My winning forex Trading Method


Ok here is why I don't believe in so called slow consistent returns when it comes to forex:

Statement: 7349088 - Shon Adams
Statement: 269591 - steve Deyoungg

First example is a scalping method. Second one is a trend following method. It may be very high risk but if you look at the big picture you cannot go wrong. You could start with say only $500 and turn it into $5,000 - $15,000 on just 2-4 good trading days. Yet even if you wiped out your account and lost $500 9 times in a row (very rare) before having a win you would still be $1,000 -$10,000 ahead of the game. It's just like a fight, you want to get in and out as quickly as possible, because the longer you stay in the more likely you are to lose. I have concluded that there is no consistent winning when it comes to forex, so I take full advantage of the profitable days. All those systems which try to focus on slow consistent returns tend to always leave you with more losses then wins in the end. This is because they do not take into account that we are moving forward, and with the current economic disaster the markets are very unstable and becoming more wild every day. Things which used to work well now do not work at all, or they have more losing days then winning. Breakout trading is just one example. This is war and you must be just as aggressive and sour towards the market as it is being towards you if you expect to beat it instead of it beating up you! I have seen stuff the general public has not, and we are on a ticking time bomb. One might say: Gee if you started with just $500 and compounded interest at 20% per month you would be a millionaire in less then 3 years. I don't think we have 3 years left!! There are going to be some major changes and natural disasters, and when it all breaks lose nobody will even be able to trade our current currency.
Have you built your underground bunker yet?

or is that where you are writing this drivel from 🙂 ???
Ok here is why I don't believe in so called slow consistent returns when it comes to forex:

Statement: 7349088 - Shon Adams
Statement: 269591 - steve Deyoungg

First example is a scalping method. Second one is a trend following method. It may be very high risk but if you look at the big picture you cannot go wrong. You could start with say only $500 and turn it into $5,000 - $15,000 on just 2-4 good trading days. Yet even if you wiped out your account and lost $500 9 times in a row (very rare) before having a win you would still be $1,000 -$10,000 ahead of the game. It's just like a fight, you want to get in and out as quickly as possible, because the longer you stay in the more likely you are to lose. I have concluded that there is no consistent winning when it comes to forex, so I take full advantage of the profitable days. All those systems which try to focus on slow consistent returns tend to always leave you with more losses then wins in the end. This is because they do not take into account that we are moving forward, and with the current economic disaster the markets are very unstable and becoming more wild every day. Things which used to work well now do not work at all, or they have more losing days then winning. Breakout trading is just one example. This is war and you must be just as aggressive and sour towards the market as it is being towards you if you expect to beat it instead of it beating up you! I have seen stuff the general public has not, and we are on a ticking time bomb. One might say: Gee if you started with just $500 and compounded interest at 20% per month you would be a millionaire in less then 3 years. I don't think we have 3 years left!! There are going to be some major changes and natural disasters, and when it all breaks lose nobody will even be able to trade our current currency.

Your statements show gambling / not trading