WT, just wanted to probe a little more re. your methodology and how you teach your clients; firstly would you have encouraged them to shadow your trades yesterday on cable, where you took the 8 losing trades in a row (off which TF/indicators/TA we have no information) seemingly casting out a net for general direction?
I'd have thought an educator/vendor would firstly encourage sound MM, particularly where stops are concerned; for example either having a fairly fixed stop on a 10 min TF (perhaps 25-30) or selecting the LL or HH of the session, or the LL HH of the most recent PA (applicable to the TF). And yet you suggest risking no more than 3% per trade, so does that mean that under your guidance 8 losers could = 25% of an account wipe out, trading a single pair, inside a couple of hours? Or would you be suggesting freehand micro managing each day trade, constantly moving stops, targets, and alarmingly in your words "moving the stop to break even as quickly as possible"? I'm no expert, particularly on small (short term) TF trading but I could have only possibly taken two cable trades yesterday from 8am to 3pm (UK time) utilising my basic methodolgy, I can see absolutely no explanation as to why anyone (of experience) would take eight..
Also you state that you are a vendor, vendors generally have something to sell, often folk new to this forum will pick vendor badge because they feel it gives them a sense of importance or self worth, a badge of authority so to speak, but surely to be a vendor you have to have something to sell in your virtual shop, I see no website offering even old fangled voip, I see no audited trading history on a website, no acknowlegdements or testaments from current or past satisfied customers...? How can anyone vet your worth as a mentor, or track record and suitability to teach without *goods* to look at? You surely realise and respect the enormity of the task involved in order to be considered a thorough, proven and professional mentor for the trading community?
Also the phrase consistently profitable, I can't gauge your profitability but what we can ascertain is that you are unreliable and inconsistent. If you are to day trade and offer free help in the first instance, and in return for fees in the second phase, do you not think you should at least be on this forum at 6:45 letting folk know that your'e ready to rock and roll and take advantage of any morning break-outs that may manifest?
Finally there used to be a guy here called Dan Armitage, nice lad Dan. He created a site/concept/business called fx500club. I joined the club for a few months and iirc the cost was 80-100 quid per month...They were up and ready to do business, take the trades etc from 6:30 onwards, generally looking for 2 sessions on the majors in the day. IMHO in terms of value for money they were great value, can't speak for it now, havn't popped my head in for a year or so, but it may be worth you popping your head in if that's the route you want to go down..
Similarly you could try Phil Newton, flys under the radar, teaches PA, doesn't have a bad rep..if you traded with both or either of those 2 guys for a year or so you could then come to a decision as to whether or not you are a fit and proper person to mentor and educate others, whether you have the time, the self discipline and are even in the first instance prepared to spend a small amount of cash to build a credible web presence. Similar to fx500club or Phil Newton you could then, in a dignified manner, (as opposed to calling threads out on a forum), pay for a a banner ad on T2W to potentially sell your service to new clients...