is triggered, the sensible exit is instantly the price stops moving in your direction, (or the moment that it reverses) and that you should just accept the pips you make (2, 5, 10 whatever) rather than having a defined exit target ?

Also Tro do I understand rightly that the clever money gets out completely for the day after hitting the 2% daily target whether that is in the 1 or 10th trade of the day ?


If you found the Motherlodes then you found the place where you can find out how to get TRO2011_MP_GPS (the gauge that I post.)

For exits, you need an EXIT PLAY BOOK.

It is wise to stop after hitting your daily goal or go into SUDDEN DEATH PLAYOFF MODE - one loss and you quit.
Tro many thanks again for your help, it is much appreciated I can assure you.
I am sure that I speak for many when I say it is exceedingly generous and educational of you to try to show us how profitable the DTB system can be. (dont quite understand the Exit Playbook comment but I am guessing that you mean I have to find an exit strategy that works with my own circumstances, ie a/c size/targets etc).
Grateful regards

You can clearly see that price is above the daily low by 20 or more pips.


The important part is to enter WITHIN 20 pips of the daily low. The RAT REVERSAL is only one entry method.


"The technique is so simple that just several lessons (or a few pages of explanations) cover it all. Now what? Now the student has to practice, practice and practice again to understand what he had been taught. The teacher DOES know much more than the student, but his understanding can't be "passed", "transferred" or taught in any way -- not even by reading books."




1) Price within 20 pips of the daily low (ClLo < 20) - that is OPPORTUNITY


The important part is to enter WITHIN 20 pips of the daily low. The RAT REVERSAL is only one entry method.


Trading is GUESSING. If it wasn't, you wouldn't need a STOP LOSS.







1) To trade like a RAT is to ALWAYS trade in ONE DIRECTION - either LONG or SHORT. Once you pick a "team", you can't switch.

2) The "within 20 pips of the daily high/low" is the BEST possible entry to get the maximum run BUT the RAT REVERSAL entry works ANYWHERE on the chart.




The important part is to enter WITHIN 20 pips of the daily low. The RAT REVERSAL is only one entry method.


"The technique is so simple that just several lessons (or a few pages of explanations) cover it all. Now what? Now the student has to practice, practice and practice again to understand what he had been taught. The teacher DOES know much more than the student, but his understanding can't be "passed", "transferred" or taught in any way -- not even by reading books."


For the rest of March, I will be using Twitter, FaceBook and some others sites instead of posting.

I want to learn and embrace the newer ways of disseminating information over the net.

You can folllow me, therumpledone, if you like.

In April, I'll decide if I will continue the newer ways.
HI HI HI HI to all.............

How are u Avery a.k.a THE RUMPLED ONE......

Still in the panhandling business are you?....thought u only did that on ur home turf.........kreslik

U havent given me what I asked of account statement......instead u banned me and another trader who were minding their own business on their own thread teaching newbies how to trade for free using a simple SMA.................

You and ur royal ball polishers like Bredin and Jalarupa ran us out when what we were saying started to make sense and it was clear for all to see that trading is not that hard and you dont need charts with all those flash bangy things you are hawking for 50 dollars a pop.......

So are you still shouting down those who question you by telling them that they are from Yale ( read as stupid ) here in trade 2 win also?....oh its so simple and if u cant see it then you in the wrong business??......

Are you still telling those who point out that ur SL is barely enough to cover spread by saying that traders dont need to pay spread and its all a conspiracy and they need to get a different broker?........

Are u still trading the RAT. i guess you are the RAT. Scamming and stealing from the newbies....most who give up at the end because of con artist like you...........

by the way have you written a user manual for any of ur motherload BS or any of the other crap u code or you still saying its too hard....or too easy that u cant be bothered about it??.........

Well im back ...... and im going to be asking you alot of questions...........

stop cheating and lying and panhandling for a buck Avery.....if u cant trade then go do something else......why u screwing up the hundreds who would like to learn by cheating them of a fair chance??..............

