Triggerfish - I responded all in one post, but if you need to break it up again, feel free...
What perspectives are available?
What I meant was, whether you view the truth as good or not depends on your perspective or reaction to it. But one's view or reaction doesn't change the truth, or the value of it, or whether it is good or not. The truth will always be permanently good. But only those who know, accept and embrace it will be able to appreciate it as such. there will be stages here?...if so, they are?
Is this the same here under self realization?
By stages, I assume you are asking if there are progressive levels so to speak. There are primarily 3 stages or levels.
1) Is a person
Hungry enough for the truth to put forth the effort to find and understand it?
2) Is a person
Honest enough to accept the truth, and not continue to lie to themselves
3) Is a person
Humble enough to submit to changes that the truth requires?
So, these are like self-realization categories as no one really knows where they stand with these levels until they test them against the truth. Many will try to find what is permanent without passing these levels/stages, which is not of any lasting benefit to them since it won't result in finding something permanent but would prevent them from looking beyond what is temporary.
Human standpoint.....can you please clarify if it is not the human standpoint, then what standpoint will that be?
It is at the very heart of what is permanent, because not only is it permanent but it is the source of everything permanent. Which again calls to mind the reason why few people can see what is permanent, because they don't recognize the source of what is permanent. If one ignores or dismisses the source of what is permanent, one cannot see or benefit from what ever that source produces that is permanent, as they ignore that too. But if you accept and submit to the source, then you will see that what is permanent is not limited to just one thing, but is an infinite number of things.
So to "know" true morality would be to go beyond human standpoint here?.....
and anything below this is limited knowledge of it as you have stated?
So does knowing true morality means one also knows the truth here at this point?
Yes, but as I mentioned before, just knowing the truth won't necessarily benefit someone, unless they also accept and live their lives by it.
What sort of changes are we talking about here?
It depends on each individual. For most people, there are many changes, and it is not something that is done all at once, but it is progressive. Usually, at first there are a few big changes to make, followed by progressive changes that continue over time. Even after accepting the truth, there will be daily tests of one's adherence to it. Every day one is in danger of losing what is permanent and focusing only on what is temporary. Only if one continues to progressively understand the truth will one keep one's hold on what is permanent and not revert back to what is temporary.
But I would suggest focusing on stages 1 and 2 first, since many focus on stage 3 before completing stages 1 and 2, then what happens is this: They failed to acquire or develop the hunger and honesty necessary to perpetuate their motivation. So, they give up as they are more comfortable with what is temporary.
True morality is not always comfortable, but the reward is priceless and permanent.
So one could know the truth but can also reject it by not accepting it?.....surely one who has the truth has it permanently and if you were to reject it, does that mean it can be rejected so one does not have the truth any more. Is this what you mean?.....if this is the case then truth cannot be permanent here.....please clarify.
Truth can be rejected by anyone, and is rejected by most people. This is proven by the fact that there are so many conflicting beliefs in the world. Rejecting the truth does not change it, though. Believing a lie does not negate the truth. You can do nothing against the truth but only for the truth, in that you cannot change it or get rid of it. In fact, exposing the truth eliminates lies. So, lies can be eliminated.
But if you expose the truth, and someone chooses to believe the lie, does it eliminate the truth? No. It's still the truth and will always be the truth. But if you expose the truth, and someone stops believing the lie because of the truth, then you have confirmed the permanence of the truth. You have also confirmed the temporary nature of the lie, in that it can be eliminated.
The truth cannot be changed, because if you think you have changed it, you really have't changed anything, but exchanged the truth for a lie, but what had been the truth remains unchanged. Lies change all the time, and when they do change, they are still lies, hence lies are not permanent. Only the truth is permanent.