my journal

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Well, funny thing. I can't sleep either. (Has something to do with the cold I've got no doubt... blocked nose etc. Sucks.) Anyway, sorry to hear you "relapsed". You know what to do about it so I'll not say anything more. 😉

Anyway I'll try and go sleep now.
Good morning. I hope you slept enough. I got 7 hours of sleep.

Bad news for me: losing 1700 dollars on the ZN and I am not going to close it, unlike what I said yesterday. Long way to go... long way to go. For me to get away from my gambling. Or maybe not: maybe I just need to not double up when I'm losing and I'll be ok. The fact is that today I am losing 1700.
Hi travis, g'morning.
Is ZN the 10yr US Treasury Notes? Futures or options?
Are you short it?
I think it goes similar to my SPY adventure yesterday and today.
Do NOT add to losing positions

The key of my problem is that I must not get into situations where the loss will be so big that I won't be able to get out. Yesterday the ZN was losing 300, and I said to myself: if it made sense for my systems to go LONG 300 dollars above, then it will even make more sense for me to go LONG now. And I did. Then, when I was losing 700 dollars, I said: it makes even more sense to go LONG now so let's go LONG a third contract. Now my loss is 1500 dollars, and this situation is typical of how I've blown out my account in the past.

In short, I must not add to losing positions so much that my loss will keep me from getting out of a trade. Now I am ****ed. I know that if I get home, I will add more positions to my trade. And this time, as 90% of the times, it might even work out, but one of these days it will not work out (the martingal method) and my account will be wiped out, as 30 times before.

If ZN doesn't go up in the next 10 hours, I will have to take this 1500 dollars loss, or even bigger maybe. I suck.
With a 10% chance of blowing out my account... I have no future.

It doesn't matter if this wonderful martingale method guarantees that I have 90% of winners in all situations except a 10% of situations where I will blow out my account, because:

A trader who has a 10% chance of blowing out his account does not have a future.
A trader who has a 10% chance of blowing out his account does not have a future.
A trader who has a 10% chance of blowing out his account does not have a future.
A trader who has a 10% chance of blowing out his account does not have a future.
A trader who has a 10% chance of blowing out his account does not have a future.
A trader who has a 10% chance of blowing out his account does not have a future.
A trader who has a 10% chance of blowing out his account does not have a future.
A trader who has a 10% chance of blowing out his account does not have a future.
A trader who has a 10% chance of blowing out his account does not have a future.
A trader who has a 10% chance of blowing out his account does not have a future.

When will I get this simple idea into my stupid head? When?! When!!!!!???

Yesterday, I unconsciously said to myself: hey, it's very unlikely that it won't go my way... so let's do it. But even a 5% chance of it not going your way, if you bet your entire capital on it, is lethal (by definition).

You get this, you moron?!
Losing more and more... margin call in a few minutes... hopefully this time I'll learn my lesson.
This is terrible... the ZN is actually losing more and more... terrible... disaster...
I've got 6 contracts open in the meanwhile... to try and recover from losses faster... terrible...
Ok, I am going for my bath. It either goes up or I'll end up losing about 2000 dollars, but nonetheless I will keep open all contracts I can. I'm in denial about the loss... it's terrible... can't control it anymore... just praying, or not even that... just hoping and saying "**** it"...
Forex and correlated seem to be turning downwards again, so maybe there still is a hope. Margin call is in 20 minutes. If it catches me in the red it will hurt more of course. I mean, hopefully the ZN will go up a bit before some of my contracts get closed.

Now I'll go. No point in suffering in vain. If it will do whatever it will do, regardless of my hoping.
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