For those who think this guy can help you in anyway, ask yourself the first basic come, if he is profitable, he keeps churning out indicators after indicators year in year out??.........most successful traders have a maximum of two or three systems and here we have a genius from Tucson who keeps churning them out non stop.............
how many profitable ways can a person discover in a year??...

Second question....the market can give u millions with a very small outlay because of compounding factor.....and since he keeps showing projected trade returns that run into 7 figures all the time, how come he still needs to charge 50 to a 150 USD?...and not to forget he peddling coffee mugs and tshirts to supplement that income??...........

Smell a RAT??
HI HI HI HI to all.............

How are u Avery a.k.a THE RUMPLED ONE......

Still in the panhandling business are you?....thought u only did that on ur home turf.........kreslik

U havent given me what I asked of account statement......instead u banned me and another trader who were minding their own business on their own thread teaching newbies how to trade for free using a simple SMA.................

You and ur royal ball polishers like Bredin and Jalarupa ran us out when what we were saying started to make sense and it was clear for all to see that trading is not that hard and you dont need charts with all those flash bangy things you are hawking for 50 dollars a pop.......

So are you still shouting down those who question you by telling them that they are from Yale ( read as stupid ) here in trade 2 win also?....oh its so simple and if u cant see it then you in the wrong business??......

Are you still telling those who point out that ur SL is barely enough to cover spread by saying that traders dont need to pay spread and its all a conspiracy and they need to get a different broker?........

Are u still trading the RAT. i guess you are the RAT. Scamming and stealing from the newbies....most who give up at the end because of con artist like you...........

by the way have you written a user manual for any of ur motherload BS or any of the other crap u code or you still saying its too hard....or too easy that u cant be bothered about it??.........

Well im back ...... and im going to be asking you alot of questions...........

stop cheating and lying and panhandling for a buck Avery.....if u cant trade then go do something else......why u screwing up the hundreds who would like to learn by cheating them of a fair chance??..............

For those who think this guy can help you in anyway, ask yourself the first basic come, if he is profitable, he keeps churning out indicators after indicators year in year out??.........most successful traders have a maximum of two or three systems and here we have a genius from Tucson who keeps churning them out non stop.............
how many profitable ways can a person discover in a year??...

Second question....the market can give u millions with a very small outlay because of compounding factor.....and since he keeps showing projected trade returns that run into 7 figures all the time, how come he still needs to charge 50 to a 150 USD?...and not to forget he peddling coffee mugs and tshirts to supplement that income??...........

Smell a RAT??

Is that Mike or Joe?

"I am not forcing you to accept my concepts. I only request the traders to review the market from time to time keeping in mind my concepts and if found suitable use in the trades or just ignore. Thanks for your opinion."
To my understanding never lose again system provides for every 1h/4h semafor a trading opportunity for the 15m chart. The problem is once the semafor is formed, you have relatively very small time (1-2 minutes) to prepare a trade at the triggerlines presented by the tro_dynamic, so what I have done is once I see a semafor @ 1h/4h, i trade @ 15m's triggers on the 1 minute chart.

Am I doing it wrong? 😉

btw, i have great respect for you TRO , keep it up.
If it works for you, it is not "wrong".

It is better to think in terms of PROFITABLE/NOT PROFITABLE than right/wrong when it comes to trading.
Do you trade the emini s&p 500.

If so do you have some tips on that, I am using the global zen trader and I made a lot during the whole japan thing. But now I can not seem to make a dime.

And I my strategy is the the stupid and simple one, I think thats what you call it.
No, I don't trade emini.

But the tip is to run the statistics on price movement from open to high, open to low, high to close and low to close.
TRO, Good work, and even better attitude!, energy!, and inspiration! THANK YOU.
I'm very new to modern biz of daytrading, and full of dumbarse questions.
I would like to implement 'Buy Zone', speak of in an EA. Can I use metatrader4 to trade US stocks such as AAPL? What broker do i need to use? Data feeds? How to backtest on recent intra-day high resolution data? (get such data? and into metatrader4?)
What is inferior about entering a position that has at least a 60% chance of winning?

