But still good job on that 50pip trade. I am having a 50% win rate but struggling to run my profit and it seems like I am better at running my losers 👎
I need to do something with that...
its a very difficult trade off
If you have your stop really tight at say 2 -4 pips - then it might mean until you have done a few thousand scalps - you end up with a lower win ratio - ie under 60%
If you have say stops at 10 -15 pips - you can still have a 75% win ratio - BUT lose money..
So keep practicing entries - allow the 3-5 pip entry stops - but if you only see it go your way say 3-4 pips - and then pullback - dont let it go back and stop you out.
With regards to letting trades turn into swings with stops in profit - if you look at any pair on a normal day - there will be only say 3-6 trades worth taking for over say 20 + pips
So if you take 20 trades - then maybe then only a small percentage of your winners make the 20 + pips
But if you take 20 trade - have say 7 losses of 4 pips - ie minus 28 and then on your 13 winners have 3 over 20 + pips and have 5 only 3 pips and another 5 only 8 pips - you end up with over 85 pips - and thats a great tally
If you only take say 5 -7 trades then you either have to be very lucky - and catch good runners or end up maybe with only break even or say 15 -25 pips
It's a number game - but you need the numbers in your favour - very few gurus or mentors talk about this - its as though they dont think its possible
I can assure you it is