It is inferior because it should be between 93% and 97% most of the time. That's what makes 60% inferior.

The problem here, is that anyone having coded an EA of the RAT Rules, already understands why this methodology is inferior, but you keep posting charts on forums all over the internet, as if none of the set-up are losers and that's just plain ole dishonest.

The market trends (on average) less than 38% of the time, TRO. Unless your RAT entry method is joined with trend-reversal AND continuation of that reversal, you lose - period. This should be extremely easy to understand, but for some very odd reason, the Newbie who runs into your stuff online, gets blinded by the massive number of carefully selected photos you post showing nothing but winners, when roughly 62% of the time - that can't possibly be the case given the current state of the RAT Rules.

Now, if you were to change the RAT Rules and add appropriate filters, then the win% goes up, but the signal availability goes down. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but you FAIL to tell the Newbie that fact. It is physically impossible to properly pick a top or a bottom in a SIDEWAYS market and the market is sideways, approximately 62% of the time, absent anomalistic bullish or bearish markets that are typically caused by larger non-standard time-frames breaking into new highs or new lows.

The RAT Rules call for a 10 pip stop and an undefined take profit level, on a 1 bar break-out pattern from within 20 pips of the market extremes - that's it. With that set of parameters, there is absolutely no way to survive without a reversal pattern continuing either Long or Short, to a point where the trader has time to figure out where they should take profits. The problem with that, is the fact that the take profit level is undefined. By definition, that means that it is impossible to optimize profitability - not even remotely possible. And, the undisclosed bi-product of not being able to optimize the take profit level, is the increase in stop levels being encountered on a higher percentage basis, because the trader waited around inside the Kill Box too darn long, not knowing what else to do.


1) Either you are not fully disclosing the RAT Rules in full detail (waiting for the Newbie to make a Donation for more cheese).


2) The RAT Rules are inherently flawed.

Which, is up for you to decide, TRO. Are you selling it - or are you actually trading it. And, if you are trading it, then why not automate?

Your typical response is that you are not an EA coder. Well, guess what. You don't need MQL for a set of parameters as simplistic as the RAT Rules. Instead, you can easily automate the RAT using FX Dialogue's Mexcel Trader and execute your RAT trades directly against the MT4 Server from within Microsoft Excel. So, no more - I can't code an EA - excuses. You no longer need to.

So, what's the reason for not automating this? Do you like sitting in front a computer all day, keying in Entry Orders, Stop Orders and manually stressing out over when to click the mouse to take profit?

This entire thread insults the intelligence of anyone seeking honesty in trading. Now, you've recently found yet another forum (I can't recall the name right now) where you have spammed its server with "NEVER LOSE AGAIN!" balderdash. When does it end with you? When does the Newbie get to stop having to dodge your RAT droppings?

I've said this before and I'll say it again. I have absolutely no problem with your trading method. None what so ever. Who in their right mind would have a problem with trading from the bottom or trading from the top of any market. Nobody has a problem with that, TRO. What I have a problem with are the parameters (trade rules) that you've established for the entry, which the Newbie, doesn't yet know enough to realize just how deceiving and destructive things will get, once they run head first into a horizontal market, wearing a Bullish or Bearish wet suit!

You talk about Draining the Banks. Well, the Newbie Trader will be the one getting drained by a Horizontal Market, when that 62% structure comes whipsawing around the corner, like a Kansas City Tornado with a take no prisoners attitude.

It ain't all up and it ain't all down. And, when she gets sideways, that RAT gets eaten alive.
TRO, Good work, and even better attitude!, energy!, and inspiration! THANK YOU.

I'm very new to modern biz of daytrading, and full of dumbarse questions.
I would like to implement 'Buy Zone', speak of in an EA. Can I use metatrader4 to trade US stocks such as AAPL? What broker do i need to use? Data feeds? How to backtest on recent intra-day high resolution data? (get such data? and into metatrader4?)

You will never get him to produce an EA for the RAT.

Expect to see Elvis Presley, riding shotgun with Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer on Santa's sleigh, before you see an EA come out of TRO for the RAT.